Keeping your body fit is one of the most important things a person can do to ensure continuing health and overall well-being. Exercise can help to build strength, increase endurance and reduce stress. Take time out of your busy day to spend some time exercising. A number of basic body fitness tips can be followed to maintain optimal wellness.
Segments of Exercise
According to the President's Council of Physical Fitness and Sports, even a moderate amount of physical activity such as 30 minutes of brisk walking can have significant health benefits. If you lead a busy life and don't seem to have that time each day, the council says you can derive the same benefits from breaking the activity into 10-minute segments. Take 10 minutes of your lunch hour, a short break from work and 10 minutes when you get home to devote to increasing your body-fitness level.
Household Activities
Body fitness activities don't have to be made up of sessions on the treadmill. The North Carolina Cooperative Extension at N.C. State University says that examples of physical activity include everyday things like gardening, mowing the lawn, dancing, washing the car and going for a swim. Activities such as these can count towards your daily fitness requirements.
Strength Train
Incorporate sessions of strength training into your body fitness routine. Building muscle can improve your posture, make stronger joints and allow your body to burn more fat. The Department of Kinesiology and Health at Georgia State University recommends always warming up before a routine and to never extend it beyond one hour. It's also advisable to give each muscle group a one- to two-day recovery time before exercising them again.
Have Fun
Find a fitness routine that you enjoy. It's much more likely that you'll stick with an exercise regimen that feels like fun instead of a chore. Try a new class at a local gym or fitness facility. Exercise isn't all about sweating away everyday at the gym. There are a wide range of activities that count as forms of exercise such as bicycling around the neighborhood, kayaking, hiking, karate, badminton and aerobic dance.
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