Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Total Body Workout

Total Body Workout

As you can tell by the name, total body workout, this type of workout program focuses on training the whole body each time you work out. It could be an aerobic class or a weight training session that completes your total workout as long as the whole body is involved.

A total body workout could be either a circuit training program or a combination of aerobic movements like jumping jacks or step ups in between weight sets. When doing a total body workout, you should start with the bigger muscle groups such as the legs and work your way up towards your back and chest muscle groups. Then continue on to shoulders, arms and last but not least abs. Whether you perform a total body workout all alone or in a group, the same principle applies as far as what muscles to train first.

The reason you would want to start with legs, is that it takes more energy for your body to train the bigger muscle groups then the smaller ones. A muscle or body part that is closer to the heart also takes less oxygenized and energy for your body to train due to how far the heart has to pump the fresh oxygenized blood to the muscle that is being trained. Supplying the legs with fresh blood takes a lot more work since the blood has to travel a greater distance from the heart delivering oxygen to the muscles then from the heart to for example your triceps.

If you are doing cardio on the treadmill you can convert your workout into a total body workout by adding upper body and abs to the session after your power walk on the treadmill.

There are so many different ways of performing a total body workout but how you choose to do it really doesn't matter as long as all the different muscle groups of your body get to work.
There are also home gyms available on the market that claim they give you a total body workout however you still need to have the basic knowledge of how to exercise the proper way.
womens workout is more beneficial than men's regarding an overall total body workout because of the conditioning effect this kind of set up gives your body. In the aerobics total body workout classes, light weights are used and high repetitions, which is the ultimate fitness regime to tone and shape a woman's body.

Swimming is another example of a total body workout. All the muscles get to perform while swimming and even though it's not resistance training per se the water does provide you with some resistance and it is still a great alternative to walking and jogging in terms of total body workouts. If you choose to train by the total body workout system make sure you get plenty of recovering time before you train through your whole body again. Give yourself a day of rest in between each workout session. Alternate with stretch and perhaps yoga to keep your flexibility and prevent any injuries to your body.

Each total body workout should not be longer in time then 60-90 minutes including stretch and warm up exercises. Going beyond 90 minutes in time per workout puts your muscles in a catabolic state and has a reverse effect on your attempt to get stronger and healthier.

Total body workouts are more suited for the person whose goal is to improve their overall health, tone and firm their body or trying to lose weight. This type of workout is not meant for the serious bodybuilder or anybody trying to put size and build muscle.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Weight Lifting Diet

Weight Lifting Diet

Almost as important as hitting the weights themselves is the diet that you have while working on a weight lifting program. Consider the following when planning out your workout diet.

A training program is nothing if you aren't eating the right foods. Not only will you be taking in all the calories that you just lost, but also without a proper eating program you will find yourself exhausted when trying to workout. This is why your diet is nearly as important as your training.
By eating healthier foods, you can take in the same amount of important nutrients and energy supplying foods without adding heavy calories. Your muscle training is used to build muscle to replace the dwindling fat. If you are dedicated to the cause and keep a consistent program running, you will see results after some time. Don't be discouraged if you can't lift very heavy weights right away, or even if you can't lift them after a couple weeks. Results don't come instantly. By following the program, you will eventually notice the changes.

Your diet should be planned correctly. Junk food and alcohol won't do your muscle building program any good. Quality lean proteins from chicken and fish are much better. Complex carbohydrates from potatoes and rice will do you more good than fatty dairy products ever could. If you eat a lot while training, you will get bigger, but if you eat right while training, your muscles will be growing even as your fat stays the same or shrinks.

The general rule is 1 gram of protein per of pound of bodyweight should be taken daily. It may even be better to take 1.5 grams, for an added energy boost. Protein shakes are a great way to reach this daily requirement.

Try taking 2 or 3 grams of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight when you begin your training. To gain more weight, increase your intake of carbs. The opposite is true, because taking in less calories will decrease your weight. Find the right balance for you. Drink lots of water and take vitamins. After some time, you will be able to fine tune you diet so you can make your body look exactly the way you want it to!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Eat Out and Lose Weight

Eat Out and Lose Weight

Diners have become more health-conscious the last few years, and now want healthy choices whether eating at home or at their favorite restaurants. Luckily, the restaurant industry has been quick to accommodate the demand, so you'll find you have many options to "eat healthy" these days.

Whether you're eating at home or dining out, the same rules for watching your weight apply. You need to eat more vegetables, fruit and whole grains. Choose smaller portions of lean meats, fish and poultry. Eat a variety of foods, and fresh, raw foods are better. Cut back on salt, sugar, saturated fats and alcohol. Drink plenty of water, and include exercise every day as part of your daily lifestyle choice.

So whether you're having lunch with the gang, or enjoying a romantic dinner for two, you can enjoy delicious-tasting foods that are low-in calories and good for you, with just a little forethought and planning.

