Exercise During Pregnancy
You want to be as safe as you can, but you also want to stay fit – you need to know safe ways to exercise during pregnancy. What you don’t know is that there are lots of ways that you can stay fit and healthy while keeping your baby safe.
After all, regular exercise is good for you, and what’s good for you is good for your baby. By that reasoning, it’s good for your baby for you to exercise during pregnancy. With one caveat – you need to make sure that you’re doing it safely.
Most people would think that you would have to avoid this kind of exercise during pregnancy, but the truth is that you can do crunches and other abdominal exercises throughout your pregnancy. In fact, when you do crunches you’re actually building the muscles in your core, and that helps to strengthen the part of your body that is under the most stress through pregnancy. Strong abdominal muscles can also make labor, delivery, and the recovery afterwards much easier on you.
Up until your 20th week of pregnancy, you can perform crunches like you normally would. After the 20th week, you must modify the crunches so that you are either seated or lying on your side. One of the biggest adjustments to with exercise during pregnancy is learning how to listen to your body and modifying the way you exercise.Not only do you have to stop doing crunches on your back after the 20th week, but all exercises during pregnancy that were once done on the back must know be done on the side. Beause of the size of the fetus at that time, the weight of the baby and placenta can cut off the blood flow to your lower body.
Doctors will even tell you that you can’t sleep on your back anymore, either, you will have to start sleeping on your side.You can still lift weights as a form of exercise during pregnancy, but it is recommended that you reduce the amount of weight significantly and increase the repetitions.
That way, you can make your muscles stronger without straining anything. When you exercise during pregnancy, you need to make sure that you watch and don’t overdo it. The relaxin your body secretes while pregnant will make you more susceptible to muscle strains.
Exercise during pregnancy is important to both you and your baby. You can avoid many of pregnancy’s discomforts and aches and pains by staying fit and strong. You will just have to be flexible with your workout plans; you may not be able to do as much exercise during pregnancy, or push it as hard as you were used to.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Body Fitness
How to Get a Great Body Safely & Quickly
Are you thinking of losing weight for a better looking body? Womens fitness routines may be the key to helping you lose weight quickly. No pills or diet tea can help you if you are not going to put in some effort for your own health and body. Since it’s your body, it’s your call.
One of the number one reasons women fail at working out is time. In today’s rushed world, women are constantly on the go, leaving little time for anything extra. It is also for this reason that many women turn to quick fixes such as diet pills and teas. However, these generally don’t work, are unhealthy, and won’t exhibit results without an added exercise routine.
The intensity of a workout, whether cardio or weight training impacts heavily on the amount of calories burned and weight lost. For example, a woman who adheres to jogging five days a week will lose less fat and burn fewer calories than a woman who jogs for only three days a week. This is the way intensity affects your workout and body.
For maximum intensity levels, do short bursts of exercises. For example, do sets of sprints and then rest instead of long distance jogging. Long distance jogging will not increase your heart rate as much as sprinting does. With high intensity workouts, you will no longer need hours of exercise to see results.
Training with Weights.
Training with Weights.
Weight training is the top and very best metabolism boosting training. For weight training, the amount of weight used and the speed of lifting is the key to intensity. Heavier weights mean higher intensity levels. Weight training increases your metabolism rate for 24 hours!
Try combining both cardio exercises and weight training exercises into your fitness routines and you will notice results almost instantly! Although it seems like loads of hard work, just picture yourself seeing changes in your body every week.
A Healthy Diet.
It is said that you are what you eat. This statement could not be truer. The amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats your body ingests at each meal determines how your body will be.
It is said that you are what you eat. This statement could not be truer. The amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats your body ingests at each meal determines how your body will be.
To maximize your workouts, it is recommended that you implement a healthy diet. Here are some examples.
Take in more proteins as compared to carbohydrates and fats. This is really simple to understand. Proteins keep you full for longer amounts of time while excess energy from carbohydrates end up as fats that are stored by your body.
Another suggestion is eating smaller meals. Implementing multiple, smaller meals into your day tricks your body into thinking youre eating more, thus making it work twice as hard. This is the reason starvation diets don’t work. When the body is starved, the metabolism has to work less in order to store energy.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Physical fitness is the ability to perform vigorous physical activity. It is not measured in terms of achieving specific motor skills, but rather it is assessed in terms of muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility. The circulatory and respiratory systems are also involved because of their role in supplying muscles with blood and oxygen.
In considering muscles, strength is the maximum force that can be exerted by a muscle, and endurance is the ability to perform a muscular activity at less than maximum force, for example, in doing a series of chin-ups. Flexibility is the ability of a joint to move through a normal range of motion. The components of physical fitness (strength, endurance, flexibility, and capacity of circulatory and respiratory systems) can only be maintained through regular exercise.
Physical fitness is the ability to perform vigorous physical activity. It is not measured in terms of achieving specific motor skills, but rather it is assessed in terms of muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility. The circulatory and respiratory systems are also involved because of their role in supplying muscles with blood and oxygen.
