If you are looking for a way to improve your golf game, you may want to try a new healthcare system called Body Talk. Body Talk helps golfers by getting all the systems of their body to synchronize. Originally developed by Australian doctor John Veltheim, Body Talk helps the body rid itself of chronic health disorders, mental and emotional obstacles, and has been assisting many professional athletes with all aspects of their games.
This system allows the body to release self sabotaging belief systems and emotions as well as enabling all parts of the body to communicate with each other. This re-balancing helps each player to integrate all aspects of their game and improve performance on all levels.
Body Talk works on the premise that the body works as a symphony. Much like the parts of the body, if any instruments of a symphony are “out of tune,” or under communicating, performance is compromised, and all you are left with is noise. All of the systems and parts of the body need to be synchronized and communicating efficiently to perform well and be at optimum health.
If the body is not balanced, this may lead to poor body awareness and inefficient movement, as well as destructive and emotional patterns. By using biofeedback testing, Body Talk determines what lines of communication within a golfer’s body are underperforming and need to be enhanced. Utilizing the philosophies of western and Chinese medicine, quantum mechanics, and yoga and vedic philosophies, Body Talk determines what the body’s priorities are to achieve maximum performance.
The concept of priorities is what makes Body Talk unique. If you are slicing, or “choking” when the time comes to make the big shot, that is a symptom of some underlying issue. Instead of trying to find the “problem,” Body Talk establishes what the priorities are that need to be addressed to resolve the issue.This may involve synchronizing parts of the brain, nervous system patterns, flexibility and strength patterns, or a belief system such as “I don’t deserve to win.” No matter the issue, Body Talk always seems to help resolve it, often quickly and dramatically.“Body Talk has helped me play pain free for the first time in years” says Matt Seppanen, a professional golfer. “I have had hip pain for a few years and it always inhibited my play after walking a few holes. After a few Body Talk sessions, my body awareness was so much better that my body just seems to sort itself out. I am also amazed at how clear and focused my mind is while I am competing. All of the little things that used to bother me are gone and my focus is incredible.”
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