Saturday, December 31, 2011


Let me guess - six pack abs! I don't know anybody who does not want to shrink there waistline, lose body fat, eliminate low back pain and develop a jaw dropping set of rock-hard six-pack. Too bad that your brain has been poisoned with contaiminated information.

Before you can start learing how to get six-pack abs and discover the truth about what it really takes to build a beach-worthy abdominal section, you must first expose the lies, myths and rumors. Before we talk about how to get six-pack abs, the right way, we must re-program your hard drive and empty the trash can of garbage you have been fed.

Because of all this hyped up and misguided information - even among so-called 'fitness experts' - you should skeptical of discerning about all abdominal training equipment and programs. Let's first eliminate the top four ways not to get a six-pack:

Learning how to get a six-pack does not require expensive workout equipment promoted through obnoxious infomercials. You can't flick on the TV anymore without seeing two new abdominal exercise machines being promoted at once. There are so many of them, that if you get suckered into these 'ab workout' gimmicks, you will be broke quicker than Ben Johnson sprints the 100 m dash! And get this: Of the $520 million dollars a year spent on exercise equipment, abdominal machines get a $208 million dollar piece of the pie!

Learning how to get a six-pack does not require thousands or even hundreds of crunches a day. So much for the Brittany Spears ab workout! Crunches are decent but totally overused and associated with more being better. Crunches is a very general exercise and general exercises get general results. Excessive floor crunches shorten the abdominal wall, pull your head forward and emphasize poor posture. They also involve a very low level of stimulation which negelets adequate muscle fiber recruitment.

Learning how to get a six-pack does not involve starvation diets. Starvation diets starve the muscle when instead, you should be feeding the muscle. Guess what happens when you starve your body? Your metabolism shuts down out of survival and causes your body to store fat. Your body must get energy from somewhere so guess what gets sacrificed? That's right, your precious muscle which is in fact responsible for a maintaining a high metabolism. Starve your muscle - great logic!

Learning how to get a six-pack does not require fat burning pills. What did the last weight loss pill you bought do for you? The same thing the next one is going to do - nothing! Except give you a thinner wallet but not a thinner waist line. The entire concept of taking pills to 'burn fat' is built on a sandy foundation and misleading because diet pills only treat the symptons and not the root cause. Without focusing on the root problems of a flabby mid-section, like nutrition, lifestyle and proper training, you will just end up where you started - farther away from having a six-pack for summer instead of closer.

If just landed on earth from Mars today, and were able to avoid these four completely wrong ways to build a six-pac, than you will have an advantage over the rest of the world and be one enormous step closer to taking your shirt off with pride!


Plyometric exercises make a muscle reach full force in the shortest time possible. This kind of exercise uses the force of gravity to store potential energy in the muscles, which is then quickly transformed into kinetic energy. One of the most common forms of this exercise is the box jump, also known as the in-depth jump, wherein an athlete steps off the box and lands with his/her legs coiled then quickly leaps to the next box.

Here are the top benefits of plyometric exercises that will help you decide if this type of fitness program is something that you need.

1. Strengthens the muscle
Muscles particularly in the legs are engaged and developed during this type of workout. Lean muscle mass in the legs are developed which make them stronger and more effective in carrying out physical activities.

2. Improves response time of muscles
Especially in competitive sports, it is important for an athlete to be able to move quickly at a moments notice. With regular plyometric workout, you will notice the development of your explosive power, which can help you deliver superior athletic performance. Such sports include basketball, soccer, hockey, and so many more.

3. Increase endurance
Another thing that athletes should have is endurance. They cannot get tired easily if they want to win in a sports competition. Partaking in plyometric training will increase one�s endurance significantly as well as allow the muscles to handle long athletic activities during peak performance.

4. Improves posture and balance
After engaging in this exercise for even a short period, you will notice great improvement on your posture and balance.

5. Burns calories
When you engage in any physical activity, you will obviously burn calories but what is great about plyometrics is that it also boosts your metabolic rate, which means that your body will become more effective in burning calories.

6. Reduces risk of injuries
Plyometrics reduces risk of injuries by improving flexibility and range of motion. This is also achieved by strengthening the body and making it more resistant to injuries.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Having strong obliques is key in avoiding lower back injuries. This exercise improves the strength and coordination of all of your core muscles – and will improve your tone and tighten your waist.

Exercise: Sit on the ground with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, holding a medicine ball at your chest with both hands. Lean your torso back away from your thighs, increasing the angle at your hips and pulling your belly button in towards your spine. Maintaining your hip angle, rotate your torso to the right, moving your right elbow towards the floor behind you. Return center and rotate to the left. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each side. As you get stronger, perform the rotations with straighter arms and/or use a heavier medicine ball. Always keep your belly button pulled in.

Having strong obliques is key in avoiding lower back injuries. This exercise improves the strength and coordination of all of your core muscles – and will improve your tone and tighten your waist.

Exercise: Sit on the ground with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, holding a medicine ball at your chest with both hands. Lean your torso back away from your thighs, increasing the angle at your hips and pulling your belly button in towards your spine. Maintaining your hip angle, rotate your torso to the right, moving your right elbow towards the floor behind you. Return center and rotate to the left. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each side. As you get stronger, perform the rotations with straighter arms and/or use a heavier medicine ball. Always keep your belly button pulled in.

This dynamic exercise tones, lengthens and strengthens just about every muscle in your body. Though it is challenging, it's a perfect exercise to end with.