In considering muscles, strength is the maximum force that can be exerted by a muscle, and endurance is the ability to perform a muscular activity at less than maximum force, for example, in doing a series of chin-ups. Flexibility is the ability of a joint to move through a normal range of motion. The components of physical fitness (strength, endurance, flexibility, and capacity of circulatory and respiratory systems) can only be maintained through regular exercise.
Although the percentage of body fat is not a main factor in physical fitness, it must be considered because of its effect on a person's ability to exercise. There is debate in the fitness community about whether an individual can be considered fit if he or she is overweight.
The body will adapt to a regular exercise program by improving the function of the cardiac and respiratory systems. The blood will have a greater capacity to carry oxygen, which in turn will improve the body's ability to work. The heart and respiratory systems will be more efficient during rest and exercise, and the resting heart rate is usually reduced. These changes take place when a person participates in a rhythmic endurance activity such as walking, running, and cycling, or continuous sports activities such as basketball or tennis.
In addition, an individual participating in a regular exercise program will notice the effects on the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. The body will show improved flexibility of the joints along with greater muscle strength and muscle endurance.
A regular exercise program also benefits the back. At least half of Americans are affected by low back pain, and about 80 percent of these problems are related to muscular problems rather than to the spine. Frequently back problems are linked to degenerative processes in which the abdominal muscles become too weak or the hamstring muscles at the back of the thighs become tight and inflexible. A consistent strengthening and conditioning program can alleviate symptoms of back pain.
The death rate from coronary artery disease in the United States is one of the highest in the world. Contrary to many popular ideas, heart attacks are caused by a degenerative process, not by individual instances of exercise, excitement, or heavy eating. Persons in sedentary occupations have a higher rate of coronary heart disease and related deaths than people who are more physically active. Regular physical activity will help reduce the risk of heart attack. If a person who engages in regular exercise does have a heart attack, it is likely to occur late in life and the individual is more likely to survive. Regular exercise helps lower blood triglyceride (fat) levels and cholesterol levels, both of which are related to heart disease.The effectiveness of exercise depends on the demand on organs and body systems. Individuals participating in the same exercise may not all experience the same results. Moderation of intensity, duration, and frequency is recommended to prevent tissue damage.
While isolated attempts at strenuous exercise can cause discomfort, moderate regular exercise contributes to a sense of well-being. Studies of societies in which people commonly live for over 100 years show a common denominator of moderate physical activity. Growth and development studies show that active children have stronger muscles and sturdier frames than peers who do not exercise regularly.
Weight Loss Tips
Rapid weight loss happens when you burn fat and cleanse toxins out of your body.
You can do that several ways. Here are a few of them.
1. Use of a cleanse. Did you know you have at least seven or eight pounds of waste stored in your body? A cleanse works by removing toxins and waste from your body. For the quickest weight loss consider liquid cleanses.
2. Eat more often, but eat smaller portions. This will help you body metabolize the meal and not have the excess amount of fat which a larger meal often does.
3. Eat more protein. This will help your metabolism and burn fat more quickly. It will also help you build muscle.
4. Cut out soda pop. Drink 8 glasses of water everyday instead. Doing this one thing can really aid rapid weight loss by flushing toxins and helping build muscle.
5. Gradually begin to work out. The temptation is to start lifting weights and jogging everyday. Your body is probably not ready for this. Consult your physician before beginning any life changing work out routine.
6. Here is a killer for many people. You need to cut way back or eliminate alcohol. It is rich in sugar and carbohydrates and it actually aids in your body storing fat.
7. One last thing is to change it up a little. This includes your diet and your workout routine. Rapid weight loss is more effective when you stick with it.
Starting and stopping diet and exercise is hard on your system. Being consistent is good not only for rapid weight loss, but long term weight loss as well.
Rapid weight loss happens when you burn fat and cleanse toxins out of your body.
You can do that several ways. Here are a few of them.
1. Use of a cleanse. Did you know you have at least seven or eight pounds of waste stored in your body? A cleanse works by removing toxins and waste from your body. For the quickest weight loss consider liquid cleanses.
2. Eat more often, but eat smaller portions. This will help you body metabolize the meal and not have the excess amount of fat which a larger meal often does.
3. Eat more protein. This will help your metabolism and burn fat more quickly. It will also help you build muscle.
4. Cut out soda pop. Drink 8 glasses of water everyday instead. Doing this one thing can really aid rapid weight loss by flushing toxins and helping build muscle.
5. Gradually begin to work out. The temptation is to start lifting weights and jogging everyday. Your body is probably not ready for this. Consult your physician before beginning any life changing work out routine.
6. Here is a killer for many people. You need to cut way back or eliminate alcohol. It is rich in sugar and carbohydrates and it actually aids in your body storing fat.
