Sunday, November 29, 2009

Banning BPA

Banning BPA

The chemical bisphenol A has been swirling controversy for a now over a decade, though people have been reportedly concerned about it since the 1930s. Studies, rising in number, have continually shown this chemical to be linked to health risk, particularly when exposure occurs prenatally or in young children.

What is BPA and Where is it Found?
BPA, or bisphenol A, is a chemical commonly added to some plastics. It is found in linings of canned foods and beverages, water bottles, baby bottles, sippy cups, dental sealants, plastic wraps, toys, kitchen storage containers, etc. It is usually found in plastics labeled with the recycle number 7 and sometimes number 3. The BPA can leech from the container to the food or beverage item, especially in warmer temperatures; sometimes at a rate that is far above that considered "safe" by the FDA.

Why Could BPA be Harmful?
BPA is in a class of chemicals that are known as endocrine disruptors. These chemicals mimic estrogen in the body and could cause unwanted alterations in the bodies chemistry and cells. Many believe these changes have lead to reproductive issues, breast cancer, hyperactivity, immune dysfunction and much more. One recent study also links BPA to aggression in little girls.

What is Being Done?
There is some good news on the horizon regarding BPA legislation. Earlier this year, congress introduced a bill that would ban all BPA from food and beverage containers. That came after a decision by the chemical company, Sunoco, which stated that it would no longer sell BPA to companies for use in making food and water containers for children under three years of age. Playtex, Gerber and four other baby bottle manufacturers also made the decision to stop using BPA in their bottles.

Tips for BPA Reduction
Phase out and eliminate
plastic in your kitchen. Switch to stainless steel for lunch containers. Use wax bags to wrap sandwiches for lunches. Switch to glass or stainless steel storage containers for the refrigerator. Never put warm food into a plastic container and do not use plastic containers in the microwave. Plastics are also not recommended in the dishwasher.

Scrap the plastic water bottles. Choose to take your own water with you instead in a BPA-free stainless steel or glass bottle. Plastic water bottles are not always kept cold and have the potential for leeching large amounts of BPA into the drinking water contained within.

Do not eat canned food or drink canned beverages. Almost every canned item consumed contains BPA and many times food was not cold when put into the can. Canned goods are a possible source of extremely high levels of BPA.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss we are taught how to eat and how to exercise but the common and vitally important component that almost always gets overlooked is learning how to think right. Yes, when it comes to creating long-term weight loss, mind over matter is where you need to focus your energy.

This is not to say that you can abandon diet and exercise and just sit in a corner and wish yourself slim. But I am saying that if you neglect to pay attention to the thoughts you are allowing in your head then you are making weight loss much more difficult then it has to be.

How do you keep your thoughts in line with your goal?

1. Identify limiting thoughts. So often we let thoughts just drift into our head like a broken record and very rarely do we stop to consider how these thoughts are affecting our behaviors. For instance, if you go on a diet yet you are constantly filling your head with thoughts such as, "I hate to diet." "I can't wait till this is over." How do you think that will affect your weight loss journey? I would have to say that it will either make you struggle or it will cause you to crash and burn.

2. Once you identify a limiting thought let it go. What we don't always understand is that our thoughts are not a physical part of us. Therefore they are free to pass in and out of us. When you hear a limiting thought pop into your head ask yourself if you could simply let it go or release it. With very little practice you will find that any thought can be easily released.

3. Focus on the positive outcome. Research has shown that those who focus on the positive expectations of their goal are much more likely to reach their goal than those who focus on the negative side of a goal pursuit. Create a mental picture of how you will feel and look when you reach your goal and constantly redirect your mind back to that positive vision.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Effects of Exercise

Effects of Exercise

Their bones are found in many joints, the knee, Hip and the finger joints and the joints in your toes. When the bones meet, there is also cartilage, a rubbery, protective layer that ensures your joints without pain and without bending. But even cartilage can not do this enormous task alone. A thin membrane called synovium "provides fluid that lubricates the moving parts together. When the cartilage wears on the synovium becomes inflamed, the result is mostly" osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. "

In osteoarthritis, the cartilage can be weakened to the point that the bones do not rub on bone. This type of arthritis develops gradually over the life of a simple result of wear on the joints over the years. Very few people escape some degree of osteoarthritis, although the severity varies greatly. As it is, in fact, if you have more than 50 years, chances are you have at least one joint affected by osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis affects men and women and so far, the most common form of arthritis, with nearly 20 million people on the list.

In rheumatoid arthritis, damage to the synovium is the problem. Doctors and researchers are not absolutely sure what causes, but most think that rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which the immune system actually attacks certain tissues, including those linking the joints and synovium. Rheumatoid arthritis begins with swelling, redness, stiffness and pain, but progress May scar tissue common forms, or in exceptional cases, while the bones in fact merge. Almost 75% of 2 million people with rheumatoid arthritis in the United States are women. Disease May hit adolescence. The exercise of options for its prevention: Take some time to develop a good weight low impact exercise and stretching plan can add to big results when it comes to staving off arthritis pain. Strong muscles help protect joints from wear and the continued flow of soft. That is why the quest for fitness is at hand, even if you are 50 or older.

However, the majorities of people over 50 years are still where they were still jog and return to the other's perspective. Many say it is only for people who have a lifetime sport or anything to say exercise is for young people and develop practices more harm than good. There are still some who insist on giving them in exercise routines because they not only have the time or have less energy than ever. These are all excuses of the blade.

