Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tighten Your Tush

Many women consider their tush their biggest trouble spot when it comes to trying to lose fat.

The problem is the amount of time we spend parked on our rear ends. We once spent our days squatting and standing in the fields, literally working our butts off, but now we sit in front of computer screens, steering wheels, and TVs. And our butts have adapted by giving us bigger, softer cushions to sit on.

What's more, the back end is the female body's fuel pantry. It's where your body stores the fat reserves to draw on when babies need nourishment and food is scarce. Because it serves such an important function, that fat can be stubborn and is often the last to budge.

But don't despair if your back end is a particularly troublesome spot; creating a strong, jiggle-free butt is not impossible. By including a few glute-specific exercises in your training regimen, you can make a visible difference in a short amount of time, especially if you also step up your fat-burning aerobic activity, which helps thin out the fat layer on top of your newly firmed buttocks. And a firm, flab-free butt does more than just sit pretty in your jeans. It gives you the strength to bound up stairs, play tag with your kids, and excel in every sport you play.

The following exercises are designed to target the gluteal muscles, or the "glutes." These muscles include the gluteus maximus, which makes up the roundest, fullest part of the butt and the lower butt; the gluteus medius, which runs along the outside of the butt and hip area; and the gluteus minimus, which sits between the medius and the maximus.

Getting Started
If you're brand new to weight training, incorporate one or two of these exercises into a full-body routine. If you already work out but want a firmer rear, tack on a few of these exercises to your routine. Start with one set of 10 to 12 repetitions and work up to two sets of 12 to 15. Rest for 20 seconds between sets.

What to Expect
Expect your butt to burn. Start slowly, and gradually build your reps and sets so that you don't become too sore right from the start.

Safety First
Your back is an important stabilizer during many of these exercises, and you don't want to put too much stress on it. Start with a very light weight or no weight at all until you have the motions down. Perform the exercises slowly, using your muscles, not momentum, to do the work. Keep your back flat and in a neutral position, and avoid any arching or hunching during the exercises.

Perform the exercises 2 or 3 days a week (just not on consecutive days; your muscles need a rest), and you'll feel significantly stronger after just 3 to 6 weeks. After 6 to 8 weeks, you'll start seeing and feeling an improvement in your butt's firmness and appearance.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Strive For Body Fitness

People recognize that true fitness involves the entire human being including the body, the mind and the spirit. There are statistics which show that, after years of training in body building, many of the persons who practiced this sport turned to fitness.

Bodily fitness is being able to deal with and handle the daily stresses of life, good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise, and habits.Does our physical exercise have anything to do with the fitness of our body? By participating in a physical fitness program that trains the body to work as one complete unit and that understands all physical abilities must be trained to complement the others.

People that have developed the abilities to survive, flourish and excel in the natural environment, through either superior genetics or proper physical training, normally have the hard, lean and muscular body that exemplifies these traits.

To have the physical abilities to survive, flourish and excel in our natural environment, and the lean, hard and muscular body that exemplifies these abilities, is not a vain, selfish desire. Total fitness is the ability to effectively use and integrate different physical abilities into a fluid and successful completion of a task. Another advantage of fitness is a richer and more varied area of exercises, inspired from the complex training of body building but also of many other sports.

If you have a weight loss coach he or she will help you each and every step of the way providing you support, motivation, and will teach you the secrets that all slim people know, so that you can lose weight in a healthy way and allow you to maintain your weight and get back to your body perfect fitness and health for life A coach will provide you a one-on-one daily support as you pursue your life long dream of permanent weight loss and getting back to a healthy lifestyle.Eating tips will help keep you on the right track, when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle.

For twenty minutes your body gets a spinal massage, your mind is allowed to float freely between the left and right poles of your brain, your lymph and blood systems are allowed to clear themselves of toxins, each organ of your body receives the most efficient flow of energy, and you feel connected to the universal source.Remember that you need carbohydrates for energy and if you are working the right factors in the right way you are going to need those important complex and essential carbohydrates for keeping your energy level up and helping refuel your body.

