Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pull Ups / Chin Ups

Pull Ups / Chin Ups

Pull Ups remind me of fitness testing in grade school. The army also comes to mind. This is a classic test of strength using only one’s bodyweight. It has two different grip variations with the chin up grip being much easier, in my opinion.

Equipment Needed:
The only equipment you will need is a bar that is set high enough off the ground that your feet will not touch at your lowest point. The bar should probably be at least 7-8’ off the ground.
Benefits of the Exercise:

Depending on the grip you use, you work different muscle groups. The classic pull up grip targets the trapezius (upper back) and deltoid (shoulder) muscles. The chin up grip still touches these groups but works the bicep muscle as well. There is very little risk of injury since this exercise only utilizes bodyweight.

Step 1:
Grasp the bar a bit wider than shoulder width apart. Pull yourself upwards until your chin reaches over the top of the bar.

Step 2:
Lower yourself in a controlled motion all the way back to the starting point. Repeat.

Chin Up Step 1 & 2:
Grasp the bar as shown with your knuckles facing away from you. Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar, lower yourself and repeat.

Other Notes:
Lower yourself as far as possible for maximum benefit

Breathe regularly throughout this exercise

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