7. One last thing is to change it up a little. This includes your diet and your workout routine. Rapid weight loss is more effective when you stick with it.
Starting and stopping diet and exercise is hard on your system. Being consistent is good not only for rapid weight loss, but long term weight loss as well.
Friday, July 24, 2009

Yoga, is not just for stretching and flexibility, but is perfectly capable of giving you a complete full body workout. Thus, if you are looking for fitness, strength and muscle tone, along with the added benefits of mental and emotional balance, yoga is an excellent solution for you.
In this article today, I will combine for you several key exercises and sets, which when put together give you a complete fitness routine. This workout will target your upper body, stomach and abs, as well as help you tone and strengthen your lower body. On the way to doing this, it will even give your important heart muscle a bit of a workout.
The techniques and exercises in this comprehensive set come of the school of Kundalini Yoga. I have found that Kundalini Yoga, because it uses so much dynamic movement, is especially good for routines geared towards fitness and dynamic strength. Don’t get me wrong, other types of yoga also use flow and movement, and will deliver quite a workout as well, but in general, Kundalini Yoga fits the needs of a full body fitness routine very well.
Benefits of Yoga for Full Body Fitness:
Helps you achieve full body fitness and health.
Good for the digestive system, nervous system, circulatory system, immune system and nervous system.
Increases your level or energy and vitality.
Helps tone your abdominal muscles, shape your stomach and gives you core strength and power.
Helps with weight loss.
Significantly develops full body strength and flexibility.
Tones legs, arms, chest, shoulders, abs and buttocks.
Helps improve health and well being.
Helps develop sexual fitness and virility.
Diet - Women

Diet - Women
Women's Extra Nutritional Needs
A woman's reproductive life - encompassing menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause - means that her nutritional needs differ greatly from those of a man. The popularity of crash dieting has meant that nutritional deficiencies are especially common amongst younger women. Good nutrition means eating a wide variety of foods every day, which isn't possible on a restrictive diet.
Food and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) The interplay of hormones throughout a woman's menstrual cycle impacts on her body and state of mind. Energy intakes are generally higher in the premenstrual phase than after menstruation. Some women also experience food cravings as their period approaches. Eating high protein foods every few hours can often temper the cravings or stop them altogether. This should not be done at the expense of other food groups, especially carbohydrates, which should form the basis of the diet.
Fluid retention is common in the days leading up to a period because certain hormones encourage the body to hold salt, or sodium. The more sodium held, the more fluid retained in the tissues. Some research indicates that increasing the intake of calcium-rich foods, such as dairy products and leafy green vegetables, can ease fluid retention. Other common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) include moodiness, tiredness and constipation. Foods that may help to relieve the symptoms of PMS include:
Fruits and vegetables
Cereal foods (preferably wholegrain)
Cereal foods (preferably wholegrain)
Limiting refined sugar, salt, red meat, animal fat, alcohol, caffeine and tobacco may also help to ease symptoms. There is some evidence that taking B group vitamins during this time can help, particularly vitamin B6. Light to moderate exercise, such as a 30 minute brisk walk each day, has also been shown to noticeably reduce symptoms of PMS.
Iron and anaemia Iron is a mineral that works in conjunction with other substances to create haemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in the blood. Women and men metabolise iron from food at roughly the same rate. However, while men need around 7mg of iron in their daily diet, women need up to 16mg. This is to make up for the amount of iron they lose in their menstrual period, which averages around 1mg or so lost for every day of bleeding.
Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency that affects women. Insufficient iron can lead to anaemia, with common symptoms including tiredness and breathlessness. Iron deficiency in pregnant women increases the risk of prematurity, or delivering a low birth weight baby, which can have a negative impact on the short and long term health of the baby. Good sources of iron include liver, red meat, egg yolks, legumes, nuts and leafy green vegetables. Iron absorption can be impaired by very high fibre diets, alcohol and the tannic acid in tea.
Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency that affects women. Insufficient iron can lead to anaemia, with common symptoms including tiredness and breathlessness. Iron deficiency in pregnant women increases the risk of prematurity, or delivering a low birth weight baby, which can have a negative impact on the short and long term health of the baby. Good sources of iron include liver, red meat, egg yolks, legumes, nuts and leafy green vegetables. Iron absorption can be impaired by very high fibre diets, alcohol and the tannic acid in tea.
Vitamins, minerals and pregnancy The extraordinary demands on the female body during pregnancy can lead to nutritional deficiencies if the mother does not alter her diet. Pregnant women only need 300 kilocalories (kcal) more than non-pregnant women, which can be achieved by consuming just one extra serving from each of the five food groups daily. The most common deficiencies in pregnant women include:
Calcium - calcium absorption more than doubles during pregnancy, and the mother stores most of this in her bones. The calcium stored in the mother's bones early in pregnancy is withdrawn to provide calcium to the foetus in later pregnancy. Increasing calcium intake during pregnancy helps to conserve the mother's bone mass, while meeting the needs of the foetus. Good sources include dairy products (milk, cheese and yoghurt).