Exercise: Get on your hands and toes, facing the floor, keeping your head, back and legs in a straight line and your arms straight underneath your shoulders. Lift your rear to the ceiling, pulling your belly button into your spine, forming a pike or downward dog (yoga) position, lengthening your arms and legs. Return to plank position and bend your elbows against your sides, lowering your torso and legs to the floor. Keeping your lower body flat on the floor, use your arms to push your chest and head up towards the ceiling (similar to the cobra in yoga), stretching out the front of your body. Lower down and push your body back into plank position. Repeat 5 to 10 times. As you get stronger, increase the number of repetitions.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


A common tip on fitting walking into your day is to park your car at the back of the parking lot when you shop or go to work. To take that idea one step farther, why not consider parking in an adjacent parking lot or walking from your home to the store or too your office? If you take public transportation or someone drops you off, consider getting off one stop early or having your companion drop you off several blocks away from your destination.

Another common suggestion is to take the stairs whenever possible. But some people have access to all the functions they require on one floor and don’t find the need to use the stairs. If this is the case, consider regularly using a washroom on a different floor or using a copier that’s across the building from your desk.

If you frequently go out to lunch, suggest to your colleagues that you find a good restaurant within walking distance. If time is an issue, speak with your supervisor about lengthening your lunch break in favor of working a few extra minutes at the end of the day.

Although many people think walking the dog is a good way to get in extra steps, the stop and go nature of walking your dog doesn’t really provide many health benefits. However, many dogs appreciate a brisk walk once they have relieved themselves. Allow extra time for a few laps around the block at a brisk pace once Fido has completed his business.

Babies, also, enjoy being taken for walks. But unless your child is old enough to maintain a steady pace, consider pushing him in a stroller while you walk. An added benefit of this is that you will burn extra calories the stroller. You will also set a great example for your child that exercise is an important part of the day. Since you should be able to carry on a conversation while walking (if you can’t, you’re going too fast) make taking a walk after dinner a family tradition.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


With summer just around the corner, more and more people are becoming concerned about improving their physique. Summer equals bathing suits, pool parties, beach parties, and various other outdoor activates. A lot of people want to look their best during this time of year. In this article I will reveal some of the best fitness tips to help anyone attain that slim summer body.

Exercise. Physical activity is very important when it comes down to weight loss and toning the body. If you simply go on a diet, you will have a difficult time losing weight. a lot of people who chose to diet without exercise complain that they can't lose any weight from their midsection (one of the most targeted areas in weight loss).

Eat healthy. Summer can mean sodas, candy, and chips. All of these foods can put a damper on our weight loss results. Eating a healthy diet is a must. Stay away from sweets, sodas, and fried foods. You should also limit your intake of processed foods and meats with a lot of animal fats. Eat more whole grains, low fat dairy, lean meats, fruit, vegetables, and healthy snacks.

Get plenty of rest. A lot of people don't realize that stress and lack of sleep can have a deep impact upon our weight. Learning to control these problems is very important if you want to lose weight quickly and effectively.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Muscle fitness is the dream of any youth today - be it a male or a female. There is no shortage of gymnasiums to work out. There are also innumerable supplements in the market. These supplements guarantee the best of the muscle layouts for your body. Here's a list of the things you must do while traveling on the highway to muscle fitness.

First, consult your physician before adopting any exercise schedule or taking any of the muscle fitness supplements. Do check out with your personal physician whether you can go for that exercise regimen. Your doctor will, in all probability, do an overall checkup of your physique.

Take to the exercises or the medications only if you get the nod from your physician. Sincerely follow the guidelines set by your instructor.Once you get the nod from the expert, contact a muscle fitness instructor in your neighborhood. You must always do the exercises under the watchful eyes of the instructor. This is a precaution against any pitfalls.Next, choose a state-of-the art gymnasium.

Doubly ensure that the gym has up-to-date first aid facilities. The very knowledge that there is an expert doctor nearby whom you can turn to in times of exigencies is quite a comforting assurance. Mind you, accidents can happen anytime.Then, you will also have to take care of your diet so that you keep on supplementing your body with the required vitamins and other minerals. But, it is always better to opt for the natural means rather than going for the artificial ones.

Beware! Overeating may give you only the opposite results. Once you start having the bulge, it would be rather problematic for you to trim that fat on your waist.On the other hand, in most of the cases the fatty substances keep on gathering rather than reducing. Or if you start starving after the exercise regimen, you would not gain anything insofar as muscle fitness is concerned. This is because the body is unable to regain the lost strength from the meal.

Would you be able to run a car without fuel? Surely not! Similar is the case with our body!Along with the diet, another important point to keep in mind is that your body dehydrates while exercising. So, take to fluids in a big way. If you deprive your already taxed body of water or other nourishing fluid you will get tired easily. Getting fagged out after any muscle fitness roster will be a hopeless program. After all, you are exercising to not just get the dream body but to also gain strength.

Above all, the muscle fitness routine is not at all about starving. Muscle fitness is more about a hygienic lifestyle. What is required is a controlled but Army-type of regimen. Therefore, all you have to give is total concentration and posses a strong will power.

Moreover, remove the misconception that if you exercise too much you will have more muscle power. Neither over-exercise nor lift excessive weights. There is a limit to everything. Most importantly, our bodies will tolerate strains only up to a limit. Do the exercises leisurely. Exert too much pressure on the physique and you will not get strong for sure!At the end of the day, the muscle fitness regimen must not be at loggerheads with your sweet sleep.

In other words, it is of absolute necessity that you get a good night's sleep. In fact, our body recuperates from the day's wear and tear only during that time when we have a sound sleep. Another less known aspect is that our physique grows during the time we dream.If you are suffer from insomnia, practise yogic exercises in the morning. They help to tone up the body.

Certain breathing exercises also help to get rid of the toxic elements from inside our body. These yogic exercises are good for gaining concentration and balance of mind as well.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Fitness is related to human body. It enables human beings to perform up to their potential resistance and energy. Fitness is described as a condition that helps one look, feel and do the best he can.

