Wednesday, August 12, 2009



Marathon running is a sport that not many people will dare to get into.It is not easy for several people to run for twenty-six plus miles.A half marathon having a distance of thirteen plus miles is preferred by some people. Marathon running is all about the training in both body and mind.A person should be prepared with is mind even though his body is capable of covering the distance.A trained body can do it if the mind allows for it.

Tips for Marathon Running Race Day
Usually, in marathon running the check in for the race will be held the day before it. Often there is a sports expo that is held in conjunction with the race, especially if it is a big one. When this happens, the people who will be running the next day are tempted to walk around the expo to see all of the different booths. This can be dangerous to their race; however, as spending a whole day on their feet is expending energy that should be saved for the race day. In addition, there is often a lot of junk food sold at or around the booths which can also be tempting to eat but will not turn out well the next day when running.

Instead, the marathon runners should carefully plan the foods that they will eat the day before the race. The dinner is especially important and they should stock up on carbohydrates. They should also make sure that they are well hydrated before going into the race. In addition, on the day of the race, the marathon runners should plan on getting there ahead of schedule so that they can get checked in without stress. There are often long lines and crowds on race day and the marathon runner does not want to expend energy due to stress before the race.
During the race, the marathon runner should make sure that he is drinking water about every twenty minutes to stay hydrated. He should also eat some carbohydrates periodically throughout the race to maintain his energy. Another tip that seems to help marathon runners stay positive and filled with energy is to wave or smile at the people who are cheering along the way.

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