How To Build Bigger Muscle Mass Workout Exercises
It doesn't matter whether if you are an Endomorph, Mesomorph or even an Ectomorph, all of you can get the muscular body that you desire. Here are some reasons why some of you who have already been working out regularly and have yet to see any real tangible muscle growths. First of all, can you tell me what are the most frequent weight ressistance exercises you see people do when they are in the gym?
Yup, the most common exercises are side bends to get rid of love handles, bicep curls, wrist curls to train their forearms, tricep extensions, sit ups and the likes aren't they? Now if you are doing these puny exercises, then be prepared for a nasty shock! You are wasting your freaking time and effort! Yes, these exercises certainly have their own benefits, but they are not the exercises for you to effectively build huge big overall muscle mass!
If you are doing side bends or waist twisting exercises, you are probably an Endomorph trying to get rid of your love handles, right? Now, you may have heard this before, but I am saying it again to burn it into your brain. There is no such thing as spot reduction! So no matter how hard your work your obliques (the muscles under your love handles), your love handles will always remain there unless you lose sufficient bodyfat.
In fact, your love handles may grow even bigger because now, you have muscles growing under your fats and thus thickening your waist further! Quit doing these useless puny exercises and start losing weight to reduce your tummy fat and love handles. Oh....so you are doing hundreds of sit ups everyday to build your abs muscles so that you can flaunt your six pack abs? Let me ask you a question. If that is the case, then why is your 6 pack abs not showing after years and thousands of sit ups, leg raisers and miserable ab crunches? The reasons are actually very simple. Firstly, sit up is one of the worst abs exercises and as a matter of fact, can even lead to serious back injuries if done wrongly over a period of time .
Now, the other common exercises such as the wrist bends, bicep curls, leg extensions, tricep push downs etc are body specific exercises and these exercises work on isolated muscle parts such as the biceps or the forearms, just to name 2 specific body parts. The exercises will stimulate growth in those specific body parts and real muscle growth for the entire body will be agonizingly slow because you will be building muscles part by part and brick by agonizing brick. Think about it. Contrast those puny exercises with say a squat, which works your entire lower body, your glutes (butt), your entire back and even your core muscles at the same time and because of its intensity, it leaves you panting after each set of squat which in turn gives you an aerobic workout as well so as to burn more fat calories!
Now, even if you combine those puny exercises together, the overall muscle mass building benefits of just a single heavy squat is far more superior beyond any doubt! So, if you want to build overall muscle mass on your entire body, you should be executing powerful compound exercises like the squat, dead lift and bench press! These exercises ain't called the BIG 3 for nothing! However, be warned.
Compound exercises such as the squats which work many muscle parts are to be executed with much heavier weights to be effective and if your form and technique of weight training is wrong, you will not be successful getting the maximum effect of the exercises and to make matters worse, you are also putting yourself into real risks of serious nasty gym injuries, sometimes even permanent injuries. So, to have the knowledge of how to build bigger muscles safely is of utmost importance. To build big muscles is no secret, it is just science of which you can learn.
Best wishes for your big muscles building goals.
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