Fitness is the ability to perform daily tasks dynamically and vigilantly, with sufficient energy left for enjoying leisure-time activities and meeting emergency demands too. Fitness is the ability to tolerate, to bear up, to survive in stress, to carry on in situations where an unfit person could not continue, and is a major basis for good health and well-being.

Fitness is a quality which varies from individual to individual. It is basically affected by age, exercise, eating habits and practices and heredity. Fitness also includes the performance of the heart, muscles and lungs of the body and also fitness affects to some degree qualities like mental awareness and emotional strength.Fitness involves exercising and working out to look and feel better. Physical and mental well being of people also depends on the fitness.

Health fitness involves finding activities that are going to improve person’s current fitness level.Eating properly also plays an important role in fitness. You will feel lethargic and bad-tempered if you consume large amounts of carbs, fats, and sugar. They give us a temporary enhancement in energy but not for long. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables will help people maintain energy levels all day long without the variation. They will also consume fewer calories and you will feel full throughout the day.

Fitness is a very important issue that most of the people need to focus their attention on. It affects both physical well being and mental well being of people. Fitness gives human being an opportunity to be the healthiest they can. They will look and feel better than they have in a long time.

For the best results people should plan a fitness program with the help of a personal trainer or a doctor. It should be made sure that it focuses on their aims and their skills. There should be no comparisons between the fitness programs.There are few energy guidelines which should be followed everyday by everyone:One should keep his or her body well hydrated.One should always try to increase energy during the day. They should always do some deep breathing, avoid using lifts to go upstairs in a building use stairs or just standing up doing some leg raises, this all help to move oxygen around the body and improve the cells energy producing processes.The day should be started after having a complete rest. The bed should be treated as energy re-supply point and every human being should take minimum of 7-9 hours sleep in the night.It is guided to everyone that if you don’t get time in the morning then it should be made sure that once you are back home in the evening while watching TV you should do some yoga or sit on workout bike. A few seconds later the brain starts connecting the visual messages and before you know it an hour has gone by.If a person does not get time for the lunch, at least he should take a break of 10 minutes and go out in the open air where there is full of oxygen and not pollution.

People should take good nutritious snacks when at work. Excessive coffee intake should be avoided. Caffeine is not a good long term solution for energy throughout the day.The size of an evening meal should be reduced and carbs avoided, after the later part of the evening. It will help you sleep better and that translates into more energy during the day.

There are many herbal supplements also available that provide people with increased energy levels and keep them fit. Use of these products has proved to be beneficial for people of all age groups.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Cholesterol always comes to mind whenever we are thinking of body fitness and eating habits. More of this substance would result to bodily disorder; thus, resulting to high blood pressure causing cardiac arrest and stroke. What is needed is a regular check up of your cholesterol levels to reduce any dilemma later on.

There's a famous adage that says: "health is wealth." It is important to take care of our health since this is a precious gift given to us by our Creator. Regular exercise and proper eating habits are the important factors for lowering cholesterol in our body.

Regular exercise
Regular exercise is needed by our body to be physically fit, healthy and younger than your age. Work this out for at least thirty minutes for at least three times in a week if you cannot do it daily. It can bring benefits in mental, emotional, physical and appearance conditions.

With regular exercise, there can be improvement in your thinking and mood. It can make you feel more comfortable, alert, happier and with full of energy.

Regular exercise is also good to your heart as it prevents your heart from disease. You can also lose weight by keeping your body in shape. Since muscles are relaxed, it can keep your muscles stronger, help your body parts function smoothly and keep blood circulating normally to the heart.

Appearance is also affected with regular exercise. It is not only giving you shape in your body but making you look fitter and healthier and making your skin softer and firmer and eyes brighter. Proper eating habits

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Maintaining Body Fitness

Staying healthy is one thing and keeping fit is another, it is important to keep fit so that the body can function well. There are several body fitness tips which help you stay fit and healthy. One thing an individual needs to do so that he or she can maintain the body and fitness.

Morning exercises are one way of staying fit. You must make it a routine to exercise every morning. Morning exercises can be jogging to the perk and back, press ups and stretching.

Set an alarm to notify you every morning and you will see how fast this will become part of your life style.Exercising comes with many benefits as it makes one active and lowers the risks of death. Try walking to school rather than taking the bus, this will sure help you stay fit and it is one of the best tips for body and fitness.

Other fitness tips are eating healthy and taking plenty of liquids especially water. Make sure that the meals you eat are balanced and comprise of fruits too.

Do not avoid wholegrain and cereals as they reduce chances of getting heart diseases and colon cancer. Another body fitness tips are mind exercises, this ones can be done by playing indoor games such as chess, cards and poker.

Working out can be strenuous to some people but there are enjoyable work outs will enable you keep fit and stay relaxed too. Dancing is another way to keep fit and stay healthy.

Body fitness tips will require you to be always active. Don't just sit in the couch all day watching TV try and jog around or play with the kids.

Monday, December 12, 2011


You must use weight training to build muscle mass and increase metabolism and you must exercise consistently. The energy expenditure will help develop a negative caloric balance.

Do not starve yourself. The body may shut down its metabolism and it becomes extremely efficient in saving/storing energy. Eat nutritious meals spaced evenly throughout the day to maintain the metabolism and provide energy for exercise. Reduce any unnecessary food intake.

Remember you are trying to eat fewer calories then are needed to maintain weight. Aim to reduce the calories by a maximum of 20% (i.e. 200-400 per day), BUT/ never go lower than 1500 total daily calories. Reducing the amount of fat in your diet greatly helps in reaching a calorie deficit (because each gram of fat has 9 calories).

Do NOT eat “fat-free” foods in excess. Remember the aim is a calorie deficit! There are no magic OR forbidden foods. Some are better than others BUT very few items need to be fully excluded from a diet. Allow yourself at least the occasional treat.

