Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Better Body Blitz - Yoga Butt

Better Body Blitz - Yoga Butt

Most women share the same plea - how to tone and tighten those fat-attracting thigh, gluteal and abdominal areas. Well, relax ladies; your prayers have been answered. Now you can target your trouble spots without doing high-impact activities or endless repetitions -YogaButt is here! Created by fitness expert Beth Shaw, this energetic, yoga-based workout was designed to make you sweat as you boost muscle strength and definition.

YogaButt takes traditional yoga poses like downward facing dog, bridge pose and plank pose and mixes in a challenging element of strength using a medicine ball. For example, in downward facing dog, participants are asked to hold the ball between their legs. While their entire body is working to achieve the pose, they're activating the quadriceps, butt and hamstrings to hold the ball in place. To make things even more challenging, they might then be instructed to move from this position into a forward fold and then into a chair pose - all while holding the ball between their legs. Sound tough? It is. That's why this intense workout is definitely not recommended for beginners.

There's also an added bonus to the YogaButt workout - increased core strength. "The ball brings awareness to the core muscles and requires participants to activate the core muscles to maintain the pose," explains Shaw. This additional core strength can help improve posture, ease lower back pain and prevent sports injuries as well as allow for better, more effective functioning in day-to-day activities.
So whether you're looking for a more demanding yoga routine or you just need to tone those trouble spots, get ready to take the YogaButt challenge.

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