Monday, August 31, 2009
The trick with many body toning exercises for women is that you have to know how to perform them in order to get the most benefit. But while the instructions can be lengthy and your personal trainer may walk you through them time and time again, you still might be doing the body toning movements incorrectly – wasting your time in the process. Instead of just going through the motions, here are some great ideas for learning how to perform your fitness program right each and every time.
Before you even begin the workout that you have planned, you should look at the body toning exercises for women that are included. If they're on a tape, try to watch the tape all the way through once and even again to see what is happening. You should also read any instructions thoroughly when you are reading about a program from a website or a book. Take the time to study any pictures that you might find and try to imitate the model as though you were a mirror image of them. You might also want to enlist a friend to see how they might interpret an exercise. Sometimes having another perspective will help you figure it out for yourself.
When you're doing the workout, it's a good idea to perform any body toning exercises for women as slowly as you can at first. If you're in a body toning class for women, this might mean that you will lag behind the other participants, but this is okay. It will give you a chance to look at everyone else's form – especially the instructor and those that have bodies that you'd like to have. Take your time for the first few workouts and only do half of the repetitions if you can. As you build up your confidence, you can add more and move more quickly. Until then, it's best to figure things out before teaching your body the wrong movements.
Other things to keep in mind with body toning exercises for women is that you need to protect your joints. Try to avoid bending are angles that can harm your body. For example, when you're doing a lunge, you don't want your front knee to extend past the toe of the same leg. When you cross your toe line, you will be at a higher risk of hurting your knees. This rule also applies for squat exercises too. Listen carefully to the instructor to hear about any other adjustments that might help you prevent injury.
When you're first starting a body toning exercises for women program, you need to be aware that you might not know everything right from the start. So, instead of learning the ineffective ways of doing the routine, why not take your time to learn what really works?
To first understand why fat is so stubborn; we must know why it is stored on our bodies in the first place. The main reason why it is stored on our bodies is to prepare for times of starvation. It is our back up energy supply for when food is scarce. This was hardwired into our DNA thousands of years ago, when cavemen would have to survive days or even weeks grazing on whatever they could find until they made a kill.
It’s actually quite simple. Eat more. You see if the body sees that there is an abundance of calories coming in, it will think that it is pointless storing all this fat. It will then feel a lot safer at using up the fat stores for energy. Exactly what we want!
- Eat only slightly less total calories then you need a day. Cutting calories too far will only make our body fat stubborn. Just be patient. A good number would be to eat 15 calories per pound of bodyweight a day.
- Have a 1-2 cheat meals a week. Overeating once or twice a week, will again show your body that there is plenty of calories coming in, and there is no reason to panic.
- Burn a calorie deficit with exercise. Performing short, intense exercise is the best way to lose fat.
Weight Loss With Body Building Routine
The topic of this article is about weight loss and how to use body building to achieve your goal and why I've given you the previous illustration of body fat is because the less fat you have in your body, the lighter you'll weigh. Fats are excess calories in your body and fats have more calories than protein and carbohydrate. So if you consume more fats, you'll get more calories and you can end up storing excess calories as fat deposits in your body.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
We begin the Strength Training contents by introducing important information that you should fully understand before proceeding. First we explain the many benefits of participating in a strength-training program and then provide you with invaluable information ranging from ‘must-know’ weightlifting terms to safety precautions that affect previous medical conditions, in order to avoid future injuries and/or physical complications. We will also discuss the mindset necessary for becoming successful, including ways of making time for your workout, of staying motivated, of understanding and accepting your body type, and the importance of concentration. In addition, we will discuss the best ways to measure your progress and what to expect if you discontinue weightlifting.We will cover the three factors affecting strength, the difference between types of strength-training equipment (machines, free weights, etc.), the truth about steroids, and information about the importance of incorporating cardiovascular exercise, stretching, and proper nutrition into your lifestyle.Perhaps most important of all, we will lay out the principles and guidelines of a successful strength training program.
