Sunday, August 9, 2009

Weight Loss After Birth

Weight Loss After Birth

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Many health advisors have expressed fears that many mothers are risking their health in trying to lose pregnancy fat, by copying ’stick thin’ celebrities.

Young mothers face constant pressure from TV and glossy magazines with photos of celebrity mothers who ’seem to ‘easily snap back into shape just weeks after giving birth.
One has to remember that many of these celebrities have their own pressures to regain their figures as soon as possible, and while most can employ nannies, dietitians, and personal trainers to help them achieve their weight loss after giving birth, the majority of ordinary mother do not, and cannot.

While it is perfectly understandable why a woman after pregnancy would want to lose weight quickly, namely as fast as possible, they need to proceed with caution.

Although it is possible to lose a little weight, in a relatively short period of time after giving birth, they should know that there are dangers associated with doing so.

Many health experts are concerned that some new mothers trying to emulate the same results as these ‘celebrity moms’ are resorting to unhealthy crash diets or setting unrealistic goals - such as attempting to regain their former figure by the time their child is only a few weeks old.
Doctors have advised against cutting out dairy products, particular for breastfeeding women. Because in extreme cases, it could lead to a calcium deficiency putting these mothers at risk from osteoporosis later in life.

A very limited and low calorie diet weight loss after delivery can also cause a mothers milk to dry up or lead to a lack of vital fat for the baby’s nourishment.

Although losing weight after a pregnancy is important to avoid obesity, diabetes and heart problems in the future. Postpartum weight loss should be gradual and controlled with light exercise and realistic weight loss targets.

The amount of weight gain during pregnancy can very widely, although the experts say that the average anywhere between 15lb and 35 lbs.

The best weight loss after pregnancy program, and to keep it off, is to lose weight gradually. Nothing too extreme. Healthy eating and physical fitness go together, and a good balance diet is required.

Women who want to lose weight after pregnancy should not cut out food groups or embark on severe restricted diets, especially if they are breastfeeding.

Dairy products are important for calcium and protein. Fruits and Vegetables are also important.

They are low in fat and calories, and a great source of vitamins, potassium, fiber and carbohydrate energy, but they are very nutritious to ensure mother and baby stay as healthy as possible.

The last thing a mother needs after giving birth is to put themselves under pressure to get back to a particular size or shape too quickly. Women gain weight in pregnancy for a reason. For the healthy growth and development of the baby plus for the nutritional fat stores for breast feeding the baby afterward.

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