Here are some easy tips to remember when ordering out that will help you to lose weight even when eating at your favorite restaurants:

1. If you know the menu from the restaurant you're going to, plan what you're going to have ahead of time. This will help save you from making a last minute decision that could result in high-calorie choices.
2. Drink at least one full-glass of water or iced tea before eating your meal. This helps your digestive process, and, because you'll feel full sooner, you will eat less.
3. Don't be afraid to ask for the "senior citizen" special or kid's-sized portions. Most restaurants will accommodate you -- and often you'll pay less as well!
4. Order first. That way you're much less likely to be influenced by the choices of your companions.
5. If you're not sure how something is prepared, don't be afraid to ask. And if the dish is cooked in oil or butter, you can always ask if they have a "fat free" option.

6. If everything on the menu is high in fat or calories, ask if the chef could prepare a plate of fresh fruit and vegetables. Many restaurants offer a vegetarian selection, so if you don't see it on the menu, ask.
7. When ordering meat or fish, ask that it be grilled or broiled, and prepared without oil or butter. (When you eat it, use lemon or herbs and spices to give it flavor rather than heavy sauces).
8. Order an appetizer and a salad as your meal. Or a soup and salad. For dessert, choose fresh fruit.
9. When choosing soup, remember that cream-based soups have many more calories than broth-based ones.
10. If you're having a full meal, split the appetizer and desert with your companion.

11. If you decide to order pasta, tomato sauce has fewer calories than cream-based sauces, just like soup.
12. Choose breadsticks over bread, or if you eat bread, don't add butter. Stay away from muffins and croissants, and choose whole grain over white.
13. Choose steamed vegetables instead of baked potatoes or other starches. Again, use lemon and herbs and spices rather than butter to flavor them with.
14. Whenever possible, eat like the Europeans do, and have your biggest meal at lunchtime. Not only will you save money, but you'll cut down on calories at the same time!
15. Take the time to enjoy your meal. Savor the flavors and textures of your food, and enjoy the company you're with. When you eat slowly, you give your body's internal clock the time it needs to know when you've had enough. When you're full, stop eating. Ask your server to remove your plate so you're not tempted to keep eating while you wait for your companion to finish.

16. Ask for salsa on your baked potatoes, rather than sour cream and butter. Not only is salsa much lower in calories, but it adds a "spicy" flavor to potatoes.
17. Order salad dressings and sauces "on the side." This gives you more control of how much to use. Another tip for salad dressing -- rather than pouring the salad dressing on your salad, dip your fork into the dressing first, and then into the salad. You'll get the same amount of flavor, without all the added calories!
18. Choose brown rice over white rice (or french fries), whole grain breads and rolls over white. Not only are they lower in calories, but they are better for you.
19. Stay away from "all you can eat" buffets and salad bars. It's too easy to lose track of the amount of food you're eating, even when it's salads. If that's your only choice, then stay away from the pasta, marinated salads, cheeses and fruit salads with whipped cream. Stick to soups, raw vegetables and fresh fruits.
20. Have your soup first. It will help to fill you up, and most soups have fewer calories.

21. If you're craving something sweet, and don't want fresh fruit, choose sorbet. If you absolutely HAVE to have the chocolate sauce, use the same trick as you did with the salad dressing -- dip your fork into it first, then your dessert.
22. Split your dessert with your companion. You'll still feel like you got to be indulgent, and you'll only have to exercise half as long to
burn off the extra calories!
23. When ordering sandwiches, order them with mustard only, rather than mayonnaise. Not only does mustard have almost no calories, but you won't miss the mayo!
24. If the portion you were served is large, only eat half of it. Take the other half home. Not only will you get two meals for the price of one, but you'll cut the calories in half as well!
25. Go for a walk after eating. Stroll along the beach, walk through a park, visit a zoo. You'll
burn calories and get your exercise at the same time!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Body Fitness & Strength

Body Fitness & Strength

You may think fitness means going to the gym everyday after school. However, there are many different forms of physical fitness. It's not important what you do to stay fit, it's important that you do it regularly.If you are physically fit, you are free from illness, and able to function efficiently and effectively, to enjoy leisure, and to cope with emergencies.

The Health-related components of physical fitness include body composition, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, muscular endurance, and muscle strength. Skill-related components include agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed.

Then Popular exercise methods include jogging, cycling, and the use of body-building machines. It is more important that periods of sleep be regular and restful than that they extend any fixed number of hours. A properly balanced diet in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals is essential. Conscientious dental hygiene and periodic checkups are also strongly advised. Complete and regular physical examinations should be the basis of any program of physical development.

Saturday, September 26, 2009



When a body is fit, it can handle the everyday stresses of life and helps maintain both physical and mental health. A fit body requires proper diet, regular exercise, and habits of moderation. Nutrition involve providing the body with the nutrients it needs to be healthy. To do this, we need to consumer the appropriate foods, vitamins, and minerals.

Being fit also means have good spiritual health. When all the bodys processes function at the peak levels, we say a body is fit. It takes more than simply going to the gym taking occasional walks in the park.Physical exercise has an important role in keeping the body fit. It is not possible to have a fit body without performing regular physical exercise.

While the idea of body fitness generally is thought to involve mostly weight and heart health requirements.However, we need to think about other organs as well as the heart. They are just as important as that organ. Performing physical exercise every day provides benefits to the entire body. It helps to restore what has been depleted during the course of daily living and ensures that the body is adequately supplied with what it needs to function in a healthy fashion.

