Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Weight Lifting Workout Plan

Weight Lifting Workout Plan
A weight lifting workout plan is actually a combination of exercises targeting certain muscle groups, in sets and repetitions. Before you start weight lifting, it is important that you get yourself examined by a physician first, and then proceed with what you have in mind.
About Weight Lifting Workout Plan Let us first understand that there is no magic wand which is going to work. The most common mistake people make is that they expect too much too soon, therefore, they do too much too fast. It is important to note that your body did not transform into its present shape and size, overnight. As it is correctly said Patience is a virtue. The golden rule that you must follow when you select your weight lifting workout routine, is that muscle building involves a balance in the amount of stress given to the muscles of the body, hence, you should carefully split your workout to avoid the over development of any muscle.
Tips for Best Weight Lifting Workouts
Here are some of the basic tips which should be taken into consideration, while you design your weight lifting workout chart. It is advisable to work the biceps and back in one workout schedule. One weight lifting workout schedule should comprise of chest, shoulders and triceps exercises. All the back exercises in addition to the back muscle also develop the biceps. The triceps are developed through chest and shoulder exercises. Therefore, you should take precaution when you split your workout. The upper body workout should consist of a workout that includes the chest, shoulder, biceps, triceps and back. Quads, hamstring and calves should be incorporated in the lower body workout.
It is advised that weight training should be practiced intensively, only three days a week. On alternate days you can undertake some aerobic exercises and rest for one day. The resting day should be free of any kind of exercises. This day will help your body heal and rejuvenate itself for the coming week. Try and make your weight lifting workout sheet in such a manner that you exercise the abs on the day you do the lower body workout.
Tips on Repetitions
Most weight lifting workout plans suggest that the major muscles of the upper body should be alternatively trained with the major muscles of the lower body. This should especially be followed, while preparing a beginner's weight lifting workout plan.
Pick up one exercise for the upper body and perform 5 sets of this exercise. The number of repetitions in the first set should be 12. For the second set reduce the repetitions to 10, however, increase the weight. Now increase the weight again and reduce the repetitions to 8. Perform 6 repetitions for the second last set, however, increase the weight again. Now for the last set. Reduce the weight and do 12 repetitions. As soon as you finish the last set, do a set of 12 counts of another exercise for the same muscle group. In between the first four sets rest for a minute and then continue. Do the last two sets without any break. After you complete the exercises for one muscle group, relieve your muscles by taking a break of 2 minutes. This pattern should be repeated fives times while training the upper body, and four times for the lower body.

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