Friday, December 31, 2010

Weight Loss

1. Stretch your meals to, at least, 20 minutes or longer. Your stomach, mouth and brain are all connected and it takes 20 minutes of chewing before your stomach signals your brain that you are full. To feel full and successfully lose weight on any weight loss program, you need to eat slowly for 20 minutes or longer.

2. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day is important to your health, your normal diet and to help lose weight. Water is necessary for the metabolism of your stored fat. Weight loss cannot occur without an active metabolism which requires large quantities of water. Another way to use water to lose weight is to drink a large glass of ice water just before meals. The cold causes your stomach to shrink slightly which will make you feel full faster.

3. The more positive your self-esteem, the better you feel about yourself, the faster and easier it will be for you to lose weight. When you are self-confident, you are better able to take charge of your life. It also means that after you lose weight, it will stay gone permanently.

4. When you go fat free or low fat, you also cut out much of the taste of the foods you eat. Add the flavor back with herbs and spices. Strong flavors such as vinegar, garlic, chili powder, cayenne, curry powder, rosemary and tarragon can be used to doctor up any food you are eating. For your low fat and fat free diets, experiment with different herbs and spices until you find some you like. Staying on your fat free or low fat diet will be easier and your weight loss will be speeded up.

5. Increase your metabolism by as much as 40% by using hot and spicey foods such as hot peppers of all varieties and mustards. Research shows these foods all increase your metabolism. For double duty, give up fat filled mayonnaise for mustard and add hot peppers to your food for greater flavor and increased metabolism.

6. Negative emotions will also interfere with your weight loss program. It's difficult to stay motivated to lose weight when you feel bad. Overeating often accompanies negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, fear, guilt and anger. If this is true for you, begin a stress management program including some exercise and relaxation exercises.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Improve your muscular fitness

Start training with weights - The only way that you can improve your body fitness levels is by training your muscles with weights. It will make your muscles stronger and will also decrease your chance of injury and diseases.

Warm up - Before you start with the weight training exercises you should warm up your lower body muscles and your body by doing 5 minutes of cardio. You should also before you start with each new exercise, do one set at a very light weight load to prep your muscles.

Stretch properly - Stretching after your weight training workout will help your muscles to lengthen and will also help you to be less stiff the next day.

Choose your favorite cardio activity - You will be doing a lot of cardio to get fit, so you might as well choose cardio that you enjoy.

Warm up before - Before you start all out in an all-out effort, you should take 10 minutes to do very light and gentle cardio.

Do Cardio interval training - The best way to improve your fitness levels is with cardio interval training.

Get more activities in - Try and be as active as you can. For example, take your dog for a walk or take the stairs instead of the lift.

Stretch after exercises - To prevent injuries, stretch after your cardio exercise.

Friday, December 24, 2010


There is very much data out there concerning anti-aging medicine and human growth hormone. Human growth hormone is defined by medical professionals as "a hormone made by the pituitary gland which makes the growth of muscles and bones faster." One way to lose weight quickly is by increasing your human growth hormone.

After the age of thirty, the body begins making less of human growth hormone and we begin to feel the consequences of "aging". The benefits of human growth hormone include better burning of fat, added libido, enhanced cardio output, increased immunity, speedy wound healing, and speedy muscle recovery.

The side effects of injecting human growth hormone are not totally known yet but they are thought to include bigger head size, unnatural bone growth and joint pain. Thus, the use of natural methods is the best way to do add human growth hormone. Below are some of the home exercises to lose weight quickly when your HGH is increased used them.

1. You need to carry out intense sprinting anaerobic workouts. Also find ways to do something that puts your breathe into motion such as swimming, interval cycling, sprinting hills, or cardio boxing. Research shows that intense anaerobic workout can add human growth hormone levels by about 600%.

2. Have enough sleep and do not consume anything for at least three hours before bedtime. The highest level of human growth hormone is discharged during sleep and functions better on an empty stomach. This is time you will get the highest level of fat burning and muscle recovery will occur when you are sleeping.

3. You have to carry out full body muscle workout such as push-ups, pull-ups, and squats. These workout activates the body's neuron-endocrine response which also boosts human growth hormone release.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Building better arms isnot just about working your triceps and biceps. Learn how to work the two "hidden" muscles within the arm for greater results in less time.

No matter how much extra time you spend trying to fill out your sleeves, the minuscule payoff at the end is never worth all the effort. There's a reason for that, although you may not want to hear it: You're exercising the wrong way.