We need to educate ourselves about the appropriate things to do to keep our bodies fit over the entirety of our lifetimes. It is not possible to abuse a body for years and then hope that a last-minute effort toward bodily health will correct everything that may be wrong with it. It is not possible to create bodily fitness overnight.

Becoming fit takes time and patience, and commitment. It is important that we pay attention to each part of the body and the body as a whole to maintain proper fitness. Since every part of the body works in conjunction with every other part, it is critical that all parts are healthy and maintained by receiving what they need.

The human body is better designed than any machine ever invented, and it is more complex and powerful than any manufactured equipment available.It is capable of taking large amounts of abuse while continuing to operate fairly well. Even if its daily requirements in regard to nutrition are not met for several days, it can continue to function.

When we decided to care for our bodies as they should be taken care of, we then are treating them as the temples of the spirit that they are. They contain our minds and souls, and when bodies are fit, all three of these elements do their jobs well.



To avoid spending a huge amount of money for your health care, you need to keep your body healthy and fit. Books, videos and even any programs that help you maintain your body without compromising your food intake. You just need to decide and find out which routine or process is the best for you. It also helps to have a healthy appetite because food is the fuel of the body.

When you eat nutritious food, the body becomes stronger.Eating junk food is not good when you do it all the time. By the name itself, these foods make your body less likely to be okay. There is no nutritional value in it and it might only cause more health problems with the many preservatives added to ensure longer shelf life. When you eat many junk foods, you will find yourself seeking for health care services sooner than you expected. Availing such services entails money and the money you spend for it can be used for more things that are important. More so, not everyone has spare money to go and see the doctor so some individuals opt for alternative medicine with the hope of recovering.Still, the best thing to avoid health care is taking care of your body by exercising. It also increases your stamina in doing your daily activities and some occasions wherein your strength is challenged. They say, building up your physical strength is not that hard do to especially if you are disciplined and determined to achieve whatever you have in mind.

People become couch potatoes because they consider exercising as a waste of time. They can still do some exercising even though they are watching the television. There is already equipment that can be used in keeping the body fit without hassle.You can start by brisk walking either early in the morning or late in the afternoon. You can always wear your sweat pants so that you will be comfortable doing it.

At least 30 minutes of brisk walking is enough when you just started. When you get the hang of it, try doing it a bit longer and at a faster pace. You will see that your muscles gets firmed up and you will see less sagging on the arm area. With a little help of weights, you can totally eliminate those unwanted fat and continue to build up your body.Nevertheless, before you engage in such consult your doctor first. For example, if you have asthma you can ask your doctor as to what activities you can do to build up your body strength without triggering an attack.

Starting from a less strenuous activity is better rather than doing some rigorous activities that might even endanger your life. Being and keeping healthy needs commitment because without it, you are throwing away your life before it even starts. Keeping away from unhealthy food is one of the best things you can do for your body

. Nevertheless, eating some of such in small proportions is okay too.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Basic Bodybuilding to Gain Muscle

Basic Bodybuilding to Gain Muscle

There are a huge amount of muscle building programs out there. Gaining serious muscle will involve using methods that will get you there as quickly as possible.The general rule in life is that the more of something that you do, the better you will get at it. The theory is that practice will get you better results.

However when it comes to gaining muscle, the exact opposite is true for the vast majority of us.Each time you pick a magazine up all you see is bodybuiders who will tell you that to get muscles like them you have to train nearly everyday of the week. When we see there huge muscles we think if we follow their advice, we will get the same results.

Unfortunately this is a mistaken assumption. Bodybuilders are built differently from birth. They are genetically gifted. These men don't need as much rest to recover after training. Don't think that we can use their methods of training.You need to accept this situation before you can start to gain muscle the correct way.

A lot of people make the mistake of training too much when it comes to gaining extra muscle. Cut back on your training now if this is what you are doing.You will be able to see some pretty impressive results in muscle gain, in around 8 weeks, if you follow 2 simple rules.

1. Don't overdo the amount of weight you train with. Don't think about what others are lifting. You know it's working for you when you find it challenging. Your training should consist of exercises that hit larger muscle groups. These methods hit the most muscle with one exercise. Squats are good for this.

2. Don't train more than a couple of times a week. Believe me this is a far better way for you to gain muscle. Intense training does not only hit your muscles, but it also hits your entire nervous system. Yout nervous system may not have recovered, even if your muscles have.

If your nervous system has not recovered, giving it further punishment through training, means it will be hard to cope. Without the recovery you can't build up any muscle. When you've finished your training session have 3 days break. 2 days if you want.

Just see how your body feels during this time.

Eat To Live

Eat To Live

Live to Eat
It is a sad testament to our western culture—especially here in America—that living to eat is a predominant philosophy, if not a religion.

Most of us, deep down, know this. We know that fruit is better than grease-dripping French fries. We know that greens and rice is healthier for the body than a thick, juicy (as in bloody) steak with baked potatoes (and scoops of sour cream).