Folic acid - the recommended daily intake (RDI) for folic acid doubles during pregnancy. This is because folic acid is needed for the development and growth of new cells. Research suggests that insufficient folic acid at conception and in the first trimester of pregnancy can increase the risk of neural tube defects in the unborn baby. Good sources of folic acid include leafy green vegetables, poultry, eggs and cereals.
Iron - although iron absorption increases during pregnancy, blood volume increases as well. Iron is involved in the process of oxygen transport. Enouth iron is drawn in by the developing foetus to last through the first five or six months after birth, when its only food is iron-poor breast milk. Iron supplements are frequently prescribed for pregnant women, especially during the third trimester. Iron-rich foods include liver, red meat, egg yolks and leafy green vegetables.
Zinc - needed to maintain the health of cells. Taking iron supplements may interfere with the absorption of zinc, so women taking iron supplements may also need zinc supplements. Foods high in zinc include meat, liver, eggs and seafood. Leavened wholegrain products can also be helpful (yeast helps release the bound zinc).
Zinc - needed to maintain the health of cells. Taking iron supplements may interfere with the absorption of zinc, so women taking iron supplements may also need zinc supplements. Foods high in zinc include meat, liver, eggs and seafood. Leavened wholegrain products can also be helpful (yeast helps release the bound zinc).
Deficiencies during lactation Nutrient requirements generally increase during lactation (500kcal) than in pregnancy (300kcal). The nutrients that are particularly important during this time are protein, calcium, vitamin C, folate, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B6 and fluids. Women who are breastfeeding can develop calcium and iron deficiencies. This can be addressed by increasing the amounts of calcium and iron rich foods eaten every day or, if necessary, taking supplements.
Calcium and osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a disorder characterised by a thinning of the bones until they are weak and easily fractured or broken. Women are at greater risk of developing osteoporosis than men, particularly after menopause, because oestrogen levels are reduced.
Calcium and osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a disorder characterised by a thinning of the bones until they are weak and easily fractured or broken. Women are at greater risk of developing osteoporosis than men, particularly after menopause, because oestrogen levels are reduced.
There are many factors involved, for example:
Low calcium intake during the growing years increases the susceptibility to osteoporosis later in life. Poor calcium intake early in life is also linked to deficiencies of vitamin D, calcium and possibly fluoride. Scientists agree that bone strength in later life depends on the development of bones earlier in life, and that adequate calcium intake during youth is essential to achieve peak bone mass.
Diet and exercise are also important. The sex hormones (in particular oestrogen), exercise, smoking, and what we eat and drink can all affect calcium absorption and excretion. Salt, caffeine and alcohol interfere with the balance of calcium through urinary losses and should be consumed sparingly.
Crash dieting has been associated with the development of osteoporosis due to the tendency to cut out dairy foods.
Animal protein, eaten in large amounts, also increases urinary calcium loss - a major contributor to calcium balance. This does not occur with plant protein.
Vitamin D and calcium Vitamin D increases calcium absorption and is required for normal bone metabolism. There are a few food sources of vitamin D; they include: fish, eggs and liver. Good sources of calcium include dairy foods, calcium-fortified soymilk and sesame seeds. However, for the women who cannot consume these foods, calcium supplements may be desirable.
Things to remember
Iron and calcium deficiencies are common in women.
Vitamin B6 can help ease the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Foods like tea, alcohol, caffeine and salt can interfere with the absorption and excretion of important minerals.
Vitamin B6 can help ease the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Foods like tea, alcohol, caffeine and salt can interfere with the absorption and excretion of important minerals.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Amazing body Facts

Amazing body Facts
Your fingernails grow four times as fast as your toenails.
Babies are born with 300 bones adults have 206.
Eyelashes last about 150 days.
The heart circulates your blood through your body about 1,000 times each day.
You make about half a quart (500 ml) of spit each day.
The smallest bone in your body is in your ears.
Your blood has the same amount of salt in it as the ocean does.
A sneeze blows air out of your nose at 100 miles per hour.
You are taller in the morning than you are at night.
Humans are the only animals that cry when upset.
Many more boys are color blind than girls are.
Children have more taste buds than adults.
Your lungs are the only organs in your body that float.
Food spends up to 6 hours in the stomach being digested.
Your eyeballs are actually part of your brain.
Bones are 4 times stronger than concrete.
The largest muscle in your body is the one you are sitting on!
In one day, a human sheds 10 billion skin flakes. This amounts to approximately two kilograms in a year.
People whose mouth has a narrow roof are more likely to snore. This is because they have less oxygen going through their nose.
While sleeping, one man in eight snores, and one in ten grinds his teeth.
It takes food seven seconds to go from the mouth to the stomach via the esophagus.
Every square inch of the human body has about 19,000,000 skin cells.