Therefore, it is time to get rid of the pain. Start the years. Consequently, preventing arthritis is not exactly scientific, but doctors found several ways to reduce your risk. Here's how: No weight around- One of the most important measures anyone can take to prevent osteoarthritis of the knee is to lose weight, if overweight. Extra weight puts more strain on the knees. If you are 10 kg, for example, saving 60 pounds per square inch of pressure on your knees every time step. Additional pressure to be slowly but surely erode and cartilage in the knee with arthritis.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Body Fat Calculation and Health

Body Fat Calculation and Health

Body Fat Calculation and Healthhigher The higher your percentage of fat above average levels, the your health risk for weight related illness, like heart disease, high blood pressure, gallstones, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and certain cancers.

Also, the higher your percentage of fat and the smaller your percentage of muscle the less calories you need to maintain your weight and therefore the easier it is to gain weight. This is because muscle is more metabolically active than fat tissue. Body Fat Percentages and Lean Muscle Mass When in ideal shape, body fat will make up about of a males bodyweight and of a females. The remainder of the bodys lean weightis composed of water muscle and other lean tissue andbone and minerals .

In other words, a pound woman who is within orclose to her ideal body fat composition range at will have approximately33 pounds of fat, 86 pounds of weight composed primarily of water, 20 poundsof muscle and other lean tissue, and 11 pounds of bone and mineral weight.This total then makes up her total weight of 150 lbs. Now take the example of another woman who weights 150 pounds, but has 30fat on her body. She would have 45 pounds of fat on her body, and the rest ofher weight would be divided among muscle, bone and water. Her non fat bodycomposition might look like this, 79 pounds of water , 17 pounds ofmuscle , and 9 pounds of bone and minerals . Both women weight 150lbs. and are about the same height, but one looks much different because shehas less body fat.

Body fat percentage is generally accepted as a better gauge of weight lossprogress and fitness than scale weight. The method of calculating body fatfrom body measurements as used by HealthSmart Nutrition is the fourth mostaccurate method. Hydrostatic testing underwater is first. Electrical testingof body mass resistance is second and body fat measurement by caliper isthird. Although it is not the most accurate, if you record your measurementscarefully and consistently using the measurement taking instructions given,you will have a good relative gauge of how much body fat you are gaining orlosing. To our knowledge, the HealthKeeper software is the first program to offer this body fat percentage by measurement feature.

For higher accuracy you can override the automatic body fat measurement calculator and enter your body fat percentages done by hydrostatic testing underwater, electrostatic testing of body mass resistance or body fat percentage done by the caliper method. One product we highly recommend is the Tanita bathroom scale. It does very accurate electrostatic testing of body mass resistance to determine your body fat percentage in seconds.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Women's Foot and Nail Care

Women's Foot and Nail Care

Our feet take a lot of punishment, and it shows. The rough, calloused skin on the heels needs regular moisturizing or it may become dry and cracked. The moist skin between the toes is prone to athlete’s foot. Even the skin on the tops of the feet is vulnerable; it can get sunburned if not protected from ultraviolet radiation.

And yet we all want good-looking feet. Pretty feet have been sexy for centuries. Fortunately, there are many over-the counter products to soothe, treat, and protect your feet.
Calluses and Rough Spots on Women’s Feet .

Regular use of a pumice stone or foot file on damp heels and calluses will keep your feet looking good in open-back shoes.

Soak your feet in water or a foot bath for 10 to 15 minutes to help soften up the skin. Then gently remove the thickened skin with a pumice stone. New York podiatrist Isaac Tabari, DPM, recommends a warm foot bath made of black tea (tannic acid). Tannic acid, he says, is a natural antibacterial agent that may reduce the chance of getting athlete’s foot.

Moisturizing foot scrubs made from botanicals such as crushed fruit pits, sugar, or chemical exfoliates also help remove dead skin. After you scrub, apply a rich foot cream or balm containing shea butter or cocoa butter.

Look for balms or heel creams containing salicylic acid or urea to soften tough calluses.
Moisturizing Creams for Cracked Heels and Feet

If your heels become extremely dry and cracked, see a podiatrist or dermatologist for a prescription treatment. If they’re not that bad, there are plenty of moisturizing products from which to choose. First, you might pick up some medicated heel pads, sold at any drugstore, to soften calluses while you walk. After you’ve exfoliated the calluses, use a heavy cream to moisturize tough skin on your heel.

Look for creams containing petrolatum, an emollient, or a humectant such as lactic acid, which draws moisture into the skin.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Weight Lifting

Weight Lifting

Research shows that the order of exercises can significantly affect strength development, and so it is standard practice to set up a resistance-training routine to work large muscle groups before smaller ones. The reason is that a small muscle group that fatigues first will be the weakest link in the chain and prevent large muscle groups from working to full capacity. For example, if you isolate and fatigue your biceps muscles with curls, and then try to do lat pull-downs (which use biceps, shoulders and back), you won't be able to do as much work for your shoulders and back because your biceps will already be fatigued. In the starter programs below, you will see examples of working large to small muscle groups.