With a home gym, a Bowflex for example, you don’t need to go anywhere, stay at home or office and do your body weight exercises. If you are purchasing fitness equipments, you must read the fine print and ensure that the equipment you are purchasing is suitable for you or not.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


If you're like many, you've found the one activity you love to do. And you do it—over and over again. That's great, especially when you're just trying to get into the habit. But once you're exercising regularly, adding variety to your routine can take you to the next level."When you do just one thing, you're only training the muscles you need for that particular activity," says Janet Alexander, an exercise specialist in Encinitas, CA.

"That can leave you very strong in some areas, but pretty weak in others, leading to muscle imbalances and overuse injuries from performing the same motions day in and day out." And as you already know, the more muscles you use, the more calories you burn, and the slimmer and fitter you'll feel. "Plus, cross-training keeps you from getting bored!" she adds.You should always aim for a balance of aerobic activity and strength training to keep your heart fit, your muscles toned, and your bones strong. "Strength training twice a week is essential," says Alexander.

"It's the only thing that keeps your muscles strong enough to do the activities you love. And strength training keeps your metabolism high, so you avoid gaining excess body fat as you get older."Otherwise, try to vary your aerobic workouts so that you're not doing the same activity every day. Below are some ideas to help you spice up your routine.

Quick TipIf your workout's not working, try a new activity to boost calorie burn.

If your primary exercise is:Jogging/RunningTry YogaKeeps muscles and joints strong and flexibleGolf or TennisTry Swimming Moves joints through a full rotation and stretches themCycling/Spinning ClassesTry African or Jazz Dance

Impact is good for your bones and improves posture WalkingTry SwimmingStretches you and works your upper bodyAerobics Class (e.g., dance, step, kickboxing)Try Biking on TrailsLow impact is easier on joints.

Adding hills works your upper body and improves balance.Swimming/Water AerobicsTry Walking Especially on hills Weight-bearing exercise adds impact to build bones and improves lower body strength.

Friday, November 4, 2011


People are keen to perform yoga body fitness, although they are aware that it is tough to accomplish faster results. Knowing the right guideline is essential for smooth programming. Generally, it is noted that people make some mistakes in the aim of performing the fitness program and have confessed about the slow results. Therefore, it is a must to recognize the mistakes that are the main don`ts while performing yoga body fitness.

The fitness program regularly relies on strong determination and should follow a regular and right training program right from the start. Some mistakes may appear to be negligible, but is a matter of serious concern as they cause hindrance in the fitness program as well as in accomplishing the desired fitness level.

The most significant mistake that needs to be avoided is eating once or only twice a day. Restricting to a meal or two daily is not recommended as it results in building ripped abs, and any fitness program is appropriate only when your body is adequate with nutrition. After performing the fitness program, it is essential to replenish the muscles, and obviously eating less meals results in triggering muscle loss and also in decreasing the metabolic rate. Eating the right food timely is highly recommended as a successful diet comprising of protein-rich food that is low-carb, especially after yoga body fitness workouts is appropriate. Subsequently, avoiding eating unhealthy fats such as potato chips and deep fried foods.

Another great mistake deals with yoga fitness performed even with perfect DVD instructions. Practicing it demands time and as life is hectic, you may practice once a week for minimum 60 minutes. It is observed that some people perform yoga body fitness when they are highly stressed such that their back hurts or they experience a disturbing sleep. They start practicing by default and take rigid poses that is tough and end up with adverse effects. Performing yoga body fitness with commitment even during hectic days at least for 10 minutes is more beneficial than doing it for 60 minutes once a week.

The don`ts also include struggling to fit poses that may be nearly impossible for you to perform, leading to a feeling of failure. For instance, sitting with crossed legs may be painful or even sitting up straight may be uncomfortable, and can be rectified by accepting the uniqueness of the yoga body fitness or modifying the pose to fit your structure of the body. This may lead to breathing problem owing to the struggle in maintaining the pose that makes you breathless and also causes chaos in performing the yoga body fitness. It is a must to connect the flowing movements while holding the pose, thereby creating movement with the association of the breath.

The don`ts also include neglecting inner workings as people believe yoga body fitness deals with physical exercise besides yoga breathing. In reality, yoga exercises strengthen and tone the body, but certainly learning the inner workings helps in clearing any sorrow accumulated and this allows to breathe better and to support a good posture.