Approximately 25% of all scald burns to children are from hot tap water and is associated with more deaths than with any other liquid.
Forty one percent of women apply body and hand moisturizer at least three times a day.
Every hour one billion cells in the body must be replaced.
The world record for the number of body piercing on one individual is 702, which is held by Canadian Brent Moffat.
The small intestine in the human body is about 2 inches around, and 22 feet long.
The human body makes anywhere from 1 to 3 pints of saliva every 24 hours.
The human body has approximately 37,000 miles of capillaries.
The aorta, which is largest artery located in the body, is about the diameter of a garden hose.
Close to fifty percent of the bacteria in the mouth lives on the surface of our tongue.
There are approximately 9,000 taste buds on the tongue.
The adult human body requires about 88 pounds of oxygen daily.
It is very common for babies in New Zealand to sleep on sheepskins. This is to help them gain weight faster, and retain their body heat.
An average woman has 17 square feet of skin. When a woman is in her ninth month of pregnancy she has 18.5 square feet of skin.
The width of your arm span stretched out is the length of your whole body.
41% of women apply body or hand moisturizer a minimum three times a day.
A human's small intestine is 6 meters long.
There are as many hairs per square inch on your body as a chimpanzee. You don't see all of them because most are too fine and light to be noticed.
Every hour one billion cells in the body must be replaced.
Dead cells in the body ultimately go to the kidneys for excretion.
By walking an extra 20 minutes every day, an average person will burn off seven pounds of body fat in a year.
The human body is 75% water.
You lose everyday around 50 to 100 hairs from your head, which are replaced the same day.
An average human has 100000 hairs on the head.
The air from a sneeze can reach the speed of 100 mph; from a cough 60 mph.
An average person drinks around 16000 gallons of water in his lifetime.
A nail takes around 6 months to grow from base to the most tip.
Around 45 miles of nerves run through our body. The electric impulses travel at a speed of almost 250 mph!
Babies have 94 bones more than an adult, in total 300.
An average human blinks 25 times a minute, that's over 6.205.000 times a year!
By the age of 70 your heart has beat 2, 5 billion times and pumped around 48.000.000 gallons of blood.
In a tiny drop of water there are 5 million red blood cells, 10.000 white cells and 300.000 platelets
A square of human skin contains 20 feet of blood vessels, 1300 nerve cells, 100 sweat glands and 3 million cells.
The average human body contains enough: Sulphur to kill all fleas on an average dog, Carbon to make 900 pencils, Potassium to fire: a toy cannon, Fat to make 7 bars of soap, Phosphorus to make: 2,200 matchheads, and enough Water to fill a ten gallon tank.
The microorganisms in and on your body make up 10% of your bodyweight (dried, without water).
You produce a quart of saliva daily, 10.000 gallons in a lifetime.
A square of human skin has 32 million bacterias on it!
Each second 10.000.000 of cells die and are replaced in your body.
You create a new skin every month and a new skeleton every 3 months!
Ears and nose don't stop keep growing during the whole life!
The liver is the body's chemical factory. It has over 500 functions!
You lose 600.000 particles of skin every hour that make up 1.5 pounds a year!
You spend one third of your lifetime sleeping. 20 Years in an average lifetime!
In a lifetime, an average man will shave 20,000 times.
Hair will fall out faster on a person that is on a crash diet.
Pull Ups / Chin Ups

Pull Ups / Chin Ups
Pull Ups remind me of fitness testing in grade school. The army also comes to mind. This is a classic test of strength using only one’s bodyweight. It has two different grip variations with the chin up grip being much easier, in my opinion.
Equipment Needed:
The only equipment you will need is a bar that is set high enough off the ground that your feet will not touch at your lowest point. The bar should probably be at least 7-8’ off the ground.
Benefits of the Exercise:
The only equipment you will need is a bar that is set high enough off the ground that your feet will not touch at your lowest point. The bar should probably be at least 7-8’ off the ground.
Benefits of the Exercise:
Depending on the grip you use, you work different muscle groups. The classic pull up grip targets the trapezius (upper back) and deltoid (shoulder) muscles. The chin up grip still touches these groups but works the bicep muscle as well. There is very little risk of injury since this exercise only utilizes bodyweight.
Step 1:
Grasp the bar a bit wider than shoulder width apart. Pull yourself upwards until your chin reaches over the top of the bar.
Grasp the bar a bit wider than shoulder width apart. Pull yourself upwards until your chin reaches over the top of the bar.
Step 2:
Lower yourself in a controlled motion all the way back to the starting point. Repeat.
Lower yourself in a controlled motion all the way back to the starting point. Repeat.
Chin Up Step 1 & 2:
Grasp the bar as shown with your knuckles facing away from you. Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar, lower yourself and repeat.
Grasp the bar as shown with your knuckles facing away from you. Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar, lower yourself and repeat.