This section will discuss exactly how to get the best results from the program you choose for your specific goals and interests. Just a few of the principles and guidelines you’ll learn include: how to select the exercise for each muscle group and how to calculate the number of sets and repetitions and the amount of weight you should use for use to reach your personal goals. You’ll learn the importance of proper lifting technique and how to achieve it. You’ll also learn the importance of blood supply to your muscles and common mistakes that hinder the process. We also devote a section to methods for overcoming plateaus. These ideas are extremely valuable but very rarely taught. It is more common for people to get in the habit of doing the same exercise the same way (sets, reps, weight, order, etc) over and over. This causes boredom and disinterest, and eventually improvement comes to a staggering halt.
Therefore, it is critical that you continually vary your strength training routine-no two workouts should be the same. The Women Fitness (WF) program presents many ways of adding variety to your routine so you never become bored and so you can continue to achieve results over the long run.The last part of our strength-training program discusses the many advanced strength-training techniques beneficial for those who have already experienced the beginning and intermediate stages of our program and who have also used the overcoming-plateaus suggestions.
These intense techniques give outstanding results when followed properly.Overall, this content will discuss exactly how to get the best results from the strength-training program you choose for your specific goals and interests. WF offers a personal, practical approach to health fitness for all levels of experience. Our program integrates weight management, nutrition, cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility training into individually-tailored plans to help you develop and maintain a body full of energy and free from unnecessary injury and disease.
With WF, you’ll adopt gradual, realistic changes into your life that will make healthy eating and activity a permanent pleasure. That’s the WF way.
Sprinting: a great tool in fat loss
Sprinting: a great tool in fat loss
Sprinting not only burns HUGE amounts of calories, it also keeps your metabolism flying for days after. Sprinting combined with running / jogging can bring amazing results, especially when combined with a healthy diet!
It can be done on a stationary bicycle, a stair stepper, or any activity where you can alternate periods of high intensity with periods of low intensity
Benefits to sprinting
Sprinting is an amazing exercise period. It is a great tool to help in fat loss, kill stress as well as increasing your metabolic rate for days. On top of all this, sprinting is a great exercise for your hamstrings and can help sculpt and tone those muscles you would kill to have. Besides, sprint training may offer an option for individuals who cite lack of time as a major impediment to fitness and conditioning. One other positive motivational benefit you will find with sprinting is that the uncontrollable human urge to beat a STOP-WATCH can help your clients' blast through plateaus and dramatically increase performance. Plus there is at least some preliminary evidence that sprint training causes the body to release anabolic hormones: testosterone and human growth hormone with all the positive physiological and anti-aging effects you are striving for in a workout. Sprinting is the original CORE exercise. That means, for a minimum amount of time you spend sprinting you can replace hours spent in the gym on CORE or Functional exercises.
A study was conducted on 16 subjects: eight who performed a two-week sprint-interval training program and eight who did no exercise training . The training program consisted of between four and seven 30-second bursts of "all out" cycling followed by four minutes of recovery three times a week for two weeks. Researchers found that endurance capacity in the sprint group increased on average from 26 minutes to 51 minutes, whereas the control group showed no change. The muscles of the trained group also showed a significant increase in citrate synthase, an enzyme that is indicative of the tissue's ability to utilize oxygen.
How many days a week should I be sprinting?
WF team suggest spreading your sprinting out evenly and doing it two times a week. Mondays and Thursdays would be fine, leaving enough time for recovery between each day as your muscles will need time to grow and heal. Not only will spreading it out help you recover faster it will also keep your metabolism peaked more evenly and prolong the effect.