Quite apart from the fact that we could feed seven persons with the soy beans we feed the pig that slaughtered will feed only one person—which is just bad economy—the human body does not run well on salty, greasy, high-cholesterol, high-calorie food. Yet this is the daily menu for a majority of our citizens today.

A Pact
In fact, this is so much the case that it makes one wonder: Could there be a secret pact between the Fast Food and Medical Industries? A pact that goes something like this:
Medical Industry: “As long as you keep sending them to us for expensive and very profitable treatment, we will not expose how terribly bad your foods actually are for them.”

A nodding-head Fast Food Industry: “Deal.”
This is not to say that such a conspiracy is afoot; it is to say that by the statistics alone, one is justified in wondering.

Pleasure and Taste
For many the battle comes down to taste, and the pleasure it gives.
We can go a whole day—if not a whole week, and with great anticipation—looking forward to a particular
dinner course, one which in the past has given us great pleasure (enter your favorite food here). The quiet voice that tries to point out that this sumptuous meal, strictly speaking, is not at all good for us—and that afterwards we will wake up in the night with heartburn and a bad conscience—eventually goes all silent, and as comes the day, we sit down to dig in.

Short Term vs. Long Term
It may be that true pleasures are few and far between. It certainly is true that pleasure is far preferable to pain. But it is also true that long-term pleasure, say a rejuvenated body that will allow you to make that twenty mile hike to the top of Mount so-and-so—and with it that most fantastic view and feeling you’ve ever experienced—is far stronger, and far preferable to the short-term pleasure of an indulging meal.

But short term is much easier to confront than long term, and that’s the crux. Working toward long-term pleasure, and survival, takes effort, will power, and time. Even though we know the rewards outweigh the short-term pleasure by a huge factor, we would rather go with the burger in hand than the long-term survival in the woods.

Eat to Live
It takes less effort to start the car than to walk. It takes less effort to turn on the television than to read a book. It takes less effort to drive to the fast food restaurant than to cook a
healthy meal.

It takes less effort to be unhealthy than healthy. It takes less effort not to live than live.
Living life to the fullest takes effort. It takes dedication and will power. It takes knowing what fuel makes your body function the best and to choose that fuel, no matter how much work is involved. It takes sticking to that resolve every day of every week, month, year.
Eating to live is not a short-term project; it’s a philosophy and a lifestyle that in the end brings far, far more happiness to those who make it, than any amount of bait ever can.

The multiTRIM Diet
All diet plans—except for the outright fraudulent ones, and be warned: they abound—have only one goal: for you to burn more calories than you consume.

Possibly the most sensible plan we have seen in recent years is the multiTRIM diet which supplies all needed nutrients to maintain health while easing hunger in a fifteen calories meal-replacement drink.

Thursday, September 24, 2009



Mood disorders are a group of illnesses that have as their distinguishing characteristic an experience of mood that is unusual for the circumstances. It is a very common cause of behavioural pattern in human beings.

Mood variations in accordance with the environment proportionally are normal but when behavioural patterns are disproportionate, they are called abnormal mood disorder. “When a mood is too low, it is known as depression and when it is too high it is called mania. The fluctuation between too high and too low is called bipolar disorder.

Exposure to exogenous individual factors such as negative stress, hostility, arrogance, vindictiveness, bigotry, anger, etc, may lead to exhaustion or low levels of serotonin, which is associated with depression. While the high levels of mood behaviour may lead to mania, a significant fluctuation in the level of serotonin may fluctuate the mood, depending on the chemical imbalance,” says Dr H K Chopra, senior consultant, medicine and cardiology, Moolchand Heart Hospital, New Delhi.

Types Mood disorders can be classified into unipolar and bipolar disorders. Where the fluctuation between too high and too low, it is called bipolar disorder. Unipolar mood disorder can be divided into: Major disorder: This type of disorder results in acute depression, which leads to lack on enthusiasm, sadness, feeling of self worthlessness and guilt, insomnia, fatigue, etc. In extreme cases, a tendency of committing suicide is seen.

Dysthymia: It is characterised by a constant depressed mood for about two years. It is accompanied by some other symptoms such as an increase or decrease in eating, low self-esteem, fatigue or low energy, insomnia or increase in sleeping, feeling hopeless and difficulty in making decisions or concentrating. These symptoms are persistent, but less severe.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD): It is a type of mood disorder that is characterised by the episodes of major depression, occurring at a particular time of the year (winter). Postpartum depression: It is a major depressive episode, which occurs after having a baby. The depressive symptoms generally start within four weeks after giving birth to a baby. Some of the common symptoms are headache, exhaustion, a sense of inadequacy and crying. These symptoms may be accompanied by a constant fatigue, less interest in sex, a lack of joy in the life, severe mood swings, withdrawal from family and friends, insomnia and impaired concentration or thinking. The symptoms can vary in duration and intensity.

Treatment The balance in the behavioural pattern is possible by optimising of lifestyle with self-discipline, regulated daily routine such as exercise, daily walks, sports, meditation and practising of all eight limbs of yoga -- yama, niyama, asanas, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi -- meticulously may help in balancing the mood. Eating the right food at the right time and in right dosage and consumption of satvik food enhance mood balance.