Other Notes:
Lower yourself as far as possible for maximum benefit
Lower yourself as far as possible for maximum benefit
Breathe regularly throughout this exercise
Sunday, July 19, 2009
We all know how hard it can be to encourage your family to try out a new diet.
Whether you're a mother of 3 with a health-orientated conscience, or a teenager with a passion for fitness - we've all attempted to persuade our family to eat better and healthier at some point in our lives.And we probably failed in the long run.
Why is this? Well it's usually because the way in which we usually push diets upon our family is in such a way that promotes only short-term obedience, and in the long term it will have little staying power whatsoever.
This article will address what leadership techniques we can use to encourage others to try new foods or adopt a new way of thinking towards food, in a way that promotes healthy attitudes that will persist after months - long after fad diets will loose their grip.
We can learn these methods from existing practises that business and political leadership figures use to persuade others on a whole manner of topics. I'm not talking about financial bribes or other unethical methods - but simple and ethical techniques that you can put to use RIGHT NOW to improve the health of your family.
1. Indirect influence.If you're a parent, you'll find that your child will often feel lectured and 'switch off' whenever diet becomes the topic of conversation.
This isn't something you can change in easily, but this can be 'side stepped around' by using indirect persuasion methods.Examples of indirect thought leadership could be leaving attention-grabbing leaflets about health lying round the house.
If your child is curious, and the leaflet is attractive and appealing for their age group - its likely they'll pick it up and have a read if they have nothing else to do.
So carefully orchestrate an opportunity for you to 'accidentally' present your child with a good chance of reading the leaflet. It may sound like a lot of work, but it's for your child's benefit, so I'm sure you'll agree that it's worth it.
2. Leading By Example.I have seen terrible situations where parents demand that their children adopt a healthy attitude torwards food, when they themselves clearly have eating issues and poor control when it comes to the types of foods they ate.As a simple and unbreakable rule, I would suggest you always live by the same diet (or better) than the one you are constraining your child to.
If you indeed eat even better than you make them do, then they should feel like they have been given a 'break' and aren't as worse off.It's easy to giggle about the effect of stealing your kid's chocolate every once in a while, or raiding the fridge in the evening - but if your child realises you are doing this (which they probably will), then you're undermining your own 'campaign' in the house.
I hope you remember and use these 2 pieces of advice. I have implemented them both in my own family to great effect, and I hope you share the same success in using leadership skills to improve the future of your family.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Whether your goal is to lose or gain weight, you must burn fat for overall health benefits as well as physical appearance. As mentioned on the homepage, a smokin’ body has little body fat, which allows for great muscle tone and definition plus overall good health.
Burning fat is the key to muscle definition, because if there is a layer of fat covering your arms or legs or even abdominals, you will struggle to see any tone in these areas.
How can I burn fat, you ask?
Fat Burning Exercises!
1. Perform low to moderate intensity aerobic workouts for an extended period of time in order to get a great workout and burn fat. Jogging at a moderate pace for over a half hour is one example of a fat burning workout.
You may think, not another boring treadmill workout, but don't. Aerobic fat burning exercises can be enjoyable.
A high intensity workout will also help you burn fat, so if you are physically able to perform intense training, go for it. Interval training is one popular form of training that can be used to burn fat in a shorter amount of time. Aside from burning fat, aerobics offer other health and performance benefits, and will contribute to a well-rounded fitness plan.
2. Weightlifting is another great form of exercise utilized to burn fat. This exercise is knows as anaerobic exercise. It has been said that additional muscle mass burns more calories than body fat while resting.
Weight training will allow you to burn fat during your workouts, as you will be putting stress on your body and burning energy (calories).
One major benefit of weight training is the metabolism boosting properties. If you train hard, you may boost your metabolism for several hours following your workout.
This means you will be burning more calories even during your recovery time!
This means you will be burning more calories even during your recovery time!
Note: Aerobic exercise is sustained over a long period of time, while anaerobic exercise goes in shorter bursts. While both will allow you to burn calories, the consistency of an aerobic workout will be more efficient for fat burn.
What should I eat?
While exercise is important for fat loss, nutrition is of equal or greater importance. You may train harder than anyone in the world, but if you fill your body with unhealthy, fatty foods, you will not see improvements in body fat.
Simply put, you should put together a meal plan that is adjusted to meet your goals. It doesn’t really matter if you goals are weight gain or weight loss because either way you will be eating similar foods just in different quantities. Here is a list of fat burning foods to incorporate in your meal plan. Steps to Burn Fat through Nutrition:
1. Burning fat all comes down to your metabolism, which basically determines the energy you burn while at rest. The types of exercise listed above will help boost your metabolism, and smart eating can as well.
2. No matter what your goals may be it is best to spread your meals out between 4 to 7 meals daily. Supplying your body with nutrients every couple hours will allow you to keep your metabolism in high gear.
3. Limit your intake of foods high in unsaturated fats. Avoid fast food as much as possible, because the majority of food items are high in unhealthy fats.
