Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fat Burning, Body Sculpting Do-at-Home Exercise Tips

Fat Burning, Body Sculpting Do-at-Home Exercise Tips

If you want to get more results in less time from do-at-home exercise, you absolutely must follow some simple, but very effective workout tips.

Exercising at home provides numerous benefits:
1) You don't have to waste money on a gym membership
2) You don't have to waste time driving back and forth from the gym
3) You can get more results in less time, without any workout equipment

However, if you the best results possible, you must choose the right exercises, use the proper training techniques, use enough intensity, and constantly improve your performance.

Let's look at each workout tip in more detail before getting to the sample workout.

1) Choose the right exercises: this is by far the most critical point to get right. If you spend your time performing exercises that don't elevate your metabolism, burn body fat, and build lean muscle, then you will not get great results.
When trying to decide which exercises to use, always go for the ones that allow you to use the most muscle at one time. These exercises will help you transform your body in a fraction of the time compared to traditional gym exercises done with machines.

2) Use the proper training techniques: to get more results in less time, it is strongly recommended that you perform bodyweight circuits. What this means is that you'll perform anywhere from two or more exercises one right after the other with little to no rest.
This style of training has numerous advantages: you will get your workout done in a much shorter period of time, you will jack up your fat burning furnace to full blast, and these workouts will be more conducive to building lean muscle.
Furthermore, you can also change the speed at which you perform repetitions. For instance, you can perform your reps as fast as possible while maintaining perfect form. Other times you can perform the reps very slow and controlled. This is great for adding variety and a new training stimulus so you don't get bored or hit the dreaded plateau.

3) Use enough intensity: this is another mistake a lot of people make. They will perform a few push-ups, rest a minute or so, do some crunches, rest, and then maybe do a few lunges on each leg. That is not training with intensity.
Training with an elevated level of intensity will, once again, help you get much greater results in less time. Instead of performing a few reps of each exercise and taking long rest periods, choose challenging exercises and move at a quick pace.
For instance: perform a set of push-ups as fast as possible, and then perform a set of bodyweight squats as fast as possible. Follow that up with some inverted rows and jumping jacks and you will have a great workout.

4) Constantly improve your performance to get more results from your workouts: you should never do the exact same thing twice. If you want your body to keep burning fat, building lean muscle, and all together transform, you must constantly expose it to new levels of stress.
This can be accomplished in several ways:
-Perform more reps of each exercise
-Choose more difficult exercises
-Do more work in the same time (perform more circuits in the same time period)
-Decrease the rest periods
There are other ways to improve your performance, but those are some of the most effective.
Now it's time for the sample fat burning, body sculpting workout that you can do at home without any equipment.
Sample Workout:
-Jump Squats x 10
-Elevated push-ups x 12
-Inverted Rows x 12
-Crossover lunges x 10 each leg
-Mountain Climbers x 10 each leg

You have two options for how to perform this workout:
1) Perform that circuit taking minimal rest periods a total of three to six times
2) Perform that circuit as many times as possible in a set period of time; example, 10-20 minutes.

To create your own at home exercise workouts, make sure you follow the four workout principles, and you will be on your way to getting more body transforming results in less time.

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