Tamsik food may distort the mood. Excessive smoking, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse may also be responsible for mood disorders.

Therefore, perfection in the mindset is the key to have perfection in the mood.



It is the dream of every woman to have a beautiful, fresh and youthful skin. The first step in looking younger begins with what you decide to put into your mouth. Your diet and lifestyle plays a major part in deciding the beauty of your skin. Most people think of a diet as being appropriate only for getting a beautiful figure, however eating the right kind of foods and following a proper diet will put you on the fast track to a healthy body and healthy and glowing skin.

The secret to a beautiful, healthy and glowing skin is FRUITS. Include plenty of fruits in your diet and you will see the difference within a week. Fruit is essential for both inner and outer beauty since it enhances the beauty of your skin and hair.What makes fruit so wonderful is that it is rich in skin and hair enhancing vitamins, acids, and enzymes. Fruit can be used in just about every beauty product to cleanse, freshen, tone, and condition our bodies.

Find out the characteristics of the following fruits and what wonders they can do to your skin:

Apples: Apples can used as great conditioner and toner. They have been used for centuries for their skin-healing powers. Add a cup of apple juice to your bath to cleanse and soften your skin. The juice of apple can be used as breathe freshener. Apple juice when applied to your hair scalp can prevent dandruff. Use as a final rinse after shampooing your hair.

Lemons: A classic home beauty ingredient, lemons are used to cleanse and freshen the skin and hair. Use lemon slices to soften rough skin spots such as elbows and heels. Lemon slices also help deodorize and mix a few teaspoons of lemon juice in your bath and you will feel fresh the whole day. Lemon juice can be added to your favourite cleanser or shampoo to refresh and tone your scalp. It also helps prevent dandruff.

Strawberry: Strawberry can be used for conditioning and skin toning treatment. They are rich in salicylic acid an ingredient found in many commercial acne creams and thus are the best treatment for troubled or teenage skin. Mix 1/2-cup fresh strawberries with a tablespoon of sour cream for a weekly facial mask. Eating fresh berries will also help whiten your teeth and keep your breath fresh.

Banana: Banana can be used for moisturising and soothing your skin and hair. They are rich in protein and natural fats and can be used by all skin types. An easy facemask that will make your skin smooth is to apply mashed banana over your skin and keep it for 15 minutes, rinse off with warm water and moisturize well. Mashed banana also makes a wonderful hair conditioner mixed with a teaspoon or two of honey.

Pineapple: Like papaya pineapples are also good skin softeners, which cleanse and rejuvenate dull and dry skin, especially for classic rough skin spots like knees, elbows, and heels. Use a slice of pineapple as you would a sponge or loofah to scrub your body in the bath or shower.

Papaya: Papaya is rich in natural enzymes and is the best treatment for cleansing your skin. For having a fresh and glowing skin apply the oaste of mashed papaya and 3 teaspoons of aloe vera gel and massage all over your body monthly. Leave on your skin for no more than five minutes and rinse thoroughly. Do not use on your face and avoid sensitive skin areas.

Peaches: Peaches are best for soothing and cleansing dry skin. Mash a fresh peach and combine with a tablespoon of plain yogurt to make a smooth paste. Apply on the skin and keep it for 15 mins and then wash off with cold water.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Senior Exercise

Senior Exercise

Senior Exercise Overview
George Burns (who lived to be 100) used to say, "If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself!" It's true that some individuals are blessed with good genes, and no matter how many unhealthy lifestyle habits they have, they're going to live into old age. But for the rest of us who might be concerned with quality of life as we age,
exercise is one of the keys. Is it ever too late to start? Research proves it's not. In this article, I'll discuss the benefits of exercising into old age and then give you some tips on how to get started no matter how old you are.

The aging population
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, by the year 2030, the number of individuals in the United States 65 years and over will reach 70 million, and people 85 years and older will be the fastest growing segment of the population. Some of you may already be there, while others may be approaching. But whatever your age, exercise can help. Below is a description of what happens to our bodies as we age and how exercise can make all the difference.

What happens to muscles as we age?
Muscle mass decreases as we age. Beginning in the fourth decade of life, adults lose 3%-5% of muscle mass per decade, and the decline increases to 1%-2% per year after age 50. Muscle keeps us strong, it burns calories and helps us maintain our weight, and it contributes to balance and bone strength. Without it, we can lose our independence and our mobility.

Is it ever too late to build muscle?
The good news is that muscle mass can increase at any age in response to exercise. In an important study of weight lifting and older adults conducted with 100 male and female residents of a nursing home in Boston (age range: 72 to 98 years of age; average age 87), subjects lifted weights with their legs three times a week for 10 weeks. At the end of the study, there was an increase in thigh mass of 2.7%,
walking speed increased 12%, and leg strength increased a whopping 113%! In a similar study of adults 65-79 years old, subjects who lifted weights three times a week for three months increased their walking endurance by 38% (from 25 minutes to 34 minutes) without appreciable increases in mass. Ida Weiss, a 91-year-old participant in the Boston study, had the following to say after the study, "It's very beneficial for me. Things that I couldn't do when I came here, I can do now. I didn't think that I was going to live anymore, but I feel different now."