A split refers to the practice of dividing workouts by muscle group. For example, you can work all upper body muscles on one day and lower body on another. Or you could work all the pushing muscles (triceps, pecs, anterior shoulder) on one day, and the pulling muscles (biceps, lats, rhomboids, posterior shoulder) on another. There are many possible combinations of splits, and I suggest that you experiment to find what works best for you. In the starter programs below, you will see examples of a split.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

A great number in the American population is suffering from an excessive weight problem or a condition known as obesity. Aside from the fact that the large number of weight loss products in the market today is also of great number the rates of people afflicted of this condition does not seem to reduce.

Have you ever known anyone among your friends or family members even that has not tried to reduce their weight at one time or another? At some point, most of us have already utilized some weight loss aids which are most probably in pill-based form. It is also possible that we have lost the weight but the real difficulty is maintaining it afterwards. Indeed, managing our weight to our desired number is a tad hard task because it would mean we have to adhere to strict dieting plans when if we failed to do so weight gain starts creeping back in.

There are a number of researchers who have long sought for a weight loss product
or supplements that can actually let dieters maintain a healthy normal weight but most of time they came out with none. It is normal that dieters would find themselves lose weight on the first few weeks and months of their new chosen diet. But dieters should be aware of what weight they are shedding off for they might simply be of fluid loss or even of the muscles. We still do appreciate the value of counting calories among diet plans but weight loss results at any type of diet program may not count for a long term basis. It is important that dieters should be able to control their overconsumption of foods and at the same time have an exercise fitness plan. It is true that exercise plays a major role on any weight management program you may have. It makes it possible for weight loss to be enjoyable for a longer period of time. Most weight related cases have always come up with the conclusion that an inactive way of life can truly affect weight gain.

Hence, in this light, it is truly advisable to stop paying attention to the less important aspects of weight loss and start incorporating a more active means to lose weight through exercise or even by mere addition of more physical activities on your daily schedules. One activity that most health expert's advice for dieters is not the purchase of expensive gym equipments or to get into any health club memberships, surprisingly adding up walking into your daily agenda is what they pushing for. It is the most convenient type of physical activity almost everyone can perform at anytime or anywhere.

The trick is to make walking a bit more fun so you can endure performing it even longer than what is required. You can ask the company of friends or inspire yourself by doing most of the walking in the park.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Good Health

Good Health

Being in a good health involves eating a sensible diet and following a regular exercise regimen. What most people are not aware of is the fact that aside from these two components of a healthy lifestyle, purposeful total body cleansing and detoxification is another key to total wellness.When your body is not able to perform its basic functions properly, chances are the digestive environment is not in its ideal state. Oftentimes seemingly unrelated ailments actually result from the presence of toxins in the body and a colon that is embedded with waste matter that has not been flushed out of the system.

The body has seven channels of elimination namely: the liver, lungs, kidneys, colon, skin, blood and lymphatic system. Through these your body is able to cleanse itself and get rid of harmful waste matter. You become ill whenever any of these channels are compromised. Also, it is harder for you to shed excess weight if these channels of elimination are not in good working order, thus it is very beneficial that you undergo a whole body cleanse before going on a weight loss program in order to optimizes your chances of success.

The process of colon detoxification does not have to be complicated or costly. The key is in regularly eating at least 35 grams of fiber daily. Fiber works by working like a sponge in your intestines. It absorbs the toxins lining your colon wall bringing these along as the fiber exists from your system. If you take fiber on a regular basis, your colon will be cleaned out regularly as well. You do not have to spend extra on colon cleansing treatments or products. By simply eating more high-fiber foods, you can cleanse and detoxify the natural and inexpensive way.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Burn fat

Burn fat

Mix It Up With Interval Training

Interval training is a technique that can optimise fat loss during exercise. In the same exercise session alternate between short periods of low-intensity and high-intensity. For example, if your session is 30 mins on the treadmill, do 2 mins running followed by two minutes fast walking and repeat this throughout the session.

Be More Active

In Your Daily RoutineNo matter what you do during the day you use up calories - even sitting on the sofa watching television. By changing your routine you can increase your energy expenditure and lose weight without having to undertake a diet or join the gym. Simple. Walk instead of drive, take the stairs instead of the lift, and meet a friend in the park for a walk instead of a at a cafe or bar.

Be Sensible

If you eat an increased amount of calories and do not increase your energy output with additional exercise, the surplus calories will be stored as body fat. There is no reason why you should not be able to enjoy good food, but think about what you are going to do about additional calories.

Eat Smaller Amounts

More OftenEat More Often - sounds good eh!. Eating produces heat and energy and revs up your metabolism. A faster metabolism will eat through the calories quicker. That's why eating small meals regularly is the best way to keep your metabolism firing.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Walking To Fitness With The Nordic Walking Technique

Walking To Fitness With The Nordic Walking Technique

This fast growing walking technique is an efficient, low-stress exercise that promotes a healthy cardiovascular system involving the use of Nordic Walking poles to experience a total body workout with physical and mental benefits. Whether you are a fitness enthusiast who wants a high-intensity workout or are like most people who just enjoy the benefits of walking, you can obtain even better benefits using Nordic Walking poles and enjoy the added safety to bones and joints by taking the stress off the body.

Everyone who can walk, and even many who have a hard time walking, can go Nordic Walking or Trekking with the use these poles and enjoy this great fitness activity.Nordic Walking is an excellent way to exercise and enjoy the outdoors. It is a mix between power walking and cross-country skiing and can be enjoyed by all age groups all year. Nordic Walking poles help you accelerate your workout by lengthening your stride and it uses all your muscle groups for a full body workout. Use the poles for speed and stability and get in shape with all your friends.Nordic Walking increases your heart rate, and your overall walking experience. You will not feel like you are working harder although your level of exertion will increase burning more calories and working your legs, upper body and back muscles.