Weight Lifting Exercise
Barbell Squats, Hip Belt Squats, Front Squats, Barbell Hack Squats, Dumbbell Squats, Barbell Lunges, Dumbbell Lunges, Leg Press Machine, Hack Squat Machine, Leg Extensions, Sissy Squats, Smith Reverse Lunges, Smith Machine Squats, Smith Machine Front Squats, Smith Machine Lunges
Flat Barbell Bench Press, Incline Barbell Bench Press, Decline, Barbell Bench Press, Flat Dumbbell Bench Press, Incline Dumbbell Bench Press, Decline, Dumbbell Bench Press, Parallel Dips Forward Lean, Straight Arm Pullover, Dumbbell Flyes
Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts, Dumbbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts, Trap Bar Stiff Legged Deadlifts, Barbell Romanian Deadlifts, Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts, Trap Bar Romanian Deadlifts, Sumo Leg Press, Cable Pull Thru, Glute/Ham Raise, Leg Curls, Good Mornings
Back Depth: Barbell Deadlifts from the Floor, Trap Bar Deadlifts, Barbell Rack Deadlifts, Barbell Rows, Dumbbell Rows, 1-Arm Dumbbell Rows, T Bar Rows, Cable Rows
Gastrocs: Hip Belt Standing Calf Raises, Hip Belt Donkey Calf Raises, Leg Press Calf Raises, Standing Barbell Calf Raises, Standing Dumbbell Calf Raises, Standing Smith Machine Calf Raises, 1-Legged Dumbbell Calf Raises Soleus: Seated Barbell Calf Raises, Alternating Seated Barbell Calf Raises, Seated Smith Machine Calf Raises, Barbell Squat Raises Dumbbell Squat Raises, Smith Machine Squat Raises Tibialis Anterior: Reverse Standing Hip Belt Calf Raises, Reverse Donkey Hip Belt Calf Raises, Reverse Standing Barbell Calf Raises, Reverse Seated Dumbbell Calf Raises, Tibia Dorsal Calf Machine
Overall Shoulders: Barbell Overhead Press Dumbbell Overhead Press, Behind the Neck Barbell Overhead Press, Seated Barbell Overhead Press, Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press, Dumbbell Parallel Grip Overhead Press, Dumbbell Arnold Press Side Deltoids: Barbell Upright Rows, Dumbbell Upright Rows, Standing Lateral Raises, Seated Lateral Raises Rear Deltoids: Bent Over Lateral Raises, Bench Supported Incline Lateral Raises, 1-Arm Cable Rows High Position
Barbell Curls, Alternate Dumbbell Curls, Dumbbell Preacher Curls, Barbell Preacher Curls, EZ Bar Curls, EZ Bar Preacher Curls, Incline Bench Dumbbell Curls, Lying Dumbbell Curls, Spider Curls, Concentration Curls, Cable Curls, 1-Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curls
Parallel Dips No Lean, Close Grip, Barbell Bench, Reverse Grip, Barbell Bench, Parallel Close, Grip Dumbbell Bench, Lying Tricep Extension, Overhead Tricep Extensions, Pushdowns, Reverse Pushdowns, Dumbbell Kickbacks, Lying Dumbbell, Extension Behind Head, Smith Machine Reverse Grip Bench, Smith Machine Close Grip Bench, Chair Dips Cable Overhead Extensions
Reverse Barbell Curls, Pinwheel Curls, Hammer Curls, Alternate, Hammer Curls, Reverse Cable Curls, Zottman Curls, Standing Dumbbell Wrist Curls, Seated Barbell Wrist Curls, Behind the Back Barbell Wrist Curls, Seated Dumbbell Wrist Curls, Seated Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls, Seated Dumbbell Reverse Wrist Curls, Seated Hammer Dumbbell Wrist Curls
Barbell Power Shrugs, Barbell Shrugs, Trap Bar Shrugs, Dumbbell Shrugs, High Pin Rack Deadlifts, Swiss Ball Crunches, Hanging Leg Raises
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Weight Lifting
People are built and move differently, and so you need to listen to your body when you perform resistance exercises and make sure that you feel it in the muscles that you want to work. The basics rules I propose in my response are
What are the benefits of weight lifting? Is it ever too late to start?
