Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Exercises For a Flat Stomach That Burn Belly Fat Fast

Exercises For a Flat Stomach That Burn Belly Fat Fast

The six pack is the ultimate quest for the gym goer. He or she is influence by the hottest celebrity or magazine model. So like any other person they begin their exercise routine by running for countless amount of miles. Mile after mile, day after day, they realize that the results are minimal. Yes they are gaining endurance and stamina, but the quest for that flat stomach seems like a dream in a fantasy world.

The Truth About Cardio
Many people use cardio as the main weapon to fight a flabby stomach. Cardio does work, but if you use it the right way it can work even faster. Most people think that the longer they run the faster they will lose weight. This is nothing more than a misconception that has been embedded in the minds of people. Running will do nothing more than build your endurance and stamina. Don't get me wrong this is a good thing, but if you want fast results, going for long runs will not help.

Instead, give interval training a try. In case you don't know, interval training is a short burst of energy followed by a long rest. If you were doing running intervals then you would run for 30 seconds and jog slowly for 1 and a half minutes. This is 1 interval. For an effective interval workout you would need to complete 4-6 intervals. Your workout should be no longer than 20 minutes.

Not only is your interval session short but you only need to do them 3 times a week to see amazing results!

The Truth About Weight Lifting
Depending on how you use weight lifting, it can be a very beneficial fat burner. Muscle is the only thing that burns fat day in and day out. Muscle will not only help you burn fat faster but it will also give shape and definition to your body. Without the right amount of muscle your body will appear shapeless and unhealthy.

So if your thinking that cardio will be enough, think again! A six pack is accomplished with a combination of interval training and weight lifting.

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