Do NOT eat “fat-free” foods in excess. Remember the aim is a calorie deficit! There are no magic OR forbidden foods. Some are better than others BUT very few items need to be fully excluded from a diet. Allow yourself at least the occasional treat.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tighten Your Tush

Many women consider their tush their biggest trouble spot when it comes to trying to lose fat.

The problem is the amount of time we spend parked on our rear ends. We once spent our days squatting and standing in the fields, literally working our butts off, but now we sit in front of computer screens, steering wheels, and TVs. And our butts have adapted by giving us bigger, softer cushions to sit on.

What's more, the back end is the female body's fuel pantry. It's where your body stores the fat reserves to draw on when babies need nourishment and food is scarce. Because it serves such an important function, that fat can be stubborn and is often the last to budge.

But don't despair if your back end is a particularly troublesome spot; creating a strong, jiggle-free butt is not impossible. By including a few glute-specific exercises in your training regimen, you can make a visible difference in a short amount of time, especially if you also step up your fat-burning aerobic activity, which helps thin out the fat layer on top of your newly firmed buttocks. And a firm, flab-free butt does more than just sit pretty in your jeans. It gives you the strength to bound up stairs, play tag with your kids, and excel in every sport you play.

The following exercises are designed to target the gluteal muscles, or the "glutes." These muscles include the gluteus maximus, which makes up the roundest, fullest part of the butt and the lower butt; the gluteus medius, which runs along the outside of the butt and hip area; and the gluteus minimus, which sits between the medius and the maximus.

Getting Started
If you're brand new to weight training, incorporate one or two of these exercises into a full-body routine. If you already work out but want a firmer rear, tack on a few of these exercises to your routine. Start with one set of 10 to 12 repetitions and work up to two sets of 12 to 15. Rest for 20 seconds between sets.

What to Expect
Expect your butt to burn. Start slowly, and gradually build your reps and sets so that you don't become too sore right from the start.

Safety First
Your back is an important stabilizer during many of these exercises, and you don't want to put too much stress on it. Start with a very light weight or no weight at all until you have the motions down. Perform the exercises slowly, using your muscles, not momentum, to do the work. Keep your back flat and in a neutral position, and avoid any arching or hunching during the exercises.

Perform the exercises 2 or 3 days a week (just not on consecutive days; your muscles need a rest), and you'll feel significantly stronger after just 3 to 6 weeks. After 6 to 8 weeks, you'll start seeing and feeling an improvement in your butt's firmness and appearance.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Strive For Body Fitness

People recognize that true fitness involves the entire human being including the body, the mind and the spirit. There are statistics which show that, after years of training in body building, many of the persons who practiced this sport turned to fitness.

Bodily fitness is being able to deal with and handle the daily stresses of life, good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise, and habits.Does our physical exercise have anything to do with the fitness of our body? By participating in a physical fitness program that trains the body to work as one complete unit and that understands all physical abilities must be trained to complement the others.

People that have developed the abilities to survive, flourish and excel in the natural environment, through either superior genetics or proper physical training, normally have the hard, lean and muscular body that exemplifies these traits.

To have the physical abilities to survive, flourish and excel in our natural environment, and the lean, hard and muscular body that exemplifies these abilities, is not a vain, selfish desire. Total fitness is the ability to effectively use and integrate different physical abilities into a fluid and successful completion of a task. Another advantage of fitness is a richer and more varied area of exercises, inspired from the complex training of body building but also of many other sports.

If you have a weight loss coach he or she will help you each and every step of the way providing you support, motivation, and will teach you the secrets that all slim people know, so that you can lose weight in a healthy way and allow you to maintain your weight and get back to your body perfect fitness and health for life A coach will provide you a one-on-one daily support as you pursue your life long dream of permanent weight loss and getting back to a healthy lifestyle.Eating tips will help keep you on the right track, when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle.

For twenty minutes your body gets a spinal massage, your mind is allowed to float freely between the left and right poles of your brain, your lymph and blood systems are allowed to clear themselves of toxins, each organ of your body receives the most efficient flow of energy, and you feel connected to the universal source.Remember that you need carbohydrates for energy and if you are working the right factors in the right way you are going to need those important complex and essential carbohydrates for keeping your energy level up and helping refuel your body.

With a home gym, a Bowflex for example, you don’t need to go anywhere, stay at home or office and do your body weight exercises. If you are purchasing fitness equipments, you must read the fine print and ensure that the equipment you are purchasing is suitable for you or not.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


If you're like many, you've found the one activity you love to do. And you do it—over and over again. That's great, especially when you're just trying to get into the habit. But once you're exercising regularly, adding variety to your routine can take you to the next level."When you do just one thing, you're only training the muscles you need for that particular activity," says Janet Alexander, an exercise specialist in Encinitas, CA.

"That can leave you very strong in some areas, but pretty weak in others, leading to muscle imbalances and overuse injuries from performing the same motions day in and day out." And as you already know, the more muscles you use, the more calories you burn, and the slimmer and fitter you'll feel. "Plus, cross-training keeps you from getting bored!" she adds.You should always aim for a balance of aerobic activity and strength training to keep your heart fit, your muscles toned, and your bones strong. "Strength training twice a week is essential," says Alexander.

"It's the only thing that keeps your muscles strong enough to do the activities you love. And strength training keeps your metabolism high, so you avoid gaining excess body fat as you get older."Otherwise, try to vary your aerobic workouts so that you're not doing the same activity every day. Below are some ideas to help you spice up your routine.

Quick TipIf your workout's not working, try a new activity to boost calorie burn.