New benefits of resistance exercise seem to be discovered all the time. Research to date shows that resistance exercise is associated with improvements in all of the following:
muscular strength and endurance
functional capacity and ability (falling, climbing stairs)
blood pressure
sarcopenia (loss of muscle as we age)
low back pain
insulin resistance and glucose metabolism
resting metabolic rate
body fat
psychological well-being
It's never too late to start a resistance-exercise program. In a classic study in a Boston nursing home, 100 residents ranging from 72 to 98 years of age performed resistance exercise three times a week for 10 weeks. Muscle strength increased 113%, walking speed increased by almost 12%, and thigh-muscle area increased 2.7%!
Resistance Exercise
What is resistance exercise?
Resistance exercise is any exercise where muscles contract against an external resistance with the objective of increasing strength, tone, mass, and/or muscular endurance. The resistance can come from dumbbells, weight machines, elastic tubing or bands, cinder blocks, cans of soup, your own body weight (for example, pushups), or any other object that forces your muscles to contract. Results occur when you train consistently over time.
What are types of resistance exercise?
There are several types or styles of resistance exercise. Power lifting (a weight-lifting competition in which participants compete in the squat, dead lift, and bench press), Olympic weight lifting (the type you see on TV where athletes lift the weight overhead), strength training (lifting weights to get stronger), and weight lifting (the sport of lifting heavy weight, typically fewer than six repetitions). Weight lifting should not be confused with "weight training," which is the general lifting that you do at the gym. I'll discuss the basic principles of all resistance exercise in this article.
What is progressive overload?
One of the fundamentals of resistance exercise is the principle of progressive overload. Progressive overload means that you increase the workload gradually over time as your muscles accommodate to the resistance with the objective of gaining strength and/or mass. For example, suppose that you've been lifting biceps curls for two weeks with 12 pounds, 10 repetitions, and then at week three, 12 pounds is easy and you can lift more. According to the principle of progressive overload, at this point, you would increase the weight if strength improvement is your goal. Your strength will remain the same if you keep the weight the same.
What is volitional fatigue?
Another fundamental of resistance exercise is to lift each set to volitional fatigue. Volitional fatigue is the point in the set where you can't lift one more rep without cheating it up (using momentum, leaning way back, etc.). Although there isn't a large body of research to prove that lifting every set to volitional fatigue is necessary for maximal benefit, most strength and fitness professionals agree that working to exhaustion changes muscle fibers in a way that leads to significant growth.
Women's Exercise Priorities Vary With Life Stages
The amount of exercise women get changes as they go through different life phases, according to Australian researchers.
In an analysis of data from more than 40,000 women, lower levels of physical activity were associated with marriage and childbirth in young women and declining health in older women. But, the researchers found, activity levels often increased in women who were retired or widowed.
"By recognizing the life events that are associated with decreases in activity, women could be alerted to the risk," lead author Wendy Brown, a professor at the University of Queensland, said in a news release from the Center for Advancing Health. "For example, if you are an older woman with heart disease or diabetes, it is vitally important to stay active, as physical activity can help to manage those conditions."
Brown suggested that widowed women may use increased physical activity as a way to cope with the loss of their spouse. The study also found that young women who suffer harassment at work tend to boost their activity levels, and this may be their way of coping with the stress of the situation.
The study appears in a recent online edition of the journal Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
"Situations like marriage and children change the amount of expendable time during the day," Amy Eyler, a professor of community health at St. Louis University, said in the news release. "It may vary culturally, but having children almost always decreases the feeling of self-priority for women."
Eyler added: "Figuring out ways to maintain regular physical activity throughout the life cycle is important. Even a walk around the block with a good friend can do wonders for both mental and physical health."
