Saturday, October 24, 2009



Our skin is the largest organ for the human body.Did you know that?Yet it gets neglected the most!

All our skin products are very concentrated so a very little goes a very long way. So whether you are female or male, please remember that your skin, the largest organ in the human body, requires just as much care as your insides.

This from a close friend with a Science, and also a Beauty background, who researched the Company and 'all' of the Herbalife products 'very' carefully…“I left Lancome a year ago after using Herbalife's Hydrating Dermajetics line for one week and haven't looked back... a year now and everyone comments on how beautiful my skin is.” “I used Lancome for years but made the switch to this wonderful line in not only skin care but hair care, because with Herbalife, I KNOW what goes into their products and my skin proves it.” “Not only that but people usually take me for late 30's… and I just turned 50 the other day. Not bad, hmm? *smile*… I guarantee you will be as delighted as I was.” Leah Jordana

No matter what your age, you can look healthier and younger with good nutrition from the inside out. Research has shown that by taking positive steps toward improving what you eat and how you look and think, you can help your body look younger for a longer period of time.

While wellness begins on the inside by nourishing your cells with the proper balance of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, it’s also essential on the outside of the body. A glowing, radiant face and silky, smooth skin are all representations of total wellness. That’s why the products you put on the outside of your body should be as nourishing as the ones you take internally.

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