If your primary exercise is:Jogging/RunningTry YogaKeeps muscles and joints strong and flexibleGolf or TennisTry Swimming Moves joints through a full rotation and stretches themCycling/Spinning ClassesTry African or Jazz Dance

Impact is good for your bones and improves posture WalkingTry SwimmingStretches you and works your upper bodyAerobics Class (e.g., dance, step, kickboxing)Try Biking on TrailsLow impact is easier on joints.

Adding hills works your upper body and improves balance.Swimming/Water AerobicsTry Walking Especially on hills Weight-bearing exercise adds impact to build bones and improves lower body strength.

Friday, November 4, 2011


People are keen to perform yoga body fitness, although they are aware that it is tough to accomplish faster results. Knowing the right guideline is essential for smooth programming. Generally, it is noted that people make some mistakes in the aim of performing the fitness program and have confessed about the slow results. Therefore, it is a must to recognize the mistakes that are the main don`ts while performing yoga body fitness.

The fitness program regularly relies on strong determination and should follow a regular and right training program right from the start. Some mistakes may appear to be negligible, but is a matter of serious concern as they cause hindrance in the fitness program as well as in accomplishing the desired fitness level.

The most significant mistake that needs to be avoided is eating once or only twice a day. Restricting to a meal or two daily is not recommended as it results in building ripped abs, and any fitness program is appropriate only when your body is adequate with nutrition. After performing the fitness program, it is essential to replenish the muscles, and obviously eating less meals results in triggering muscle loss and also in decreasing the metabolic rate. Eating the right food timely is highly recommended as a successful diet comprising of protein-rich food that is low-carb, especially after yoga body fitness workouts is appropriate. Subsequently, avoiding eating unhealthy fats such as potato chips and deep fried foods.

Another great mistake deals with yoga fitness performed even with perfect DVD instructions. Practicing it demands time and as life is hectic, you may practice once a week for minimum 60 minutes. It is observed that some people perform yoga body fitness when they are highly stressed such that their back hurts or they experience a disturbing sleep. They start practicing by default and take rigid poses that is tough and end up with adverse effects. Performing yoga body fitness with commitment even during hectic days at least for 10 minutes is more beneficial than doing it for 60 minutes once a week.

The don`ts also include struggling to fit poses that may be nearly impossible for you to perform, leading to a feeling of failure. For instance, sitting with crossed legs may be painful or even sitting up straight may be uncomfortable, and can be rectified by accepting the uniqueness of the yoga body fitness or modifying the pose to fit your structure of the body. This may lead to breathing problem owing to the struggle in maintaining the pose that makes you breathless and also causes chaos in performing the yoga body fitness. It is a must to connect the flowing movements while holding the pose, thereby creating movement with the association of the breath.

The don`ts also include neglecting inner workings as people believe yoga body fitness deals with physical exercise besides yoga breathing. In reality, yoga exercises strengthen and tone the body, but certainly learning the inner workings helps in clearing any sorrow accumulated and this allows to breathe better and to support a good posture.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Pelvic floor fitness is an essential to lifelong physical, sexual and emotional health.Yet this area of the body is often neglected by fitness experts. Why are the pelvic floor muscles so important, and why should all women do regular exercises to maximise their fitness?

1.Pelvic floor fitness is the best way of beating stress incontinence.

2.Pelvic floor fitness improves sexual response.

3.Pelvic floor fitness contributes to an easier labour and better recovery after childbirth.

4. Pelvic floor fitness is an excellent defence against urge incontinence, common amongst women in their later years.

5. Pelvic floor fitness is a vital factor in total fitness. XFT-0010 Pelvic Muscle Trainer adopts pneumatic principle and biofeedback technology.It can guide and help females take the initiative to do correct and effective pelvic muscles exercise.Strengthen pelvic floor muscles;Improve the quality of sexual life.It helps people to avoid bladder leaks,incontinent.Many good pelvic floor exercise devices have been available for sometimebut are often hard to track down, particularly for women who want to exercise independently at home.

Exercisers have usually only been available direct from a distributor or from a health professional.Just after giving birth or during the menopause, many women may suffer a deterioration involving the pelvic floor muscle tissues that can lead to bladder control problems – an upsetting situation that can result in humiliation and worry to the individual struggling.

Many females suffer in silence – too worried to describe the matter to a health practitioner – and frequently resort to using incontinence pads…these are not only bulky and sometimes visible under tight clothing – additionally they cost an awful lot of money over time.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


At its most basic, exercise is any type of physical exertion we perform in an effort to improve our health, shape our bodies and boost performance. Obviously that covers a broad range of activities and, luckily, there are plenty to go around whether you want to lose weight, get healthy or train for a sport.

The Benefits of Exercise
I could (and will) go on and on about all the things exercise can do for you, both physically and mentally. The great thing about it is that you don't need much to get the benefits. Even just a few minutes a day can improve your health, well-being and help you:

Lose weight
Reduce stress
Relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety
Reduce your risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer
Boost your mood
Give you more energy
Help you sleep better
Increase bone density
Strengthen the heart and lungs
Improve your quality of life

It's important to remember that motivation doesn't just happen. It's something you make happen each and every day. If you have multiple reasons to exercise, you'll always have something to get you moving, even when motivation is short. The hardest part of exercise is getting started...if you can get that far, you've won half the battle. Some ideas:

Remind yourself of your weight loss goals
Think of a future event to get ready for (a wedding, a vacation, etc.)
Consider how much energy you'll have to get more things done
Imagine how relaxed you'll feel after a workout
Think of your exercise time as the only time you may get to yourself all day
Remind yourself how good you'll feel by following through
Promise yourself a reward for completing your workout
Think of all the diseases and illnesses your workout could protect you from
Remind yourself that this workout is necessary to reach your goal .

