Saturday, September 12, 2009

Teen Bodybuilding Routine

Teen Bodybuilding Routine

Teens are usually fixated by how to schedule training sessions in such a way that they can achieve the maximal intensity necessary for optimal growth. In most times, teens work with hectic days where schooling is integrated with responsibilities assigned by the family. Very little of a teen's day is left entirely for him or her. The beginning point is therefore to find time within every day when he or she is free and watching TV or just strolling around.

Ideally this would be time when he or she is not in school or doing something else which he or she has less control about. Then the teenager should inform and convince the family about his or her engagement in training so that the family can understand the need, offer needed support and then allow the teenager to be scheduling for his or her training accordingly.

After that, the teen should determine the number of days to train. It is at this stage the question of how many days to train arises. In the start of a training program, a teenager should schedule for intensive training in any three days of every week, allowing a day in between each of the training day for rest and recovery. Ideally, if the teen gets into the intermediate and advanced training level, then he or she can schedule for four to five days of training ensuring that each muscle or muscle group trained in one session is given 48 hours of rest and recovery before it is trained again.

This is actually the reason why most body builders, even those on advanced training levels, opt for three days of training per week so that each body part that is trained is then allowed enough time to fully recover. Actually among teen body builders, training one muscle group a week is ideal and enough to trigger optimal growth. As such, the teenager can schedule for training sessions on Monday, Tuesday and then Friday.

To isolate the body parts trained in that one week, the teenager can for instance decide to train the chest, the biceps and also the abs on Monday. On Tuesdays the teenager can then train the back, the calves and the shoulders. Finally, on Friday he or she can train the quads, the hams, the triceps and then the abs again.

Now what remains is to determine the length of each training session. Ideally, each of workout session should last for at most hour and not ever more than 90 minutes. It is better to train for forty five minutes and then rest for a single minute between the sets so that 48 minutes sessions are possible. This time is more than enough to get into optimal growth rate and gains as long as maximal intensity is reached within those 45 minutes of training. With this kind of plan, then teenager body builder is ready to hit the gym, where nothing short of consistence and persistence will be required.

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