Exercise Benefits Even the Oldest Old

Exercise Benefits Even the Oldest Old

Older adults who get regular exercise may live longer and be at lower risk for physical disabilities, according to an Israeli study.

The research included almost 1,900 people born in 1920 and 1921 who were assessed at ages 70, 78 and 85. Those who did less than four hours of physical activity per week were considered sedentary, while those who exercised about four hours a week, did vigorous activities such as swimming or jogging at least twice a week, or those who got regular physical activity (such as walking at least an hour a day) were considered physically active.

The researchers found that 53.4% of participants were physically active at age 70, 76.9% at age 77, and 64% at age 85. Compared to those who were sedentary, physically active people were 12% less likely to die between ages 70 and 78, 15% less likely to die between ages 78 and 85, and 17% less likely to die between ages 85 and 88.

Physically active participants also experienced fewer declines in their ability to perform daily tasks, were more likely to be able to live independently, and were less likely to be lonely and to rate their health as poor.

The findings appear in the Sept. 14 issue of the journal Archives of Internal Medicine.
By improving cardiovascular
fitness, slowing loss of muscle mass, reducing fat, improving immunity and suppressing inflammation, physical activity may delay the onset of decline that can begin when a person is no longer able to perform daily activities, the study authors suggested.

"Despite the increasing likelihood of comorbidity, frailty, dependence and ever-shortening life expectancy, remaining and even starting to be physically active increases the likelihood of living longer and staying functionally independent," wrote Dr. Jochanan Stessman and colleagues at Hebrew University Medical Center and Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem.

"The clinical ramifications are far-reaching," they added. "As this rapidly growing sector of the population assumes a prominent position in preventive and public health measures, our findings clearly support the continued encouragement of physical activity, even among the oldest old. Indeed, it seems that it is never too late to start."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fast Ways To Loose Weight

Fast Ways To Loose Weight

Fast ways to loose weight is subject to the many different reasons why people become overweight.

So you’ve done your research on the fastest way to lose weight (because of course you want the weight off ASAP), you’ve started a new eating plan and you are doing great with your diet. Now you just need to add a cardio workout to your routine, but the only piece of home equipment you have room for in your home is that tedious and infamous treadmill, and you hate it! It’s just so boring even with a radio or TV.

Here are Some Fast ways to loose weight:

1. Never Stop Drinking Water - To loose weight, you need to drink as much water as possible preferablly 6-9 glasses. You should know that water flushes out fat from your system and also help increase your metabolism.

2. Eat sensibly - Include fruits and vegetables in your diet, even if you can’t cut back much on your fatty foods. Fruits and Vegetables are fibers and fibers are known for their ability to increase the body metabolic rate. The body finds it hard to break down fibers which means much energy/calories is needed to break down fibers there by increase your weight loss progress. Try to cut back on soda and processed foods as much as possible.

3. Exercise - You don’t need to spend the rest of your life at the gym. 15-20 minutes of cardio for 2-3 times in a week is enough for you to loose weight. Muscle burns fat much faster! Use light weight dumbells, and you will see results quickly.

4. Shift Calories - Probably have heard about Shift Calories but dont know what it means. Shift Calories is one of the most if not the most effective ways to loose weight. You eat plenty of food, even things you love. And you never get hungry! This works by tricking your body, and will speed up your metabolism.

There are just some of the many ways to natural ways to loose weight. You really do not need to go into any diet foods or some dangerous unapprove diet pills before you lose weight. If you implement the above tips, you would be on your way to success in your weight loss journey. The tips will help you loose weight and loose it fast quickly.

Some diets promise to help you lose as much as 10 pounds and even more in a week but fail to deliever on their promise. Do you want to loose weight?

Loose Body Fat

Loose Body Fat

How to loose body fat fast seems to be a question that is popping up all over different weight loss forum on the Internet. If you go to a weight loss forum you’ll see a lot of people asking how they can get rid of their body fat in the fastest way possible. There’s nothing wrong with that of course, it’s only natural for us to want to get rid of any bad features we might have in the quickest way possible.

How to loose body fat is always a good question to ask since how to loose body fat is directly connected to your wellness. If you don’t ask the question of How to loose body fat, then you’re not realizing that there could be a problem when they’re actually might be one. Mostly every one of us gain fat slowly as our ages increases which is why it is always advisable to keep an eye on you body fat.

Loosing body fat fast doesn’t have to be hard. I’ll let you into a little secret, you already know how to loose body fat fast. But you just haven’t taken some action. With anything in life, goals don’t get achieved by doing nothing. You have to work on a daily basis to achieve your goals. Your goal in this case is to lose body fat fast. You already know how to do it. So why arn’t you going it?

The main trick to loosing body fat is making sure to include at least 3-4 aerobic exercises sections in your workout routines. It definitely is possible to build muscle from lifting weights and still carry a fair amount of fat. True, muscle mass does help to reduce fat because it requires more energy to make it work.

