Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Flatten Your Stomach

Flatten Your Stomach
1. Lower your carbohydrate intake: Now, before you go shaking your head saying oh no, not another high protein diet, take another look. It says lower your carbohydrates, not do away with them. The first reason high protein diets are not good for you is they often don't give you sufficient vegetable intake. We need the nutrients supplied by eating vegetables and even some fruits. But keep in mind, most fruits are high in sugar and most of the vitamins and minerals you get from fruit can be supplied by a vegetable lower in carbohydrates. Berries are a much better fruit choice than most any other type.
By reducing your carbohydrate intake, you should be able to drop weight quickly, without having to give up lots of your favorite foods. Look for low carbohydrate alternatives to the things you like to eat. Don't be confused, just because it says low sugar, doesn't mean its low carb. Check those labels carefully!
But there are several things to learn if you want to know how to flatten your stomach. The first was how to get rid of stomach fat - which you should be able to do by lowering your carbohydrate intake. The second thing you need to do is increase your fiber. The soft belly bulge in your stomach may be fat, but the hard protruding belly is not. It's waste matter you've failed to get rid of due to the lack of fiber in your diet. (Which is another reason high protein diets are not good for you - they lack fiber.)
2. Increase your fiber intake: No amount of dieting or exercise will get rid of that hard belly bulge; you have unless you increase your fiber. There are a number of ways to increase the fiber in your diet and loads of reasons why it's a good idea. Not only will that lovely fiber help you lose that unsightly belly, it will also help you lower your cholesterol level and avoid certain cancers. (How's that for packing a punch.) By increasing the number of vegetables you eat each day you will immediately increase your fiber intake. And if there just isn't enough time in the day or room in the tummy for enough veggies to get the 30 to 35 grams of fiber you need each day, there is always Metamucil and other fiber supplements.
3. One quick and easy belly exercise: I for one really don't like to do stomach exercise. And though I love other forms of exercise, stomach exercise is my least favorite. Here is an exercise that packs a punch but is quick, easy and you can do no matter where you are, as many times a day as you want.
Take a deep breath, and then exhale, tightening the muscles of your stomach and abdomen as tightly as you can. Hold the muscles taut for count of ten and then relax the muscles. This exercise is so easy, and convenient to perform you can even do them as you're sitting at your desk at work or while sitting at the stop light on the way home.

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