Saturday, September 5, 2009



In observation of National Yoga Month September 2009, the Yoga Health Foundation calls for individuals, families, communities and businesses to join in a national mind body fitness movement focusing on prevention and creating a healthy lifestyle.

The Yoga Health Foundation, a nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, CA, was founded by Johannes Fisslinger as a mind body fitness movement to inspire families and communities throughout the nation to live a healthier lifestyle.

National Yoga Month is a campaign to educate and inspire youth and adults to take responsibility for their health by focusing on prevention and living a healthy lifestyle. Yoga Month provides the perfect opportunity to create positive lifestyle changes for yourself and your family.

Yoga is a scientific system of physical and mental practices including various postures (exercises) that involve deep breathing, body movement, meditation and relaxation. The scientifically proven benefits of yoga are numerous, including increased flexibility, reduction of stress, strengthened immune system, enhanced respiration, improved brain function, reduction of inflammation and pain associated with arthritis and other chronic conditions, and a decrease in hypertension.

Based on a survey conducted by Yoga Journal, over 15 Million people from all walks of life are practicing yoga in the US; another 15-25 million have expressed an interest in trying yoga. There is a yoga style that is appropriate for everyone, including children, teens, special needs individuals, business professionals, pregnant women, and seniors.

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