However, if the food and fluids you eat and drink daily results to more energy than what you body uses daily, then you body will most likely retain more of the excessive energy inform of fat. Energy is being used up by the body on a daily basis whether it is moving from one place to another, driving, brushing your hair, reading, writing and many other things you do every day.
People make the mistake of not watching what they eat daily. Therefore, since these people do not really have heavy laboring jobs or activities, they will most likely gain extra body fat. Therefore to loose body fat, you must get active and engage in aerobic workout for at least 3-4 times a week. Getting active will not only help you loose body fat but also help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. For example, your heart loves aerobic activity.

Walking, jogging, swimming, jumping rope, gardening etc. can be excellent exercises to keep you fit and lean. What’s more is that as these activities are enjoyable, so you don’t feel like exercising and can easily continue with them regularly if you just develop the habit first.

All you need to do in order to answer the question of how to loose body fat is to take note of all the foods and drinks you eat in a food journal. Having a food journal or table will help you know the total amount of energy you consume daily. Knowing the amount of energy consumed daily will also help you know how much exercises and activities you need to integrate into your lifestyle.

Once you know the amount of calories you consume daily, intake, you’ll then have to reduce some of the food that you eat. To know the amount of calories you consume daily, you may have to use a table of food that notes the caloric values of each foods you eat. Many who are trying to loose body fat will most likely have to reduce their calorie intake by as much as 500 cal. Though you must always find a way to eat only what is best for you and not some unpleasant diets.
Once you have a table that shows caloric values of the foods you eat, then you would also have to grab another table so as to understand the amount of energy you need to expend weekly. I say weekly mainly because when you exercise, you will have to exercise for about 3-4 days in a week and not necessarily on a daily basis. Therefore, look at a week’s worth to make it simpler. But, you’ll then have to break it down into each day’s worth.

Now, with this information you should have a good knowledge of the amount of energy you need in order to loose body fat. As long as you have an energy deficit, you will surely loose body fat. When you look at it, the process is rather simple.

One of the major problems people face while trying to loose body fat is inconsistency and patience. As some one who is trying to loose body fat, you have got to be consistence and persistent and also full of patience in order to reach your goal. The best way to loose body fat is doing it slowly. Losing body fat too fast would only get your body into a defensive mode therefore a few pounds a week will be good enough for you to loose body fat.

The answer to how to loose body fat is really not a difficult to understand the only hard thing is staying motivated in order not to give up when the results seems not to be coming at the rate you had expected them to come. However, as long have you expend more energy than you take in, you will surely achieve you goal of loosing body fat. You need to consider so many things in this process, one of which is the types of food you eat, drinking more water than you are used to ( 8 glasses daily), eating more protein than usual and properly consulting your physician for advise. However, with this information and a little motivation, your goal is not far from your reach

Monday, September 21, 2009

Want Fat Loss?

Want Fat Loss?

For the last 30 odd years an exercise program typically consisted of cardiovascular conditioning (such as walking, jogging or cycling) activity and flexibility training.

Long, slow steady state activity in the 'fat burning zone' was believed to be the way to weight loss and fitness. Little to no importance was placed on strength training exercise, particularly for women.

Today things have changed and strength training exercise is now the number one type of training and in gyms and fitness centers around the world. Men, women and even children use weight machines and free weights to build and maintain strength, health, fitness and resistance to disease.

What are the reasons behind this shift? First recent and ongoing research has recognized the importance of muscular strength as part of the fitness/health puzzle. As one of the first bio-markers of the aging process is the loss of muscle tissue from the mid 20's onward to the tune of one half pound per year it is necessary to address that loss if health is to be maintained.
It is no longer enough to exercise the heart and lungs and stretch our
muscles. Strength is important in all of our muscles not only to stop the loss of muscle tissue but also to keep our bones strong. As our muscles are attached to our bones when they are exercised it places stress on the bones as well, strengthening them. This reduces the risk of osteoporosis and physical injury along with improved functional fitness.

It is a mistaken belief that aerobic exercise tones and firms muscles, but in reality, strength gains are insignificant and it accomplishes very little toning and firming.

Any type of cardio activity - whether an open floor, a cross trainer, a stair-climber, a bicycle, a treadmill, or a track - does not provide the progressive resistance necessary to develop meaningful strength in the muscles.

When you are performing these activities (like brisk walking) your muscles work repetitively against minimal to zero resistance. This is not the path to building strength, and only strength creates muscular firmness and shape along with stronger bones.

The focus of modern exercise programs now is the importance about what happens after the exercise session rather than what happens during it. We are now interested in boosting our metabolism (our body's engine) as opposed to burning calories just while we are performing an activity. We know that muscle tissue is what drives the metabolic rate so the emphasis in now on greater fat burning every single minute of the day and night.

And this is what will give fat loss along with a highly toned body, enhanced strength and power, and improved lifestyle or sports performance. Just substitute a couple of strength training sessions instead of the long slow cardio time you will break through weight loss plateaus and grab yourself a wealth of health benefits as well.