With Nordic Walking, your fitness level increases, posture improves and you will notice your energy level increasing with every walk. Living healthy with activities you enjoy is the key to success. Nordic Walking is not the same as trekking. Nordic walking is a technique with a steady rhythmic pace. Trekking is a general activity with a varied pace , terrain and usually involves added weight such as a backpack for carrying supplies.After going on a few walks I have noticed that my walking pace has increased as opposed to just walking. I've read plenty of material stating the health benefits and thought I would share them with you. I am using the Lekisport Walker now, so far so good.On a personal level when I walk for an hour or so my heart does increase, distance of walking has increased and my level of energy while walking has also increased. I must say when I first started walking I was breathing heavier but that soon diminished in a few minutes as I kept going and found a good pace to keep walking. I believe it is important to find your optimal pace when starting out as not to overwork yourself resulting in tiredness and wanting to take breaks.The impact on my joints and back has lightened immensely.

I'm sure as I continue that weight loss will be inevitable and the combined benefits be great to help me enjoy a more active lifestyle.I am closing in on my early forties now and I want to be in good shape so I can better enjoy a prolonged retirement with my family when the time comes. I'm sure everyone would love to be healthy during the retirement years and Nordic Walking is a step in the right direction.

Saturday, November 14, 2009



1. Speed: Speed is the ability of a person to execute motor movements with high speed in the shortest period of time. It is equal to the distance covered per unit of time. the element of speed is involved in most of the athletic skills such as in sprint running, some skills of soccer, basketball, etc.

2.Strength: Strength is the ability of a muscle to expert or release force by contraction enabling a person to overcome resistance or to act against resistance.

3. Power: Power is the ability of muscle to release maximum force in the shortest period of time. It is equal to force multiplied by speed. It is the combination of strength and speed. Speed and force must be combined for effective performance in activities like baseball throw, jumps for height, football kick, boxing punch,etc.

4. Endurance :Endurance is the ability of the person to perform movement of moderate (Sub-maximum) contractions over prolonged period of time under conditions of fatigue or tiredness. It is the product of all psychic and physical energy of human body.

5. Flexibility : Flexibility is the ability of a muscle to perform movements with large range of motion.

6. Agility : Agility is the ability of a person to change positions in space or to change directions quickly and effectively e.g. football player quickly changes direction or giving dodge to opponent, hurdle crossing over the barrier or hurdles, zig-zag running, etc.

7. Balance : Balance is the ability of a person to control human body or to maintain equilibrium under static and dynamic conditions e.g. hand stand, skating, skiing, catching a fly in baseball, etc.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Reiki Therapy and Weight Loss

Reiki Therapy and Weight Loss

Reiki therapy works to change the body’s inner energy composition. Healing the inner self may provide the foundation for setting up a positive frame of mind for healthy limit setting and eating.

A Typical Reiki Session
The client remains clothed either seated or lying down. The Reiki practitioner channels energy by touching associated or unhealthy areas over the course of an hour. There are a dozen different hand positions and through touching or hovering over the affected area for a few minutes, a warmth or tingling is felt in the practitioner’s hands and sometimes felt by the client. The theory is the negative forces within the client are broken apart in order to create a new balance by using the client’s own innate healing ability. Fluids are recommended after the session. Four sessions may be required along with nutritional counseling.

Reiki Practitioner Training

Reiki, meaning life energy, is an alternative healing created by Dr Mikao Usui. Stories vary whether he was a Buddhist or a Christian. He was a scholar of healing techniques. Dr Usui claims to have received his healing power during a 21-day meditation. Reiki draws from the fields of universal life force energy and quantum physics. Research is ongoing.

The three levels of training consist of learning the hand movements and the work of channeling energy. Next, the practitioner learns about the energy of mental power for distance work where the client need not be present to receive the therapy. Last the student becomes a master practitioner, with experience and the ability to teach others. The practitioner is one with energy attunement.

The International Center for Reiki Training is a self-credentializing organization “licensing” teachers who are already master level in a one to three year program. Practitioners have varied backgrounds, though many are drawn from the fields of massage, medicine, and psychology.

Reiki is an adjunct to weight loss. This is not a diet pill or injection type process. The therapy and its potential for relaxation, healing and stress reduction is an adjunct to dieting, along with counseling on portion control and nutritional awareness. If obesity is seen as a disease or negative force then Reiki can affect healing. Weight gain has many etiologies beyond poor eating habits, including depression, immobility, sexual issues, over-eating and phobias. Reiki can center the body, dissipate the emotions around eating and weight, allowing the relaxed, calmer body to sleep and eat properly or be aware of hunger and satiety.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Get A Six-Pack

Get A Six-Pack

If you could sculpt one body part to perfection for next summer, what would it be? Let me guess - six pack abs! I don't know anybody who does not want to shrink there waistline, lose body fat, eliminate low back pain and develop a jaw dropping set of rock-hard six-pack. Too bad that your brain has been poisoned with contaiminated information.

Before you can start learing how to get six-pack abs and discover the truth about what it really takes to build a beach-worthy abdominal section, you must first expose the lies, myths and rumors. Before we talk about how to get six-pack abs, the right way, we must re-program your hard drive and empty the trash can of garbage you have been fed.