Friday, August 28, 2009
Health tips for the Aged
In old age, the metabolism of your body is disturbed, immunity decrease and disease seem to attack simultaneously. A person is considered old at 60 or above when his/her activity becomes slow and the way of life becomes sedentary. In this article there is a discussion about the general problems of this age and some useful hints to overcome such problems.
Extra calcium is very necessary especially for post - menopausal women. Due to hormonal changes there is continuous loss of bone calcium and bone de-mineralization is much faster than the bone mineralisation process. Hence bones are more prone to fractures. Hipbone fracture is very common in elderly females who may slip while bathing.
Vitamin D is normally not required in extra doses but for bedridden elders it is very essential to get sunshine especially after a little massage which helps in absorption of vitamin D.
Rich fried foods, cereals, starches, sweets chocolates creams and butter should be avoided. Instead fruit vegetables, milk and milk products (not concentrated) should be preferred.
Constipation is a common problems among the elderly due to reduced muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract. Soft low-fibre diet and insufficient fluid intake also influence this. Dietary fibre is beneficial in various conditions associated with ageing such as constipation, diabetes and heart disease.
Inability to chew due to ill-fitted dentures or absence of teeth is one of the major problems. The diet should be soft and spongy so that it does not hurt the gums. Fluid diet like milk products, custard, kheer, boiled eggs, vegetables (well cooked and steamed), grated salad, soft fruit like banana, chikoo and oranges should be preferred.
As the appetite usually declines the food should be colorful, attractive and tasty and served in a pleasant way to arouse the appetite.
Raised blood pressure is a very common problems due to diminished renal function. This leads to a restricted fat and salts intake.
Women suffer from post - menopausal symptoms after cessation of menstruation due to hormonal changes. Some of the symptoms are loss of skin elasticity, smaller breast size, weight changes, insomnia, hot flushes, high blood pressure, vaginal dryness, alternations in sexual desire, painful intercourse resulting in stress, anger etc.
Another major risk is osteoporosis which is due to oestrogen deficiency that occurs with menopause. Women who take oestrogen hormone after menopause maintain bone density. But once a woman is on hormones, withdrawal is more harmful because bone density is then lost rapidly and chances of hip and wrist fracture increase. Combinations of oestrogen and progesterone help protect the bone and reduce risk of fracture. Women having breast cancer, vaginal bleeding with unknown cause, uterine cancer, liver disease and gall - stones should not take hormones. A physical examination including a normal pelvic examination pap's smear and mammography, is necessary before putting a patient on hormone therapy. Effects of hormone replacement such as, nausea, headaches, bloating and breast enlargement may cause enough irritation for a woman to stop her hormone. Altering the dose to type of hormones can decrease these symptoms. Women mostly prefer not to take hormones. In such cases symptomatic treatments has to be done. For examples in case of hot flushes and high blood pressure medications of high blood pressure helps.
Skin care during Pregnancy
Skin Changes During Pregnancy
Changes in hormone levels during pregnancy can produce a wide range of skin changes: from stretch marks to acne to darkening of the skin. Most of these changes disappear shortly after delivery.
Puffiness. During the third trimester, your eyelids and face may become puffy, usually in the morning. This is because of increased blood circulation. This condition is harmless. But if you have puffiness along with a sudden weight increase, contact your health care provider to rule out other potential problems.
Red or itchy palms. Increases in the hormone estrogen may cause your palms to become red and itchy. For some women, this may also affect the soles of their feet, called palmar erythema. The increased color is nothing more than a curiosity of pregnancy. Like most skin changes that occur during pregnancy, the redness should fade after delivery.
