Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Easy Weight Loss Tips

Easy Weight Loss Tips

Do you want to lose weight quickly and easily? You're not alone. Do you keep weighing yourself every day, maybe twice a day hoping that somehow those five pounds have miraculously disappeared? Most of us have, at one time or the other, tried different fad diets. And they worked, at least for a little while. The weight came off but just as quickly piled right back on again as soon as you returned to your normal eating patterns.

This yo-yo, up and down of loss and gain is common to many people trying to lose weight. It can be frustrating. Unfortunately some people gain back not only what they've lost but an extra pound or two.
However, there are three easy weight loss tips:
1. There is nothing original about this tip, but it is the most accepted one - exercise. At least five 30 minute exercise sessions a week should help you to take some weight off regularly and maintain it as well. It will be easier to stick to it if you identify an activity you enjoy such as aerobics or working out at the gym. Additional weight training is also beneficial.The exercise doesn't have to be strenuous. Don't think you have to work up a sweat. A solid walking program can be as effective as a can do it. It also doesn't have to be all at one time. 10 minutes three times a day works just as well as 30 minutes all at once. Sometimes it's easier to squeeze in 10 minutes in a hectic schedule.If you're really strapped for time and don't think you can fit in extra exercise look at your daily schedule and see what you can change. For example if you take the bus to work, get off a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Park at the edge of the parking lot. Take a change of shoes to work and walk on your lunch hour.
2. Keep a record of every thing you eat each day. Write down what you eat, the portion sizes and calories consumed or carbs, if that's what you're watching. Make a note of how you feel. Are you bored? Just had an argument with a co-worker, or have to complete a task you don't like. Writing will help you identify the food eating triggers involved, how to recognize them and cope with them. You will be better able to deal with your cravings and control your diet as your level of awareness increases.
3. Keep track of the amounts of high fat foods you consume. The number of calories may be the same as in certain proteins and carbohydrates but fat is far more difficult to burn. This does not mean that you can eat unlimited amounts of fat free foods since fat free foods can have just as many calories as any thing else. Fat takes less effort for your body to digest and is already in a storable form.
These three easy weight loss tips should prove to be useful to you.

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