Because of all this hyped up and misguided information - even among so-called 'fitness experts' - you should skeptical of discerning about all abdominal training equipment and programs. Let's first eliminate the top four ways not to get a six-pack:

Learning how to get a six-pack does not require expensive workout equipment promoted through obnoxious infomercials. You can't flick on the TV anymore without seeing two new abdominal exercise machines being promoted at once. There are so many of them, that if you get suckered into these 'ab workout' gimmicks, you will be broke quicker than Ben Johnson sprints the 100 m dash! And get this: Of the $520 million dollars a year spent on exercise equipment, abdominal machines get a $208 million dollar piece of the pie!

Learning how to get a six-pack does not require thousands or even hundreds of crunches a day. So much for the Brittany Spears ab workout! Crunches are decent but totally overused and associated with more being better. Crunches is a very general exercise and general exercises get general results. Excessive floor crunches shorten the abdominal wall, pull your head forward and emphasize poor posture. They also involve a very low level of stimulation which negelets adequate muscle fiber recruitment.

Learning how to get a six-pack does not involve starvation diets. Starvation diets starve the muscle when instead, you should be feeding the muscle. Guess what happens when you starve your body? Your metabolism shuts down out of survival and causes your body to store fat. Your body must get energy from somewhere so guess what gets sacrificed? That's right, your precious muscle which is in fact responsible for a maintaining a high metabolism. Starve your muscle - great logic!

Learning how to get a six-pack does not require fat burning pills. What did the last weight loss pill you bought do for you? The same thing the next one is going to do - nothing! Except give you a thinner wallet but not a thinner waist line. The entire concept of taking pills to 'burn fat' is built on a sandy foundation and misleading because diet pills only treat the symptons and not the root cause. Without focusing on the root problems of a flabby mid-section, like nutrition, lifestyle and proper training, you will just end up where you started - farther away from having a six-pack for summer instead of closer.

If just landed on earth from Mars today, and were able to avoid these four completely wrong ways to build a six-pac, than you will have an advantage over the rest of the world and be one enormous step closer to taking your shirt off with pride!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lose Fat With Supersets and Trisets

Lose Fat With Supersets and Trisets

The single biggest excuse people state for not exercising is a lack of time. This is due to the belief that you must train for 90 minutes a day at an expensive gym, or purchase some expensive equipment or a set of DVD's in order to get into great shape. That's not true.

How to Get Exercise Done Faster
The key to getting exercise done quickly is to improve your workout density. The concept of density training is very simple: perform more work in a given time frame, or perform a given amount of work faster than you've done it before. Of course the "work" we're talking about here is exercise.

The Benefits
The greatest benefit of density training is that you are able to complete your workout in a shorter period of time. This is extremely helpful for busy professionals who have no more than an hour per week to train.

Another advantage of density training is that it allows you to lose fat and build muscle with relatively light to moderate weights. The point is to condense more work within a given period of time, thus increasing the intensity and overload without having to increase the weight.
For example, say that you squat 200lbs for 10 reps, resting 2 minutes per set. Drop the rest period down to 90 seconds and perform the workout. The weight will feel harder because your body is more fatigued. Your body really doesn't know how much weight it's lifting. Your body only knows that there's something there that it can't lift because it's tired, and the only way for it move that object is to get bigger and stronger.

The Program
Two methods of improving your density are supersets and trisets. Supersets are simply two exercises performed back to back without rest. They have also been called couplets and compound sets. Trisets are three exercises performed back to back without rest, and are also known as triplets.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lose Body Fat But Gain Muscle Mass

Lose Body Fat But Gain Muscle Mass

Would you like to know how anyone can discover the powerful solution to how to lose body fat but gain muscle mass? Read this article entirely and I will show you the proven methods for achieving you fitness goals.

Are you interested in learning the secret to working out minutes per week rather then hours and days?A simple technique known, as High Intensity Strength Training is the answer to the questions posed in the opening paragraph. So, what is High Intensity Strength Training and how what makes it superior to conventional workouts?This training method is a total body workout that uses specific techniques that burn more calories and fat and release a larger amount of muscle building hormones. The value of this training does not stop at workouts end. Your body burns calories (fat) like mad during the workout and continues burning calories at a higher rate for up to 72 hours after workouts end.This workout method is based on three principles. They are intensity, which can be described as the amount of effort applied in your workout session.

Volume and frequency refer to how long and how often you exercise. And then there is progression, the gaining of lean muscle mass and strength require that you train you body in a progressive manner.Most fitness experts recommend exercise routines that are too light on strength training and too heavy on aerobics. It is the anaerobic nature of high intensity strength training that adds lean muscle mass to your body in such an effective way. This method by its very nature promotes the loss of body fat while adding muscle.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weight Loss Strategy

Weight Loss Strategy

Weight Loss is regularly associated to mental struggle, hunger, gym memberships or dieting clubs.Associating weight loss to mental struggle and hunger might partly explain why we now demonstrate a national and international epidemic of overweight folk. If you demonstrate a Body Mass Index (BMI) of more than 25 you are now officially classed as being overweight.Being overweight not only has a negative effect upon an individual's confidence, it could also show serious implications on your health these as high blood pressure, strokes and form 2 diabetes.