7 Easy Ways to Prevent Illness

7 Easy Ways to Prevent Illness

1. Have a Physical. Most students that are starting university or college at the age of 18 have never had one of these before. Some colleges even make it mandatory for students to get one before commencing the school year. It’s a good opportunity for you to sit down and actually talk about sex health, alcohol use and drug abuse without having a parent present.

2. Learn about Immunizations from your Doctor. Make sure that all your immunizations are up to date before jumping into your dorm room. Make plans to get a flu shot in the fall – both the regular seasonal flu shot, and the vaccination for the H1N1 flu when it becomes available. The H1N1 will be a two-shot regiment, calling for students to get 3 shots for flu vaccinations. This may be a challenge for health professionals working at the colleges to pull students in, but if you know better make the step and get it done.

3. Check your Health Insurance. All families need to be aware of the medical coverage that is offered from the college. Also, it is important to note if prescription drugs will be covered in the plan from the local pharmacy.

4. Bring a First Aid Kit. All university and college campuses should have a health unit nurse on the premises, but you wouldn’t believe how handy it is to have a first aid kit – including over the counter remedies. Students need to know how to self-treat themselves when a cold is coming on. Tylenol, cough drops and a pack of band-aids are also essential.

5. Watch your Diet. The worst place to pick up unhealthy eating habits is while you are away at university or college. When mom is not there to make sure you eat your veggies, and the pressures of papers and exams kick in, it is hard to make healthy food choices. The best thing to remember is to eat breakfast in the morning to energize, and get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise daily.

6. Count your Z’s, and get Plenty of Rest. Sleep deprivation is fairly common in university students. Their time clock changes, and even after spending endless nights up, they still manage to roll out of bed for those 8am classes. Setting a specific bedtime can help prevent this. Even if that paper is due the next morning, your prof is more than likely to cut you some slack.

Sunday, September 20, 2009



You may think fitness means going to the gym everyday after school. However, there are many different forms of physical fitness. It's not important what you do to stay fit, it's important that you do it regularly.If you are physically fit, you are free from illness, and able to function efficiently and effectively, to enjoy leisure, and to cope with emergencies.

The Health-related components of physical fitness include body composition, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, muscular endurance, and muscle strength. Skill-related components include agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed.

Then Popular exercise methods include jogging, cycling, and the use of body-building machines. It is more important that periods of sleep be regular and restful than that they extend any fixed number of hours. A properly balanced diet in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals is essential. Conscientious dental hygiene and periodic checkups are also strongly advised. Complete and regular physical examinations should be the basis of any program of physical development.

Benefits Of Yoga For Maintaining Body Fitness

Benefits Of Yoga For Maintaining Body Fitness

Yoga has begun to be considered as one of the greatest boons upon mankind. It is a very old practice, and still has millions of followers spread out across the whole wide world. The reason is very simple. People feel that yoga and body fitness work in tune with each other. A daily dose of yoga can work wonders for the diseased body and for the troubled mind as well. There is nothing so good as a session of meditation, which can help ease out the stiffness of the body and the mind.

Even if your body does not suffer from any kind of acute illnesses, it is still worth finding out how yoga and body fitness work in tandem.Let us take a quick look at the several reasons which make yoga so appealing:

1. All day our mind suffers stress and tension, be it personal or professional. Yoga helps in clearing out all the clutter from our mind and makes it absolutely clear and calm, ready to take on any challenge!

2. Yoga can help tons to people who are nervous or are vulnerable to panic attacks. It simplifies breathing and restores normalcy in the body.

3. Obesity is a problem faced by many. Over weight people can resort to yoga and see how body fitness is not a faraway dream. It steadily burns excess calories from the body and helps you to regain the lost stamina required for various exercises.

4. Yoga can lead to having a better diet and food habits. One, who regularly performs yoga, can gradually learn to self control his/her diet and thereby have a fit body.

5. Our body acts as a machine to the various challenges or tasks that it faces each day. It needs a certain tonic which can rejuvenate it before the onset of a strenuous day, and yoga has all the qualities in it to become an energy boosting tonic for the body. In short, yoga and body fitness, are in a way essential for people who need to thrive in a competitive world.

6. To view yoga`s importance from a much broader angle, it can well be said that it helps purify the soul. It supports a person in achieving contentment and peace within this materialistic world.Yoga literally means fusion - it is a fusion of our body and mind achieved through various postures. It is just a regular exercise which needs focus on our part.

Yoga does not take up much time, but requires immense devotion while doing it. Many of us fail to understand the fact that performing yoga and body fitness are interconnected, but it is true. A fit body and mind can recognize the worth of a devoted session of yoga done regularly. The results begin to show very soon but that does not mean that yoga should be discontinued after the problems disappear. It should be viewed as a habit which needs to inculcate within. If performed daily, our body shall remain prepared to face any disease/challenge.

Both, yoga and body fitness should be every person`s lifelong partner.However there are some first time precautions which need to be taken care of before venturing into yoga.

These precautions are very important, if you consider yoga and body fitness to be perpetual: Make sure that you have no injury before starting the yoga sessions; Preferably, Yoga should be done with empty stomach; Perform the yoga postures barefoot. It yields best results and prevents slipping; Do stop whenever you feel nauseous.