Monday, October 24, 2011


If you are looking for a way to improve your golf game, you may want to try a new healthcare system called Body Talk. Body Talk helps golfers by getting all the systems of their body to synchronize. Originally developed by Australian doctor John Veltheim, Body Talk helps the body rid itself of chronic health disorders, mental and emotional obstacles, and has been assisting many professional athletes with all aspects of their games.

This system allows the body to release self sabotaging belief systems and emotions as well as enabling all parts of the body to communicate with each other. This re-balancing helps each player to integrate all aspects of their game and improve performance on all levels.

Body Talk works on the premise that the body works as a symphony. Much like the parts of the body, if any instruments of a symphony are “out of tune,” or under communicating, performance is compromised, and all you are left with is noise. All of the systems and parts of the body need to be synchronized and communicating efficiently to perform well and be at optimum health.
If the body is not balanced, this may lead to poor body awareness and inefficient movement, as well as destructive and emotional patterns. By using biofeedback testing, Body Talk determines what lines of communication within a golfer’s body are underperforming and need to be enhanced. Utilizing the philosophies of western and Chinese medicine, quantum mechanics, and yoga and vedic philosophies, Body Talk determines what the body’s priorities are to achieve maximum performance.

The concept of priorities is what makes Body Talk unique. If you are slicing, or “choking” when the time comes to make the big shot, that is a symptom of some underlying issue. Instead of trying to find the “problem,” Body Talk establishes what the priorities are that need to be addressed to resolve the issue.This may involve synchronizing parts of the brain, nervous system patterns, flexibility and strength patterns, or a belief system such as “I don’t deserve to win.” No matter the issue, Body Talk always seems to help resolve it, often quickly and dramatically.“Body Talk has helped me play pain free for the first time in years” says Matt Seppanen, a professional golfer. “I have had hip pain for a few years and it always inhibited my play after walking a few holes. After a few Body Talk sessions, my body awareness was so much better that my body just seems to sort itself out. I am also amazed at how clear and focused my mind is while I am competing. All of the little things that used to bother me are gone and my focus is incredible.”

Monday, October 10, 2011


1. Medicine ball squat with overhead liftFunctionality: Even though you lift things – like groceries, your kids, and other objects – with your arms, your legs and back are also key players. This exercise strengthens your legs, glutes, lower back, arms and shoulders. Exercise: Stand with your feet wide, holding a light medicine ball in front of you in both hands. Squat down moving your rear back, keeping your knees over your ankles and lower the medicine ball to the floor while keeping your head up and back straight (don’t hunch). Return to a start position and lift the medicine ball up over your head. Repeat squat and lower ball to the ground. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Increase weight of the ball as you get stronger.

2. Stair climb with bicep curlFunctionality: Whether you have stairs at your house or have to climb them elsewhere, using stairs as part of your fitness program will keep your legs conditioned – not to mention toned. Partnering stair climbs with bicep curls will strengthen your arms and improve your ability to carry things up the stairs. This exercise will also boost your cardiovascular fitness. Exercise: Stand at the bottom of a flight of stairs holding a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell in each hand. Climb the stairs while performing bicep curls. Walk or run down the stairs holding the weights but not doing curls. Repeat 5 to 10 times. Increase the dumbbell weight as your arms get stronger and mix up your climbs by taking two steps at a time for a flight or two.

3. Hip extension with reverse flyFunctionality: This exercise improves your balance and coordination as well as strengthens your upper, mid and lower back, shoulders, glutes and legs. Exercise: Stand tall with a 5-pound dumbbell in each hand. Extend your right leg back and place your toe on the floor keeping your right leg straight. Lean forward slightly at the hips. Lift your right leg behind you as you bring your chest towards the floor and lift your arms straight out forming a T at your shoulders, squeezing your shoulder blades together and keeping your head in line with your neck. Return to start position. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each leg. As you get stronger, increase dumbbell weight and strap 2- to 5-pound weights on your ankles.

4. Diagonal reach with medicine ballFunctionality: When you reach for your boots off the top shelf of your closet, pay attention to how your body moves – one arm reaches up while the opposite leg slightly lifts to the side. This exercise works all the muscles – arms, shoulders, legs – involved in lifting something diagonally overhead as well as lowering it. Exercise: Stand tall holding a medicine ball at your chest with both hands. Lift medicine ball diagonally overhead to the right, straightening your arms, while extending your left leg to the side, making a diagonal line from the medicine ball to your toes. Lower to start position. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each leg. Increase the weight of the medicine ball and strap 2- to 5-pound weights on your ankles as you get stronger.

5. Lunge with back rowFunctionality: This exercise will improve your posture by strengthening the muscles in your upper and mid back, shoulders, and arms while also toning and strengthening your legs and improving your hip flexibility. Exercise: Holding an 8-pound weight in each hand, step your right foot forward and your left foot back, keeping both heels on the floor and feet pointing straight ahead. Bend your right knee until it is over your right ankle. Lower your chest towards your thigh, bringing your arms perpendicular to the floor, keeping your back flat (don’t hunch) – this is your start position. Straighten your right leg, row your elbows back and squeeze your shoulder blades together, keeping your torso angled slightly forward. Return to start position. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each leg. Increase the weight of the dumbbells as you get stronger. This exercise can also be done with a resistance band looped underneath the front foot.

6. Knee lift with lateral raiseFunctionality: This exercise improves your core strength and balance as well as strengthens and tones your shoulders. Exercise: Stand tall with a 5-pound weight in each hand, arms to your sides. Lift your right knee until it reaches hip level while simultaneously lifting your arms straight out to the side to form a T at your shoulders. Hold for 2 seconds making sure your belly button is pulled back towards your spine then lower to start position. Repeat 10 to 15 times for each leg. Increase the weight of the dumbbells as you get stronger.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


As a youngster you may have been subscribed to severe diet plans and strenuous exercise regimes to remain fit and healthy. Fortunately you will be no longer be required to go through this at 50 and after it. There are several easy ways on getting fit and healthy after 50.