Even with time saving devices and services these as computers and online shopping myriads folk still say lack of time is a big barrier to getting started on a healthy lifestyle, 'no time to take exercise' can often be heard.Why not try this appropriate exercise if lack of time is your remarked barrier. Go into a quiet room with a blank cut of paper and pen and outline your typical day i.e. The time you wake up, leave for work, drop boys and girls off at school to going to bed.

Once you demonstrate a clear idea of how you spend your time you may be pleasantly surprised to see where you could genuinely pinpoint 10 - 15 minutes to take that walk or use those weights you bought in the January sale. This exercise could be used to move history any remarked barrier to getting started on your weight loss programme. Surf the net, scan the book shops and listen to friends over a coffee and you will be exposed the myriads various solutions to weight loss. It seems as if every other month a new weight loss solution is introduced into the market city. Typical solutions consistently recommend a combination of diet and exercise. Even with reports of gym memberships being cancelled shortly after they show being started, the gym still remains a very notorious, choice for humans seeking a weight loss solution. It is true that gyms may seem a little intimidating to legions beginners, especially when all you seem to see are skinny individuals working out and sweating. If you are able to move beyond this gyms may provide you with the perfect environment to pick up cautions and infusion with folk that share the same goals as you 'satisfactory health'.

In the better gyms you will be able to speak to a weight loss coach & trainer for additional news and support that may accelerate your success. Thin would argue that adopting a combined approach to weight is by far the better successful course of action. Your approach should ideally include; diet, exercise and behaviour modification this will give you the superior possible chance to lose the weight and keep it off.No two folk are the same when it comes to losing weight. One may like the gym the other might hate it, one may like a savoury dish the other a sweet dish. It's going to be divergent for everybody.

The main thing is that you find an approach that works for you because once you do the benefits include; having the confidence you want, having the body you desire, having the outfit you hunger for and yes eating what you hunger for. These are just a inconsequential of the multitudinous benefits apart from just looking at what the scales say.

Saturday, November 7, 2009



I recently read a few articles talking about the importance of weight bearing exercise for maintaining healthy bone density and to ward off osteoporosis.

Many of the articles recommended jogging or using weights to get the necessary effect to stimulate healthy bones. I want to point out that there are other forms of exercise equally, if not more effective, for building and maintaining bone density.

First, what actually is happening when we stimulate our bones via exercise?Joint reaction forces is what is happening! These forces (like when you lift a weight, or do a leg stretch) work your muscles which then pull on your bones because the muscles insert on your bones (via tendons) or bones connect to bones (via ligaments). This pulling stimulates the bones and circulation to your bones and increases your bone mass.

There needs to be enough force though to actually stimulate the bones, thus, why jogging and lifting weights are seen as more effective at stimulating this action.

What I love about T-Tapp is that it provides the necessary stimulation without the jarring motion of jogging or the monotony of weight lifting.

The T-Tapp moves were formulated with this in mind. Each moves involves both stretching and activating your muscles. Over time, you build your muscles which in turns increases the stimulation to your bones.

I can attest that the longer I do T-Tapp, the more I can feel this joint reaction force increase as I become more aware of each muscle and my ability to activate it isometrically. The moves include leverage isometrics which increases the stretch. And hey, you also get a balance workout and great cardio activity!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Diet For Ultimate Health And Wellness

Diet For Ultimate Health And Wellness

Fitness and nutrition go hand in hand for a healthier lifestyle as well as a better quality of life. Either one, on its own, has many benefits, but if you combine the two together you can look and feel like a perfect physical specimen. If you work out because you are trying to lose fat and sculpt a perfect physique than you need to understand that exercise is only half of the equation.

If you really want to bring your health, fitness, and body shape to a different level you need to pay attention to your diet. Diet needs can vary depending on the level of fitness activity. The diet health of a professional body builder would be different than that of a marathon runner. In this newsletter we are going to focus on some general diet health improvements people can make in order to maximize their fitness efforts and get a body they can go to the beach with. Eat Smart.

You don't have to be a food Nazi and govern everything you eat, but if you can follow a few rules, most of the time, your health will benefit greatly. For one, drink enough water. Hardly anyone really drinks enough water. Some high quality fitness drinks, (not Gatorade and Powerade) are okay while you are exercising, but the rest of the time drink water. Stay away from all of the energy drinks and other manufactured nonsense your body doesn't really need.

Secondly, try to eat as much organic food as possible. Regular food (what is in the aisles at the grocery store) is filled with chemicals and preservatives that do nothing but cause disease, make you fat and make you feel sluggish. No matter how much you work out you won't achieve a great physique if you eat that junk. Probably the most important factor in achieving and maintaining the level of health and body you desire is to minimize the amount of bread you eat.

So many people who work out eat a lot of bread because they think that they need the carbs for energy, or because it just tastes great. Bread is simply not good for you. Why? Bread is loaded with refined sugar and bleached flour and preservatives. So try to eat less bread. I guarantee that in a few weeks you will notice a difference in your physique.

In order to get the carbohydrates that you need try to eat more organic fruit, vegetables, and oats. These are great sources of natural carbohydrates that will give your body the proper nutrition it needs. The second most abundant substance in your body besides water is protein. So you want to make sure that you are getting a lot of high quality protein in your diet. You can do this either from eating organic meat, fish, poultry and dairy products or from taking a high quality protein supplement.