4. Limit your intake of flavored drinks. Regular soda, coffee, and many juices are often high in calories, while offering you little nutritional benefit. These are called “empty calories.”
5. Drink more water. As you put strain on your body through exercise, you must continue to hydrate to make up for water loss. Overall, a consistent supply of water to your body is necessary to maintain health.
6. Slow down when you eat. If you eat slower, you will have time to digest and will fully realize what you are putting in your body. Although it sounds funny, try eating with chopsticks, which will force you to eat slower.
7. Use your common sense when preparing meals. Most people have some understanding of what foods are healthy and what are not. Try to fill your shelves with healthy foods, so you have plenty of choices.
As with any effective fat loss program it all comes down to a balanced diet and smart portion control.
Fat Burn Recap:
Burning fat is essential for any fitness plan, for it will allow you to build a healthier body and improve your physical appearance. Two major components will help you achieve your goals:
1. ExerciseJust get out and run or bike. Any sustained exercise will put you on track toward achieving your goals.
2. NutritionBe smart about what you eat. Eat in moderation, and eat often. On top of that drink enough water to stay hydrated over the course of the day. A balanced diet is an essential part of any fat loss program.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Mind and body fitness? Many people who want to get into shape don't realize there is more to fitness than well-toned muscles. There's no shortage of exercise regimes that just promote the perfection of the body, or the idea of fitness as a part of a weight loss plan.
Centuries ago, Western culture lost its focus on the interconnectedness between the body and the mind or spirit, and how each has the power to affect the other. Cultivating a love of movement can help you get beyond the concept of physical fitness as separate from mental fitness - and toward a lifelong program of good health through mind and body fitness.
Whether you choose yoga or another form of movement for exercise, remember that our bodies are made to move to feel good. So when you incorporate regular activity in your life, you're moving closer to overall mind and body fitness. But if you are overweight, this can be more difficult. You can improve your mind-body connection for better mind and body fitness - it's just important to choose realistic fitness options.
You might consider redefining exercise as any activity that unites your mind and body and reduces your stress level. In fact, high levels of stress have been linked to weight gain, and certainly can lead to emotional eating. Finding activities that are both enjoyable and easy to do is important when developing any type of exercise plan.
It's important to be realistic about what we expect from ourselves. Consider your goals. Is 30 to 60 minutes on a treadmill a reasonable time frame at this point in your life? Are you setting yourself up for failure or success when you create this expectation for yourself? Would it be more enjoyable to you to do some stretching and a shorter period of time on the treadmill?
Developing an exercise plan that fits your lifestyle and your desires is critical. Surprisingly, long-term weight loss is linked more closely to whether a person sticks to their fitness routine than to what that routine actually consists of. A routine that is gentle and pleasurable is more likely to lead to the long-term gains you are seeking.
All-or-nothing thinking about exercise leads us to first bite off more than we can chew and then give up all together. Just walk into a gym in the month of January and try to get on a Stairmaster. There's a good chance you'll have to wait in line. But by March or April, there are usually plenty of free machines.
It is also important to tailor your fitness goals to your preferences. Some people like the idea of getting out of the house in the evening and going to the gym. Others prefer staying home and doing a quieter exercise routine after the demands of a stressful day. Either approach, or a combination of the two, can result in improved mind and body fitness.
What is critical is for you to come to know yourself and to take yourself seriously. If you like to be home in the evenings, find things to do in your home or consider an occasional walk with friends or family. If you crave the company of others, head for the gym. Think about what would please you most, and follow your inner voice.
Many people who are preoccupied with food and body issues tend to pay too much attention to the needs of others, while paying too little attention to their own needs. While you may intend to benefit your children with their countless activities, the added stress can cause an imbalance within your family. Can you take a look at your schedule (or your family's) and reschedule some time for yourself? What would it be like to say no?
Long-term weight loss can take time. And we can get demoralized when we don't see immediate results. But remember that maintaining an exercise routine is associated with physical as well as mental well-being. Where has our focus on the numbers on our scale gotten us? Some would say it has taken us to more harsh thoughts, more bingeing and grazing on food, and, ironically, less fitness rather than more.
It may be that the best exercise you can do right now is to throw your scale into the garbage. Focus on how you're feeling with your exercise routine. Is it something you enjoy and can maintain? Is it reducing your stress level and allowing a connection between your mind and body? If so, you'll probably keep it up, and fitness of mind and body and spirit will be yours.
Don't forget how important it is to see your physician before starting any type of exercise routine, and to following his or her recommendations. So try to be gentle with yourself and realistic about how to proceed.
There is tremendous confusion in our society about how to approach health and fitness. You may have tried losing weight before and failed. But consider the possibility that we as a society have not failed at dieting and weight loss. Rather, dieting has failed us as an effective tool for fitness.
