Golf Fitness Tips
Many golfers are only just beginning to take fitness in golf seriously. However, many golfers don’t really know that there are specific exercises which need to be performed to ensure a proper golfer’s physique.
Many golfers just run down to the gym every other day and use the machines for an hour or two; this does not necessarily mean you are exercising the appropriate muscles which are used while golfing. In fact, doing this may even hinder your golf performance rather than help it.Golf Strength Tips to RememberSuppose you want to improve your golf swing.
You will only improve this by doing work outs or exercises which mimic the golf swing. You cannot possibly expect to improve your swing by running on a treadmill or lifting weights. The question you need to be able to answer while in the gym is: ‘When I use this machine, will it imitate any particular movement I will use in my golf game?’
Remember: Gyms are for general body fitness, not body fitness for golfers.When exercising, be sure your speed of motion is controlled, but still of high speed since the golf swing can have the clubhead move at 110mph and above, so you want to make sure you are used to swinging at high speed. Be sure to perform as many golf exercises which involve feet movement/alignment and even in the golf posture if possible. The feet cannot be forgotten about, proper foot position and body weight shift movement is the foundation to a more accurate golf swing tempo. They are also part of keeping the swing consistent so make sure you know what they’re doing.
Golf Stretching TipsThe golf swing is a rotational movement of the body so you will need to stretch muscles doing some kind of rotation of your body such as a mimic swing. Tip: Stretching your backswing muscles, your follow through muscles and the muscles involved with your golf posture like your hamstrings, lower back and glutes will give you your biggest bang for your buck.Most of your stretches will need to be dynamic, meaning you need them to be movement oriented to suit the real golf swing.Golf Fitness Program TipsIt is important to balance your strength and stretching areas of any golf fitness program you want to adhere to in future, or are already practicing.
There are too many golfers out there and many good ones too who sometimes don’t realize that ‘bulking up’ is not just about using your strength. You must be aware that perfecting the swing is also about how much stretching of particular muscles you perform in any single training session. If you strengthen and stretch in the same golfing fitness session you will definitely get the best out of that session and will definitely notice a difference in your swing on the green after a few weeks. Success TipsAs you are aware that perfecting almost everything in life you would like to perfect is all about paying careful attention to detail. You cannot get good results by only putting in minimal effort. But its not just about effort and diligence, it’s about being realistic. By realistic I mean only taking on certain tasks at once and mastering them, don’t take on everything at once and try to cram all those aspects of golfing into the one session.
Remember: Golf is something you may want to do for the rest of your life, so it is a lifetime achievement, don’t forget to be patient. No famous golfer has learned to be as good as they are overnight. It takes time. Make a commitment when learning how to play golf and be persistent in your training and you will enjoy the game.Ease into a golf fitness program. Don't go from zero days to 7 per week. You will be setting yourself up for failure.
Prove to yourself you can do a couple of golf fitness sessions per week. Then slowly move it up to a schedule you can stick with.
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