They include:Have a Balanced DietAlthough you may have spent all your youth not bothering what and how you eat, you need to follow a healthy and balanced diet at this point of life. Remember that diet is one of the major causes of obesity, hypertension, acid reflux disease, diabetes and hence, you should have a proper diet to prevent these diseases. Your daily diet should include fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, lean meats and chicken, etc. You should reduce consumption of fatty foods, dairy foods, fried foods and sweets or avoid eating them for getting fit fast.

Exercise RegularlyExercise is very essential if you wish to keep your bones strong and healthy throughout your life. Strength training exercises should only be performed under the supervision of a trainer. Yoga and power yoga are the best exercises for getting fit after 50. Otherwise you can go for the cardiovascular exercises like swimming, running, jogging, brisk walking, etc. as they are good to improve breathing and functioning of the heart. Try and find a company (or get along your spouse) to enjoy the exercise regime!

Quit Smoking and AlcoholAnother effective technique on how to start getting fit after 50 is to reduce or avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol. Smoking is also a cause of all respiratory disorders and cancer. Alcoholism also leads to liver damage and hence, it should be cut down. Therefore, you need to stop smoking and reduce alcohol consumption to a small glass 2-3 times a week or stop completely. Although you have been a chain smoker or alcoholic in your life, stopping it can help a great deal, even in later life.

Reduce StressStress is also one of the culprit causing health disorders like insomnia, hypertension, heart diseases, stomach disorders, etc. Therefore, the most effective tips on getting fit after 50 is to reduce stress. Remember this is the time where you should relax and enjoy your life peacefully. You should stop being a workaholic and try and spend time with your loved ones, friends, like minded people, etc. Doing the thing you love the most is the key in stress management. You can pursue a hobby, watch television, sing, cook, shop, travel to get rid of stress.

Have a Good SleepLastly, one of the best fitness tips for men and women over 50 is to have a good sleep. It is not wise to have very late hours everyday as it can take a toll on your health. If you follow the above mentioned healthy living tips, you are sure to have a good sleep for 6-7 hours every night. If you have difficulty sleeping, try and find ways to induce sleep (not the pills please!) or change your schedule for the same!I hope you have obtained an easy and satisfactory answer on how to start getting fit after 50.

Lastly, one of the best tips on how to become healthy is to try and be natural, use natural products and avoid artificial and synthetic products, foods, etc.

This way you are sure to age gracefully and be proud of it.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Some muscles or parts of the muscles in the legs are responsible for multiple actions and act on both the hip and knee joints.

QuadricepsThe quadriceps or "quads" is one of the largest muscle groups in your body. Many of the best leg exercises focus on the quads. The primary function of the quadriceps is leg extension. Leg extension is the motion of extending your knee like kicking a ball.

HamstringsThe hamstrings flex (curl) your leg. If you were standing and lifted your heel back to try to touch your butt your hamstrings would perform the action.

GlutesThere are 3 gluteal muscles. You have heard of the gluteus maximus which is the largest muscle in your body. There is also the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius. The group is often referred to as the glutes.

The primary function of the glutes is to extend your hip but they have many other functions such as leg abduction which is moving your leg away from your body to the side.

Hip FlexorsThe hip flexors are the muscles which lift your knee up as if you were about to march. The hip flexors are a chronic tight muscle which causes posture problems.

AdductorsThe adductor complex is the group of muscles of your inner thigh. The primary function of the adductors is to adduct your legs. Adduction is the moving of moving your legs together from away from your body.

AbductorsAbduction is the motion of moving a leg to the side away from your body. You may have heard your abductors referred to as your outer thighs.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Although we don’t know exactly why, it’s believed there are a range of reasons why exercise relieves anxiety and chases away the black clouds of depression:

Distraction - focusing your thoughts on hitting a tennis ball or running around an open manhole prevents you from mulling over your last (probably incorrectly perceived) social calamity.

Anxiety is driven by negative thinking. So using your brain more constructively can give your emotions a welcome break.

Biological - exercise safely releases stored up adrenaline, which is what causes you to sweat or feel sick when you’re anxious. This means you’ll feel more relaxed and less on edge after you’ve finished your run.

Strengthens your heart - your heart is a muscle and making it stronger will help it perform better in stressful situations. As your heart strengthens, from regular exercise, it’s less likely to start hammering in your chest in anxious situations.

Improves your mood - the increased blood flow to your brain causes mood enhancing ‘endorphins’ to be released. Endorphins are feel good hormones, and when they’re freed they can brighten your mood and evaporate gloomy thoughts.

Self esteem boost - just knowing that you’re doing something practical to relieve your anxiety, rather than feeling miserable in bed, will make you feel better about yourself. Regular exercise will make you feel fitter, stronger and give you a much needed boost to your self esteem.

Exercise should be fun, so choose a type that you’ll enjoy and won’t feel like a chore. Here are a few ideas you should think about trying:

Walking or jogging - these will get you out and about so you can say hello to strangers (and even smile if you’re feeling brave) to help overcome your fears. Gentle, regular exercise can strengthen your heart, lungs and reduce anxiety’s physical symptoms.

Weight lifting or sprinting - explosive bursts of energy will make you bigger and stronger. Being physically fit will help you feel better about yourself knowing you’re in trim shape.

Tennis or golf - taking up a skilful sport will give you a fulfilling goal to pursue as you strive to improve. Just remember to be easy on yourself if you don’t play as well as you’d like. Nobody got better at anything without practice.

Yoga - Ileana at Beating Social Anxiety would be able to tell you about the benefits of yoga for anxiety treatment. Yoga will help release some of the strain in your muscles from feeling .