Remember that fitness of mind and body belong together, and that exercise is very narrowly defined in our society. So redefine exercise as any activity that reduces stress and connects your mind and body. You'll be more likely to continue your exercise plan and achieve the outcome you're looking for.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Mind and body fitness? Many people who want to get into shape don't realize there is more to fitness than well-toned muscles. There's no shortage of exercise regimes that just promote the perfection of the body, or the idea of fitness as a part of a weight loss plan.
Centuries ago, Western culture lost its focus on the interconnectedness between the body and the mind or spirit, and how each has the power to affect the other. Cultivating a love of movement can help you get beyond the concept of physical fitness as separate from mental fitness - and toward a lifelong program of good health through mind and body fitness.
Whether you choose yoga or another form of movement for exercise, remember that our bodies are made to move to feel good. So when you incorporate regular activity in your life, you're moving closer to overall mind and body fitness. But if you are overweight, this can be more difficult. You can improve your mind-body connection for better mind and body fitness - it's just important to choose realistic fitness options.
You might consider redefining exercise as any activity that unites your mind and body and reduces your stress level. In fact, high levels of stress have been linked to weight gain, and certainly can lead to emotional eating. Finding activities that are both enjoyable and easy to do is important when developing any type of exercise plan.
It's important to be realistic about what we expect from ourselves. Consider your goals. Is 30 to 60 minutes on a treadmill a reasonable time frame at this point in your life? Are you setting yourself up for failure or success when you create this expectation for yourself? Would it be more enjoyable to you to do some stretching and a shorter period of time on the treadmill?
Developing an exercise plan that fits your lifestyle and your desires is critical. Surprisingly, long-term weight loss is linked more closely to whether a person sticks to their fitness routine than to what that routine actually consists of. A routine that is gentle and pleasurable is more likely to lead to the long-term gains you are seeking.
Developing an exercise plan that fits your lifestyle and your desires is critical. Surprisingly, long-term weight loss is linked more closely to whether a person sticks to their fitness routine than to what that routine actually consists of. A routine that is gentle and pleasurable is more likely to lead to the long-term gains you are seeking.
All-or-nothing thinking about exercise leads us to first bite off more than we can chew and then give up all together. Just walk into a gym in the month of January and try to get on a Stairmaster. There's a good chance you'll have to wait in line. But by March or April, there are usually plenty of free machines.
It is also important to tailor your fitness goals to your preferences. Some people like the idea of getting out of the house in the evening and going to the gym. Others prefer staying home and doing a quieter exercise routine after the demands of a stressful day. Either approach, or a combination of the two, can result in improved mind and body fitness.
What is critical is for you to come to know yourself and to take yourself seriously. If you like to be home in the evenings, find things to do in your home or consider an occasional walk with friends or family. If you crave the company of others, head for the gym. Think about what would please you most, and follow your inner voice.
Many people who are preoccupied with food and body issues tend to pay too much attention to the needs of others, while paying too little attention to their own needs. While you may intend to benefit your children with their countless activities, the added stress can cause an imbalance within your family. Can you take a look at your schedule (or your family's) and reschedule some time for yourself? What would it be like to say no?
Many people who are preoccupied with food and body issues tend to pay too much attention to the needs of others, while paying too little attention to their own needs. While you may intend to benefit your children with their countless activities, the added stress can cause an imbalance within your family. Can you take a look at your schedule (or your family's) and reschedule some time for yourself? What would it be like to say no?
Long-term weight loss can take time. And we can get demoralized when we don't see immediate results. But remember that maintaining an exercise routine is associated with physical as well as mental well-being. Where has our focus on the numbers on our scale gotten us? Some would say it has taken us to more harsh thoughts, more bingeing and grazing on food, and, ironically, less fitness rather than more.
It may be that the best exercise you can do right now is to throw your scale into the garbage. Focus on how you're feeling with your exercise routine. Is it something you enjoy and can maintain? Is it reducing your stress level and allowing a connection between your mind and body? If so, you'll probably keep it up, and fitness of mind and body and spirit will be yours.
Don't forget how important it is to see your physician before starting any type of exercise routine, and to following his or her recommendations. So try to be gentle with yourself and realistic about how to proceed.
Don't forget how important it is to see your physician before starting any type of exercise routine, and to following his or her recommendations. So try to be gentle with yourself and realistic about how to proceed.
There is tremendous confusion in our society about how to approach health and fitness. You may have tried losing weight before and failed. But consider the possibility that we as a society have not failed at dieting and weight loss. Rather, dieting has failed us as an effective tool for fitness.
Remember that fitness of mind and body belong together, and that exercise is very narrowly defined in our society. So redefine exercise as any activity that reduces stress and connects your mind and body. You'll be more likely to continue your exercise plan and achieve the outcome you're looking for.
Remember that fitness of mind and body belong together, and that exercise is very narrowly defined in our society. So redefine exercise as any activity that reduces stress and connects your mind and body. You'll be more likely to continue your exercise plan and achieve the outcome you're looking for.
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