Most guys work only about 60 percent of their arms," says Mike Brungardt, strength and conditioning coach for the San Antonio Spurs and coauthor of The Complete Book of Shoulders and Arms (HarperCollins, 1997). The reason is that the two basic arm exercises most men do, the biceps curl and the triceps press-down, only work three of the five muscles of the arm.
"The common belief is that the upper arms are made of two muscles (biceps and triceps), but they really divide into five," says Brungardt. They are the triceps, (lateral, medial and long heads), the biceps and a broad, flat sinew called the brachialis anticus, which is sandwiched between the bone and the biceps.

Most popular triceps exercises challenge the first two heads but never stimulate the long head around the inside of the arm. Big mistake, because building this portion gives your arms a wider appearance from every angle (unlike the other two, which can only be seen from the back and sides).

Developing the brachialis, meanwhile, has the same miracle effect of a saline implant inside a 34A chest. With nowhere else to go but up, the brachialis pushes against the biceps, which makes them seem larger than they actually are. Unfortunately, most conventional exercises, such as barbell, dumbbell or preacher curls, never challenge this hidden muscle. The only way to stimulate it is by curling with the hands either palms down or palms facing each other arm positions most guys never bother to try.

That's where our four-step plan can help. With Brungardt's assistance, we've devised a fast, comprehensive routine that targets all five muscles in one workout. The end result: bigger arms in less time. Because you use the biceps and triceps whenever you work your upper body, it won't take much to exhaust them, so do only three sets of the following exercises for 10 to 12 repetitions each.

For the front
Wall curl: Stand against a wall, feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a light barbell with an underhand grip by your thighs, hands shoulder-width apart. Press yourself along the wall so that your head, back, triceps and heels touch the surface. (If any of these four come off during the exercise, you're cheating, so concentrate on keeping them flat at all times.) Tuck your elbows in at your sides; then slowly curl the barbell up until your hands are by your shoulders. Flex your biceps (squeezing your muscles when they're contracted helps exhaust additional muscle fibers); then slowly lower the bar back to your thighs.

Alternating hammer curl: Sit on the end of a bench, feet flat on the floor. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms hanging from your sides. Turn your wrists so your palms face each other. Keeping your back straight, slowly curl the weights until your thumbs are by your shoulders. Flex your biceps; then lower the weights. On the next rep, turn your wrists so your palms face behind you. Slowly curl up until your knuckles are by your shoulders; then lower. Continue to alternate hand positions throughout the set.

Friday, December 10, 2010


In the recent years, everyone wants to look good therefore; the consciousness of the male community has increased to develop strong and perfect body. Body building is not a simple task and it requires a lot of efforts and determination. Some of the practical bodybuilding tips are as follows.

The first requirement of bodybuilding is proper diet. Bodybuilding training without essential nutrients is not possible therefore, it is better to download a bodybuilding diet from the internet. The body adapts the routine therefore, go for the routine of bodybuilding training which you can follow for a longer period of time. It is not necessary that bodybuilding is only carried out in gyms. In fact, body also builds itself at rest therefore, after getting the training sleep for at least eight hours. Spending time in gyms will never lead you to build the body.

Do not try to start the bodybuilding training from the heavy weights and keep increasing the weights gradually. If you do not see the result in the few weeks then do not lose the passion and keep following the routine because bodybuilding is not a revolutionary process.

For bodybuilding, try to stimulate the muscle fiber. Compound exercises are considered best for this purpose. Always make each movement of the training and weightlifting by concentrating on your mind because mind can really enhance the effectiveness of the work and muscular movement.In the bodybuilding, you must understand that effectiveness is brought by both the quality of training as well as the quantity of the training.

Therefore, hire a professional trainer who may help you to select the right pace of training. The ideal duration of bodybuilding workout is one hour but you can increase or decrease the time according to your capability. Before starting the training, always do stretching exercises to warm-up the body muscles.

Do not go for over training because it can appear as a bad thing.

Drink a lot of water because it is a miracle supplement. A bodybuilder should drink one 8 oz. glass for every 10-12.5 pounds of body weight per day. Machines are easy to use but also go for the free weights because they can allow you to stimulate your muscles.

Throughout the training balanced intensity is very necessary and always try to make a regular routine of bodybuilding training.

Therefore, by following the tips of bodybuilding you can really build a strong and muscular body.