Usually eating some meat and taking protein supplements is often the best way to get the proper amount of protein. Consuming too much protein from meat can cause some health complications. Once you exercise regularly getting the body and health you have always wanted is not that difficult. It just takes a little will power and motivation.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Get a Bigger and Firmer Butt

Get a Bigger and Firmer Butt

Getting a bigger and firmer butt is quite easy if you are consistent in your methods. Many women are interested in getting a bigger butt because to many a bigger butt is not only sexier but also boosts confidence. The muscles in the butt should be shaped as well to make your butt look bigger. There are many secrets and tips to making your butt look bigger and firmer which I have outlined below:

To get a bigger butt, your diet is one of the most important factors. Try losing a bit of weight by modifying your diet to obtain more protein and less unhealthy fats (i.e. trans-fats, saturated fats). Eating protein will help build the muscle in your butt to help grow your butt while you are exercising and building and firming up your butt muscles.

Consuming adequate amounts of water is extremely important in getting a bigger butt that is firmer and more shaped. Water makes up almost your whole body and is extremely important in muscle development and fat loss - especially when it comes to getting a bigger butt.

Perform squats to increase the size of your butt. Apart from increasing the size of butt, this exercise also shapes and builds the muscles in the butt to make your butt also appear bigger. Squats will help improve the shape of your legs, thereby giving you a more proportioned appearance to allow for a bigger butt look. Make sure to do this exercise regularly, at least every other day, in order to get a bigger and firmer butt.

Lunges are great in addition to squats in toning and shaping the muscles in the butt. To get a bigger butt, be sure to do this exercise daily or every other day to get the bigger and better butt you always wanted.

Kick backs are also great for getting a bigger and firmer butt. Perform the exercise by standing on one leg and then kick back the other leg that is free off the ground. Wait until your butt squeezes and then release. Repeat the exercise ten to fifteen times and do it 3 times.

Hamstring curls are great for making your butt bigger but also firmer. Increasing your butt size is easy with this butt burning exercise. Do this exercise regularly to get that nice burn feel and really build your butt up.

Running or walking stairs is an amazing butt building and firming workout. Go to your local high school stadium or somewhere you can use the bleachers and run the stadium or bleachers to really get a great butt building exercise to really increase your butt size.

Cardio workouts such as running or jogging are great butt firming exercises that are crucial for shaping your butt and losing the fat and building muscle. Be sure to include some sort of cardio for 20-30 minutes each day to keep your butt in good shape and really get a bigger butt.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Decline in Fitness Accelerates After Age 45

Decline in Fitness Accelerates After Age 45

Fitness levels decline with age and accelerate after age 45 in men and women, a new study says. But staying at a healthy weight and engaging in regular physical activity can help.

"The U.S. population is aging and is becoming more obese and sedentary," Andrew Jackson, PED, from the University of Houston and colleagues write in the Oct. 26 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine. "It is well documented that the cardiorespiratory fitness of men and women declines with age and that body composition and habitual physical activity are related to cardiorespiratory fitness."

They add that low fitness levels increase the risk of diseases and interfere with the ability of older adults to function independently.

The study included data on 3,429 women and 16,889 men aged 20 to 96 who participated in the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study between 1974 and 2006. Most participants were white, well educated, and middle- to upper-socioeconomic class with access to health care.
Participants completed between two and 33 health examinations and had treadmill
exercise tests to assess cardiorespiratory fitness.

Although fitness levels declined over time, cardiorespiratory fitness declined more rapidly after age 45, and the decline was greater for men than for women, the researchers say.
In addition, the results also "showed that being active, keeping a normal BMI, and not
smoking were associated with substantially higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness during the adult life span studied," the researchers say. "Being inactive and having a high body mass index were associated with a lower age at which an individual could be expected to reach threshold cardiorespiratory fitness levels associated with substantially higher health risks."

Body mass index is a widely used calculation based on a person's height and weight. A person with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, and a BMI of 30 and higher is considered obese.

Because increasing rates of obesity and low levels of physical activity have been observed in the general population, the researchers say their findings suggest that more men and women will reach at a younger age the fitness level designated by the Social Security Administration as representing disability.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lose Weight

If you really want to know how to "lose weight diet" First I ask you why you want to lose it. It takes a lot more categorical in your consideration for doing so, you can make it more achievable.Many people do not know this enigma and even those who do not know they still use it is burdensome to administer.

As the mind often tricks genius I conceive the spirit and also understand that many people do not understand how they induce the minds of thousands of their improvement.Exceptionally when it comes to wanting to lose diet weight loss is where usually a dispute because due to this problem so imperceptible, and something that might be able to make you realize hypnotists. If you become more conscious of your thoughts and feelings about wanting to lose plan weight loss then this is where the real odyssey begins.

This is accurately like the last to find something he had set his mind on what he wants to find and after much endurance ultimately led to his work and in turn, has managed to construct a new product.You probably still do not be aware and it is quite anticipated that you need to realize that because you want to lose weight, your diet should also be more unique on how you want to do.

As already cited, if you know what you really want to know how to lose weight that you want and then you must set intention and have begun to place confidence in it can actually be accomplished.

So if you ascertain a diet to lose weight but do not know what specialized justification or how to map your mind about how to lose weight then it will never triumph.Believe it because I am a man with a vigorous mind and the belief of a millionaire, but this state of mind that I would never thrive.