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Most people that have tried to lose weight can tell you how distressing it can be to hit a weight loss plateau. Your diet and exercise plans seems to be going well, then…BOOM…the numbers on the scale stop moving and it seems that regardless of what you try nothing will get them back in motion. While hitting a weight loss plateau can be disheartening, they are a normal part of the weight loss process and should not deter you from reaching your goals.

Often people view experiencing a plateau as a form of failure and fall back into old, unhealthy habits. Sometime they become irritated – at the scale and eventually at themselves. Don't fall into this behavior. Instead of focusing on the plateau, think about how much weight you've lost to date. One week of no weight loss does not diminish the many weeks of weight loss you have already accomplished.

Most individuals want fast, easy results. We don't want to sweat and toil, we wish the weight would simply melt away. However, the secret to effective weight loss isn't such a secret – it's eating smaller portions of healthy food and exercising three or more time per week. If you follow these two simple rules, there is no reason to worry about reaching a plateau. In fact, you should consider the possibility that your healthy lifestyle has caused you to gain some muscle. Consequently, the weight lost in fat and gained in muscle may balance out, showing no change on the scale.

If you notice that the plateau began after a week of subpar exercise and diet, then view the plateau as motivation to work harder and smarter the next week. Make sure you are following your prepared exercise and diet plans. If you skipped your time at the gym or didn't push very hard while there, commit to kicking up the intensity of your workouts. If you eat more than necessary, be sure to scale back your portion size the next week. Review the events of the week and be attentive to areas of action that you can improve upon.

Be gentle with yourself. Experiencing a plateau doesn't mean that you made a mistake or aren't capable of shedding the weight. If you review the exercise and dietary choices of the week and find that you followed your routine perfectly, there is no need to change your weight loss plan. Healthy weight loss is often a slow journey and sometimes you will reach a natural plateau. Don't give up or resort to quick weight loss plans. While fad diets and quick cures may help to drop weight rapidly, that weight loss is typically not sustainable. Continue to follow a healthy, reasonable weight loss plan and the pound should begin to melt away again. Keep your spirit up and continue to press forward. However, if you experience a plateau for over three weeks, schedule an appointment with your doctor. There may be a medical reason hindering your progress.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Over Training

At first the over training state can be mild, and if an athlete rests, his body recovers fast. Later it may be more severe, and an athlete will be exhausted. The exhaustion is typical for experienced endurance athletes, who usually react in this way. Overtraining-like states can also be induced by mental, social, economical and environmental stress. These factors together with physical training cause total stress which influences on the body.

Stress can be caused by both positive and negative psychological factors. These may be e.g. holiday, vacation, personal achievement, change in residence, school or job, change in social and recreational habits, financial problems, divorce, trouble at school, trouble with the law, death or birth in the family.

Physiological factors cause stress as well. This kind of factors may be e.g. travel, sleep loss, races, changes in training, environmental changes (altitude, humidity, temperature), illness, injury, menstrual cycle or pregnancy.

Highly motivated athletes have to keep in mind that the balance between training, other stressors and recovery has to be right, i.e., they have to periodisize their training in the right way. If there is an uncompleted recovery time after exercises, fatigue starts to accumulate and after a few days or weeks symptoms of over training with a drop in performance will arise. As a result, recovery may take weeks or months.

Signs and symptoms of over training vary from athlete to athlete. The symptoms and signs are due to changes in the function of the autonomic nervous system, hormonal status, immunological parameters and other physiological and musculoskeletal changes of the body. Typically, an athlete feels tiredness and fatigue and notices a drop or stagnation in performance despite of continuing training.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Every year about one third of seniors take a tumble. Not all falls are serious, but they can be. In the past, several studies indicated that certain exercises could help seniors maintain stability, but now a new review of thirty-four studies confirms that exercise is the key to balance.

The studies included in the analysis looked at more than 2,800 participants. On average the study participants were over age seventy-five, generally healthy, and the majority were women. The review shows gains in balancing ability across different groups of adults who participated in a variety of exercises including walking, dancing, tai chi, and strength and balance training.

Here are some simple strength and balance exercises you can do at home that are proven to be effective. Always be sure theres a support nearby like a sturdy chair or a railing or bar, that you can grab onto in case you feel unsteady. The following exercises are recommended by the National Institutes of Health.

STAND ON ONE FOOT Stand behind a sturdy chair While holding the back of the chair, stand on one foot for up to ten seconds. Repeat this ten to 15 times, then switch and perform the same exercise on the other foot.

If youre feeling steady, challenge yourself further by holding on to the chair with just one hand, or releasing both hands from the chair if your balance is good.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Superior Performance for Athletes

Creatine is naturally produced in the body, but a supplement of it can help athletes with their performance in high-intensity workouts. Along with improving muscle strength, it also provides a quick energy boost. Because of this, it is commonly used by athletes before competitive events.

Glucosamine helps build healthy cartilage, so it is especially important for athletes who expend a lot of the energy that they take in through food. Cartilage degeneration is a long-term side effect of glucosamine deficiency. Normally, cartilage can regenerate on its own with sufficient rest and proper diet, but when the body is overworked, a person can suffer from joint pain. This is especially an issue for endurance runners who depend on strong knee joints.

Protein provides the nourishment that muscles need to recover from a strenuous workout. Bodybuilders, for example, use it to help them build bulk muscle, and—in some cases—gain weight to build that muscle. Even runners can benefit from protein supplements, despite the fact that their muscle mass is more lean than bulk. Without it, they are more susceptible to injury and longer recovery periods.

When exercise is a major part of your life, it can be difficult to get all the nutrients you need through your diet. This is why there are a myriad of sports supplements on the market from the likes of my protein, a recommended nutrition store for athletes, including creatine, glucosamine, and protein.