Basic Bodybuilding to Gain Muscle
There are a huge amount of muscle building programs out there. Gaining serious muscle will involve using methods that will get you there as quickly as possible.The general rule in life is that the more of something that you do, the better you will get at it. The theory is that practice will get you better results.
However when it comes to gaining muscle, the exact opposite is true for the vast majority of us.Each time you pick a magazine up all you see is bodybuiders who will tell you that to get muscles like them you have to train nearly everyday of the week. When we see there huge muscles we think if we follow their advice, we will get the same results.
Unfortunately this is a mistaken assumption. Bodybuilders are built differently from birth. They are genetically gifted. These men don't need as much rest to recover after training. Don't think that we can use their methods of training.You need to accept this situation before you can start to gain muscle the correct way.
A lot of people make the mistake of training too much when it comes to gaining extra muscle. Cut back on your training now if this is what you are doing.You will be able to see some pretty impressive results in muscle gain, in around 8 weeks, if you follow 2 simple rules.
1. Don't overdo the amount of weight you train with. Don't think about what others are lifting. You know it's working for you when you find it challenging. Your training should consist of exercises that hit larger muscle groups. These methods hit the most muscle with one exercise. Squats are good for this.
2. Don't train more than a couple of times a week. Believe me this is a far better way for you to gain muscle. Intense training does not only hit your muscles, but it also hits your entire nervous system. Yout nervous system may not have recovered, even if your muscles have.
If your nervous system has not recovered, giving it further punishment through training, means it will be hard to cope. Without the recovery you can't build up any muscle. When you've finished your training session have 3 days break. 2 days if you want.
Just see how your body feels during this time.
ReplyDeleteApart from really getting into a gym and lifting some weights, diet is the single biggest reason folks struggle to gain muscle mass fast. If you don't eat enough you can't expect any serious growth, period. Plenty of protein, the building blocks of muscle mass, is critical to success in your muscle gain efforts.