Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gym Ball Exercises: Perfect for Stretching and Toning your Body

Gym Ball Exercises: Perfect for Stretching and Toning your Body

The best thing about a gym ball is that one can perform a lot of exercises on it. The ball is so versatile that the kind and variety of exercises which can be done on it are numerous and are executed without toiling much. There are some exercises listed below which can be perform with the gym ball and yield a lot of positive results. These exercises are meant for the whole body and tone all the muscle groups. Trunk extensions are for the lower back. The person exercising has to go down on the knees and cover the upper body over the ball. The arms need to hug the back. The chest has to be lifted so that the torso is completely stretched. The core crunchers are meant for the core and abdominal muscle groups. The person has to go down on his/her knees and rest the elbows on the ball. The abdominal muscles need to be squeezed till the upper body and the thighs form a straight line.

Elevated push ups are a great exercise for shoulders, triceps, abs and pectorals. The body has to be placed parallel to the floor with the front of the knees on the ball and the hands to the floor. The face has to be lowered and then brought back to the original position. The bent knee bridge is a technique through which the hamstrings and the buttocks can be trained. The person exercising lies on his back with bent knees and heels on top of the gym ball. The arms need to be spread on the side and then the butt has to be lifted off the floor. All these drills have their own roles to play in toning the muscles of the body. The ball does not cost much and with this blog, you get a chance to flex all the muscles in your body.

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