Stretch marks. As the breasts and abdomen grow, most women develop stretch marks across the belly and breasts. These small, depressed streaks of differently textured skin can be pink, reddish-brown or dark brown, depending on the woman’s skin color. Some women also get them on their buttocks, thighs, hips or breasts. These marks are caused by tiny tears in the tissue that lies just below your skin and helps the skin stretch. There is no way to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. They usually fade and become less noticeable after delivery. You may see creams to treat stretch marks in the drug store. It isn’t clear whether these creams work.
of pregnancy, some spider veins on the legs or torso may not go away on their own. A dermatologist can remove them using injections if you feel that's necessary.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tips & Exercises - Fat Loss Workout -Quick fat loss
Muscle Strength Endurance
Many athletes wish to increase muscle strength endurance. Skyrocketing strength, endurance and staying power is a goal for many athletes and fitness fans who want to improve their sporting performance and create muscle over a short period of time. While this goal can be reached with a sufficient quantity of intensive workouts and a healthy diet, taking nutritive additions that support muscle fix and recovery is another essential part of the process. Many athletes and body-builders turn to drugs and steroids to support their health and fitness goals, and although these can offer short-term gains and dramatic results, the side effects can cancel lots of the advantages.
For those that wish to gain muscle and build strength but forego non-natural drugs and additions, a natural alternative like Stemulite could be ideal. Stemulite's formula contains a wide selection of ingredients, all natural, with proven advantages for those working towards better physical fitness. If you're following a fitness plan
including a nutritious reasonable healthful diet and severe workouts, Stemulite offers a safe, effective boost in endurance.
Firstly, one must clearly exercise often, and second, eat a nutritious balanced diet consisting of sufficient carbs and lean proteins. The third key part of all natural fitness is to take the right dietary additions. Supplements containing natural ingredients like l-carnitine and alphalipoic acide, which are proved to promote healthy cell function and metabolism, could be a valuable complement to any natural fitness plan.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Safe Yoga Is:
Yoga provides a total body workout that enhances strength, cardiovascular condition, balance and flexibility. It also enhances one's body awareness, increases physical control and facilitates body mastery.Because it involves a highly comprehensive and integrated approach, yoga produces a longer, leaner and more graceful physique - also currently in vogue.
Yoga also helps reduce stress, tension and fatigue through its mindfulness, often-fluid movement and deep breathing focus. If instructors are not attuned to the unique needs of the fitness club environment and gym members , injuries can occur. Traditional yoga as originating in India, does not really exist anymore in the United Sates. But fitness styles of yoga are appropriate for fitness centers.
Body Heat, Breath and RestSafe yoga differs from traditional yoga in that the postures link in a fluid heat building way. Breath is linked with movement heating the body naturally and organically. Rest is encouraged when necessary.
Warm-ups are crucial as fitness rooms are often cold. Warm up the body completely with large body moves prior to engaging in any complex or flexibility oriented pose. Fitness moves are incorporated such as sit-ups and push-ups, lunge and hold.
Transitions are smooth, from pose to pose with a full-body workout focus; all body parts are worked equally. Modifications and levels are offered to suit the needs of several different students at different levels in the room. Instructors speak in terms of "or", "either", "modify". They also encourage students to "take breaks", "let go" of expectations, judgment and competition and not push past their limits. Safe instructors are to never make aggressive physical adjustments to their students.
Group Fitness instructors can embark by initialing incorporating yoga postures into their already existing classes: Step, spin, kick box and aerobics. This provides an opportunity to get comfortable with a few basic postures.
Before hiring a teacher - answer these key questions:
Are you aware of the AFAA and ACE Safety Guidelines of Contraindications ?
Are you aware of how these relate to yoga?
Have you been through a formal yoga teacher training
Are you comfortable doing the postures?
Are you comfortable teaching the postures?
Do you have a regular yoga practice? If you have answered yes to all of the above then its time to begin. Audition them!
Guru Mentality Doesn't Fit in Fitness FacilitiesA guru mentality is not a welcome one in the fitness club. Look for an instructor who is first a fitness instructor, it's a lot easier to train a fitness instructor in yoga than it is to train a traditional yoga instructor in fitness.
The breath is the single most important part of our yoga practice.
