Some muscles or parts of the muscles in the legs are responsible for multiple actions and act on both the hip and knee joints.
QuadricepsThe quadriceps or "quads" is one of the largest muscle groups in your body. Many of the best leg exercises focus on the quads. The primary function of the quadriceps is leg extension. Leg extension is the motion of extending your knee like kicking a ball.
HamstringsThe hamstrings flex (curl) your leg. If you were standing and lifted your heel back to try to touch your butt your hamstrings would perform the action.
GlutesThere are 3 gluteal muscles. You have heard of the gluteus maximus which is the largest muscle in your body. There is also the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius. The group is often referred to as the glutes.
The primary function of the glutes is to extend your hip but they have many other functions such as leg abduction which is moving your leg away from your body to the side.
Hip FlexorsThe hip flexors are the muscles which lift your knee up as if you were about to march. The hip flexors are a chronic tight muscle which causes posture problems.
AdductorsThe adductor complex is the group of muscles of your inner thigh. The primary function of the adductors is to adduct your legs. Adduction is the moving of moving your legs together from away from your body.
AbductorsAbduction is the motion of moving a leg to the side away from your body. You may have heard your abductors referred to as your outer thighs.
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