Running (7 minute mile average) - At 7 minute mile running we will burn more than calories per minute and looking at most runners on the street many may deduce that this must be the best exercise to lose weight. Most runners seem so thin and lean but in fact running at this pace would not be the best idea to lose weight. We would probably be burning about 80% carbohydrates and only fat.Burning a high percentage of carbohydrates may increase rather than regulate appetite. Trained runners are different their muscles have adapted to this level of intense running over years of training, they utilise oxygen much better which accelerates their fat burning potential even at higher levels of physical exertion.
Sprinting or weight training - Some of the most intense exercise we can perform. The energy to fuel these activities comes almost exclusively from carbohydrates. The amount of total calories burned is very high whilst performing the movement, however they can only be performed for short periods due to muscle fatigue. Plenty of rest periods are needed between each bout resulting in less total calories burned over the course of a training session. Normally other aerobic exercises are performed continuously for the whole duration of a session therefore total calories burnt are usually much higher. A positive reason to exercise lightly over a longer duration!
Biking - Take your bike and spend some time outside. You can use your bike when you visit friends, go to work or do your shopping. Use it as often as you can and you will see how your energy level rises and your body gets used to the exercise. Start slowly and cover in the beginning only short distances and higher gradually your effort and the distance.
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