Class Formatting :
Whether the instructor chooses to incorporate postures into your existing class or create a Safe Yoga Class, a warm -up period is crucial. Just as we don't stretch before exercise, we don't want to get into complex yoga postures before our bodies are warm and ready to be there. Each class should begin with at least 5 minutes of deep breathing. This helps to clear the mind and prepare the body. The breath is the single most important part of our yoga practice. By breathing in and out of the nose we keep the heat in the body and focus the mind. Deep rhythmic breathing is the solid foundation upon which we build our yoga practice. Instructors should continually return to breath focus and need to constantly remind students to do the same. Rest and recovery are also an important part of the yoga, we rest for at least 5 minutes at the end of class to rejuvenate, restore and revive the body.
Charles Poliquin, a highly successful strength coach, takes this a step further by having his athletes lay on a 6-inch foam roll also for 15 minutes before their workout to help decompress the spine by opening up the intervertebral spaces. Apparently, laying on the foam roll - referred to as a spine roller by physiotherapists - lengthwise along the spine will help restore normal spinal curvatures since gravity acts downwards, straightening the spine at the apex of excessive curvatures (generally reducing kyphosis.)4 Since this method allows for optimal nerve conduction, Poliquin claims that it will increase strength by up to 3%.6
For small individuals, use a child's swim noodle - you know, the one they float on when swimming - which can be purchased for a few dollars at any Wal-Mart store. Larger individuals should invest in a 6-inch foam roll; you can purchase them from companies such as Fitter International
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Powerful Women
Within the realm of human self-esteem lurks a powerful element called body-esteem. I simply define it as "how one feels within one's own body." If you feel good within your skin, then you have a high level of body esteem. If you don't feel good, or are constantly unhappy or unsatisfied with your body, then your body-esteem is off, and it will indeed affect your self-esteem.
Of course, there is more to life than having a great body, and "having a great body" is all a matter of perspective anyway. In my experience, the women who often struggle to have a great body, to fit into a media "norm" of what the perfect female should look like, often have the biggest struggle of all when it comes to having self-esteem of any kind.
America is going on 5 decades of Twiggy/Barbie media images for women, and sadly, some women are still trying to disappear, become too thin, taking on a psychologically unhealthy "insignificance," (yo-yo dieting, bulimia, anorexia) in order to "fit in." The flip side of this tragedy is that many women realize early on that they will never fit in to this skewed, contrived media image of the perfect female, so why even bother. This internal dialogue opens the door to the other extreme dotting our American landscape of low body and self-esteem: inactivity, poor eating habits, diabetes, disease, and obesity.
True power is internal. If you are happy, and coming from a place of self-satisfaction and self-love, then you are free of "want," and your body will respond to the beautiful activities and organic food that you choose to fuel yourself with---from a standpoint of, "I want to feel and be healthy," rather than, "I want to be thin." If people want things for the wrong reasons, the Universe often does us a favor by not obliging.
An Ideal Exercise For Aging Seniors And Boomers
The Increasing Mass of Seniors and Baby BoomersSeniors and baby boomers continue to represent an increasing mass in the growing population. They want to be able to care for themselves and remain in their home environment longer, ensuring not only longevity, but a quality of life. The ability to enjoy a leisure lifestyle after retirement is, of course, highly dependent on an individual's health. The fitness industry must recognize the need to provide the aging population with the means towards a healthy lifestyle.
Hydraulic exercise, low impact resistance training is the perfect solution for baby boomers or seniors who want to make a healthy lifestyle change. Hydraulic equipment is very user friendly; it is not intimidating in any way for any person to use. Its main focus is giving the user an excellent cardiovascular workout, while toning muscles.
The equipment is preset, and requires no adjustments during a full workout session. The intensity of the workout is directly linked to the person's personal physical ability. Due to its constant variation and versatility in movements, the hydraulic circuit is the perfect solution for clientele who have problems sticking with programs.