If you want to learn more about how altering your thoughts can help your how to lose weight diet to visit this blog. I can guarantee you that you will recognize the techniques is superb, and also apparently one of the most advanced weight-loss program attainable at the moment.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Exercise Groups

Exercise Groups

Exercise groups are an important part of our daily lives. They are essential for maintaining good physical and mental health, but it can get a little boring when you are doing it alone. If you feel that you need a little motivation, or just want some company while you are ìgetting fitî, consider joining an exercise group. Search your local community listings or check with your local gym to see if there are any existing groups in your area. If there are not any existing groups, start one of your own.

If you are faced with the task of starting your own exercise group, start by asking your friends. It is likely that at least a couple of them have exercise goals that they would like to accomplish. If working in a group seems a little intimidating consider teaming up with your spouse. If you are both interested in living a healthy lifestyle and have similar weight loss goals, this can be a great way to stay motivated.

One of the biggest benefits of having a workout partner or group is the accountability factor. Being held accountable for your progress is very motivating when it comes to fitness. Just like any other task, when you know someone will be checking up on you, you are more likely to stay motivated.

Everyone who has experience with exercise knows that there will eventually be slumps in your exercise routine. These are times when you are too busy to exercise, or times when you loose site of your goals. Having a partner or group to communicate with about your feelings can help you overcome your exercise slump. Having this type of support system can even help prevent it from happening all together. Sometimes it is easier to get through a tough period when you know that others have experienced the same feelings, and made it through.

Certain exercise moves are designed for partners. When you can use your partner rather than an exercise machine you get a more customized and personalized routine. Some of the exercises that you can perform with a partner include the assisted press, the back-row leg lift, and the trust squat are all exercise moves designed for partners.

Along with keeping you accountable and motivated, some exercises are safer if done in pairs or groups. Walking and running outdoors are a couple of the exercises that are best if performed by more than one person. Safety in numbers is a saying that is especially true for exercise. Not only does it decrease the chances of someone harming you while you are out, but you also have others there if you were to suffer an injury away from home.

As you can see, there are many benefits to having an exercise partner or group. They can provide you with support, motivation, safety, and advice. If you find that your group is not helping, or even hindering your progress you can always look for another group. The important thing is to stay motivated and continue to make progress towards your exercise and fitness goals.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bikram Yoga Benefits Mothers Post Pregnancy

Bikram Yoga Benefits Mothers Post Pregnancy

For a new mother, it’s important to balance time spent at home and personal time. It’s neither reasonable nor healthy to expect mothers to be with their children 100 percent of the time, so a new mother will need opportunities to have some time to herself. A new mother will also likely be concerned about losing her pregnancy weight.

All these concerns can be addressed in one relaxing exercise routine: Bikram Yoga.
Yoga benefits new mothers in a multitude of ways. It is a gentle way to exercise while being a very effective way to lose weight. It warms and flexes the muscles, allowing for effective stretching which is relaxing to body and mind. It also focuses on stress-reducing meditation, which is something that will prove very useful to a new mother.

It is important to note that Bikram yoga is not suitable for women during pregnancy, unless they were regular Bikram yoga students prior to pregnancy. The extreme heat and strenuous moves can be dangerous if the woman is not experienced in Bikram yoga. Most fitness professionals, myself included, believe that Bikram yoga has the potential to raise core temperature and therefore advise against this form of yoga for pregnancy .

Also, it is incredibly important for new mommies to stay well hydrated if they are taking part in Bikram yoga. Without proper hydration, Bikram (or hot yoga) can cause dehydration which may affect lactation and lead to breastfeeding issues.

What is Bikram Yoga?
Bikram Yoga is a specific type of yoga which is performed in a room heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. It retains the calm and gentle motions and strong stretches and poses of traditional yoga, but is considered by many to be more effective in several ways due to the heat.

Beginning students of Bikram Yoga should be prepared by being well hydrated and knowing the limitations of their body. The heat of Bikram Yoga often causes nausea and light headedness. Beginners, especially new mothers, should be careful not to overwork themselves. New mothers who are not accustomed to working out may first want to try traditional yoga or the less extreme hot yoga before moving up to Bikram Yoga.

Bikram Yoga for Weight Loss
Traditional yoga is well known as a weight loss routine, but Bikram yoga benefits the participant a step further by heating the practice area. Students of Bikram Yoga will sweat more, causing their bodies to burn more calories. Additionally, the heated room warms the muscles and allows for further stretching, so poses may be performed more effectively to attain their full intended benefit.

For a new mother, Bikram Yoga is an ideal weight loss tool because it is a comparatively gentle workout. It is strenuous enough to burn calories efficiently, but the movements aren’t harsh and don’t involve aerobic activity. A new mother who is still recovering from birthing can ease into Bikram yoga without feeling overwhelmed.
Bikram Yoga for Stress Reduction

As traditional yoga focuses on meditation and calming the mind and body, so too does Bikram Yoga. All forms of Yoga encourage mental discipline, which in turn helps to control the emotions and reduces stress.

Bikram Yoga also works with the body to reduce physical stress. A good stretch is always relaxing, and the heat of Bikram Yoga allows muscles to stretch further than they normally would without injury. This thorough stretching invigorates circulation and improves oxygenation throughout the blood. Many people believe that this improved circulation, combined with the heavy sweating of Bikram Yoga, helps to flush impurities from the blood, creating a healthier mind and body.