Most people that have tried to lose weight can tell you how distressing it can be to hit a weight loss plateau. Your diet and exercise plans seems to be going well, then…BOOM…the numbers on the scale stop moving and it seems that regardless of what you try nothing will get them back in motion. While hitting a weight loss plateau can be disheartening, they are a normal part of the weight loss process and should not deter you from reaching your goals.
Often people view experiencing a plateau as a form of failure and fall back into old, unhealthy habits. Sometime they become irritated – at the scale and eventually at themselves. Don't fall into this behavior. Instead of focusing on the plateau, think about how much weight you've lost to date. One week of no weight loss does not diminish the many weeks of weight loss you have already accomplished.
Most individuals want fast, easy results. We don't want to sweat and toil, we wish the weight would simply melt away. However, the secret to effective weight loss isn't such a secret – it's eating smaller portions of healthy food and exercising three or more time per week. If you follow these two simple rules, there is no reason to worry about reaching a plateau. In fact, you should consider the possibility that your healthy lifestyle has caused you to gain some muscle. Consequently, the weight lost in fat and gained in muscle may balance out, showing no change on the scale.
If you notice that the plateau began after a week of subpar exercise and diet, then view the plateau as motivation to work harder and smarter the next week. Make sure you are following your prepared exercise and diet plans. If you skipped your time at the gym or didn't push very hard while there, commit to kicking up the intensity of your workouts. If you eat more than necessary, be sure to scale back your portion size the next week. Review the events of the week and be attentive to areas of action that you can improve upon.
Be gentle with yourself. Experiencing a plateau doesn't mean that you made a mistake or aren't capable of shedding the weight. If you review the exercise and dietary choices of the week and find that you followed your routine perfectly, there is no need to change your weight loss plan. Healthy weight loss is often a slow journey and sometimes you will reach a natural plateau. Don't give up or resort to quick weight loss plans. While fad diets and quick cures may help to drop weight rapidly, that weight loss is typically not sustainable. Continue to follow a healthy, reasonable weight loss plan and the pound should begin to melt away again. Keep your spirit up and continue to press forward. However, if you experience a plateau for over three weeks, schedule an appointment with your doctor. There may be a medical reason hindering your progress.
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