Wednesday, September 29, 2010


If you're like many, you've found the one activity you love to do. And you do it—over and over again.

That's great, especially when you're just trying to get into the habit. But once you're exercising regularly, adding variety to your routine can take you to the next level.

"When you do just one thing, you're only training the muscles you need for that particular activity," says Janet Alexander, an exercise specialist in Encinitas, CA.

"That can leave you very strong in some areas, but pretty weak in others, leading to muscle imbalances and overuse injuries from performing the same motions day in and day out."

And as you already know, the more muscles you use, the more calories you burn, and the slimmer and fitter you'll feel. "Plus, cross-training keeps you from getting bored!" she adds.

You should always aim for a balance of aerobic activity and strength training to keep your heart fit, your muscles toned, and your bones strong. "Strength training twice a week is essential," says Alexander.

"It's the only thing that keeps your muscles strong enough to do the activities you love. And strength training keeps your metabolism high, so you avoid gaining excess body fat as you get older."Otherwise, try to vary your aerobic workouts so that you're not doing the same activity every day. Below are some ideas to help you spice up your routine.

Quick TipIf your workout's not working, try a new activity to boost calorie burn.

If your primary exercise is:Jogging/RunningTry YogaKeeps muscles and joints strong and flexibleGolf or Tennis

Try Swimming Moves joints through a full rotation and stretches themCycling/Spinning ClassesTry African or Jazz DanceImpact is good for your bones and improves posture

WalkingTry SwimmingStretches you and works your upper bodyAerobics Class (e.g., dance, step, kickboxing)

Try Biking on TrailsLow impact is easier on joints. Adding hills works your upper body and improves balance.

Swimming/Water AerobicsTry Walking Especially on hills Weight-bearing exercise adds impact to build bones and improves lower body strength

Saturday, September 18, 2010


The main reason you feel old age descending on you is not the passing of the years but the fact that you have been neglecting your body. It’s likely that you’ve been so busy living life that you completely forgot to look after yourself. And now, suddenly, you realize old age seems alarmingly close.

Amazingly, it is possible to wind the clock back a few years.

You are not alone. According to work done by Dr. H.A. deVries, past director of the Andrus Gerontology Center at the University of Southern California, at least 40% of people over the age of 50 do little or no exercise and very few do enough to prevent their bodies deteriorating due to lack of use. With women now living on average to 81 and men to around 75 (and catching up), you have a good many years ahead of you. Do you really want to be old before your time?

Only one fifth of woman aged 55 to 65 do the recommended amount of exercise each week to keep their bodies functioning efficiently. Over 65 the numbers drop even more. Why is this? Is it that it just doesn’t seem dignified to be out doing things when your hair turns gray? Unsurprisingly, the figures for men are similar.

Walking, whether a slow evening stroll or a brisk canter through the park is good easy to do exercise that suits most people. It’s hard to think of any health problem, including mental health, that is not improved by exercise.

Exercise – and a change to a diet that includes plenty of fruit, vegetables as well as reduced amounts of fat and sugar. It’ll be hard to stop yourself feeling frisky if you make those two changes to your life.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lose Weight

Losing weight can be very difficult. Not only is it hard to find the time, but many people simply do not like exercising. A combination of diet and exercise must be implemented for true weight loss to occur. It is possible to enjoy working out. The secret is finding something fun to do.

Think back to the activities that were fun during childhood. Team sports such as soccer, track and field, and cheerleading kept many people in shape during school. Consider what it was about those activities that made them fun.

It may not be possible to join a cheerleading squad as an adult. However, there are many dance, aerobic, and gymnastic programs that are intended for adults. While it may not be exactly the same as cheering on the high school team, similar movements and skills are required. Most importantly, attending classes and practicing will help drop the pounds.

Not everyone was on a team sport in school. If exercise has never been an enjoyable activity, it is never too late to try something new. Finding such an activity is possible, and in time one can look forward to the workout and the results.

Low Impact Workout Ideas
If it has been some time since one has exercised, choosing something that is low impact can help. Low impact workouts do not put extra stress on the joints. They also do not send the heart rate skyrocketing. Working out for a longer period of time, but at a less intense level is actually better for the body.

Cycling is a fun, low impact activity. Going on an evening bike ride can be relaxing after a long day. There is no need to ride fast, or to conquer an uphill bike path. Simply riding around the neighborhood can burn calories and raise metabolism. If riding outdoors is not possible, a stationary bike will do just as much good. Many people find working out while watching a favorite television show makes the workout go by faster and with less pain.

A walk through the neighborhood can also be relaxing and healthy. Walking at a fast pace can accomplish the same results as jogging, but without the strain on the joints. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. It can be fun to find a friend or loved one to walk with, this can also be very motivational. Listening to music can also make the walk more interesting and enjoyable.

Water aerobics are another great way to lose weight without stressing joints. The water takes up the pressure one usually feels when fighting gravity. Many specialty water aerobic classes are available, such as dance and kick boxing. There are also weights designed to go into the water, so resistance training can be taken advantage of without the strain on the joints.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Learn How To Build Muscle In 4 Simple Steps

Your goal is to stimulate your muscles with resistance (stress) which results in your muscles growing bigger to avoid the stress from occuring again. Once you go home, let the muscle heal through nutrition and rest, it will grow bigger and you will repeat this process again. Ideally you should hit your muscles once every 72 hours so you could perform 2 upper body workouts per week and 2 lower body workouts per week.

If your goal is to build muscle than you should be eating at least 15-18 x your current body weight. Your carbohydrates should equate about 45% of your intake, your proteins should equate about 35% of your intake and your fat should be the remaining 20% of your intake. You should focus on over half of those meals being solid whole food meals and the remainder can be liquid meal replacment shakes.

One of the biggest mistkakes I see is people training, training and training with out any stretching. Stretching helps restore normal length to the tissue and if you are constantly training, your muscle tissues will shorten and big to perform weaker and slower and have a higher incidence of injuries. So if you are lifting weights 4 hours in the week, at least an additional 2 hours should be dedicated to stretching. You must counteract the shortening of the muscle tissues that occurs with weights or else you are a injury screaming to happen.

Here are the ones you should not go with out: a high quality multi-vitamin, fish oil capsules, powdered creatine and a protein powder. These products will cover your nutritional basis for health, healthy body composition, strength and muscle mass.