Whatever their level of fitness, whether the person is an athlete or merely a beginner, he or she can work at a pace that is comfortable, and still achieve maximum benefits. The hydraulic circuit will provide a great workout, with fast results. It will improve flexibility, mobility, body symmetry, and increase stamina.
Within weeks of starting a hydraulic workout, the person will feel an increase in their energy level and a better breathing capacity. This total body workout only requires 30 minutes a day, 3 times per week to achieve fast results and permanent benefits.
The Benefits Of Hydraulic Training
Sensory and Psychomotor Benefits:Hydraulic training stimulates one's sense of touch, sense of body positioning awareness, one's sense of balance, and maintains nerve-muscle reaction speed - these are essential components to avoid common injuries for seniors.
Psychological Benefits:Research demonstrates that exercise has positive effects on brain function, memory and emotional health. Studies show that exercise prevents memory loss, and reduces emotional stress and anxiety.
Benefits to Body Composition, Skeletal and Muscular Systems:Osteoporosis is a common illness to the senior population; it consists of loss of bone density, which causes injuries to the hips, spine and wrists. Such injuries can be prevented with the formation of lean muscle mass and possible retroactive increase of bone loss. Training with hydraulic resistance equipment will and can provide the needed toning, shaping and strengthening of muscles.
Cardio Respiratory Benefits:Physical exercise increases the efficiency of heart, lung capacity, and breathing efficiency. It normalizes blood pressure. (High blood pressure can easily go undetected for many years and is the #1 silent killer). In addition, circuit training stabilizes blood chemistry, which will help diabetics to regulate their blood sugar level, and it could possibly even prevent diabetes.
Overall Social Benefits:As group training can easily be integrated with hydraulics, this is an excellent social activity that promotes health and fitness. This preferred recreational activity is safely used by occupational therapists, physical therapists, cardiac rehabilitation and senior recreation programs with proven, remarkable results. Seniors wish to live not only longer, but better lives, and they now can enjoy a longer and more satisfying sexual life. Such a lifestyle choice can be possible with a hydraulic circuit training program.
Development of Lean Muscle Mass and Aerobic Endurance SimultaneouslyProper hydraulic machines are designed to follow the natural flow of the body and therefore work all major muscle groups while developing lean muscle mass, and increasing strength and aerobic endurance.
Hydraulic Centers: The Solution for an Aging PopulationThere exists a growing demand for specialized fitness programs addressing the baby boomer and senior population. This requires serious consideration from any health and fitness establishment. The hydraulic circuit system is the answer to filling such an ongoing need. This represents excellent opportunities for any fitness or recreational centers.
Once the decision to buy hydraulics has been made, it is important to choose the equipment meticulously. The main keys to the success of a hydraulic center include: the location and appearance of the center, the quality of the hydraulic equipment, and the service given to the clients.
Better Body Blitz - Yoga Butt
Most women share the same plea - how to tone and tighten those fat-attracting thigh, gluteal and abdominal areas. Well, relax ladies; your prayers have been answered. Now you can target your trouble spots without doing high-impact activities or endless repetitions -YogaButt is here! Created by fitness expert Beth Shaw, this energetic, yoga-based workout was designed to make you sweat as you boost muscle strength and definition.
YogaButt takes traditional yoga poses like downward facing dog, bridge pose and plank pose and mixes in a challenging element of strength using a medicine ball. For example, in downward facing dog, participants are asked to hold the ball between their legs. While their entire body is working to achieve the pose, they're activating the quadriceps, butt and hamstrings to hold the ball in place. To make things even more challenging, they might then be instructed to move from this position into a forward fold and then into a chair pose - all while holding the ball between their legs. Sound tough? It is. That's why this intense workout is definitely not recommended for beginners.
There's also an added bonus to the YogaButt workout - increased core strength. "The ball brings awareness to the core muscles and requires participants to activate the core muscles to maintain the pose," explains Shaw. This additional core strength can help improve posture, ease lower back pain and prevent sports injuries as well as allow for better, more effective functioning in day-to-day activities.