Total Body Workout
As you can tell by the name, total body workout, this type of workout program focuses on training the whole body each time you work out. It could be an aerobic class or a weight training session that completes your total workout as long as the whole body is involved.
A total body workout could be either a circuit training program or a combination of aerobic movements like jumping jacks or step ups in between weight sets. When doing a total body workout, you should start with the bigger muscle groups such as the legs and work your way up towards your back and chest muscle groups. Then continue on to shoulders, arms and last but not least abs. Whether you perform a total body workout all alone or in a group, the same principle applies as far as what muscles to train first.
The reason you would want to start with legs, is that it takes more energy for your body to train the bigger muscle groups then the smaller ones. A muscle or body part that is closer to the heart also takes less oxygenized and energy for your body to train due to how far the heart has to pump the fresh oxygenized blood to the muscle that is being trained. Supplying the legs with fresh blood takes a lot more work since the blood has to travel a greater distance from the heart delivering oxygen to the muscles then from the heart to for example your triceps.
If you are doing cardio on the treadmill you can convert your workout into a total body workout by adding upper body and abs to the session after your power walk on the treadmill.
There are so many different ways of performing a total body workout but how you choose to do it really doesn't matter as long as all the different muscle groups of your body get to work.
There are also home gyms available on the market that claim they give you a total body workout however you still need to have the basic knowledge of how to exercise the proper way.
A womens workout is more beneficial than men's regarding an overall total body workout because of the conditioning effect this kind of set up gives your body. In the aerobics total body workout classes, light weights are used and high repetitions, which is the ultimate fitness regime to tone and shape a woman's body.
Swimming is another example of a total body workout. All the muscles get to perform while swimming and even though it's not resistance training per se the water does provide you with some resistance and it is still a great alternative to walking and jogging in terms of total body workouts. If you choose to train by the total body workout system make sure you get plenty of recovering time before you train through your whole body again. Give yourself a day of rest in between each workout session. Alternate with stretch and perhaps yoga to keep your flexibility and prevent any injuries to your body.
Each total body workout should not be longer in time then 60-90 minutes including stretch and warm up exercises. Going beyond 90 minutes in time per workout puts your muscles in a catabolic state and has a reverse effect on your attempt to get stronger and healthier.
Total body workouts are more suited for the person whose goal is to improve their overall health, tone and firm their body or trying to lose weight. This type of workout is not meant for the serious bodybuilder or anybody trying to put size and build muscle.