Sunday, March 28, 2010

Yoga For Fibroids

Yoga For Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumors in the female reproductive tract whose exact cause is unknown, but it is known that fibroids are fed by hormones and blood. They can be as small as a millet seed or large enough to fill the entire abdominal cavity. Symptoms of fibroids rarely appear before age 30 but may include painful menstruation, excessive bleeding, and abnormal mucous discharge. Tumors that press on the bladder can cause a need to urinate frequently.

Practicing yoga asanas during your menstrual period might put more blood into the uterus and accelerate fibroid growth. In any case, practicing yoga asanas during your menstrual period can cause heavier blood flow into the uterus, dilation of uterine blood vessels, and heavier bleeding.Note: Do not practice yoga asanas during the first three days of your period or at any time in which you are experiencing a heavy blood flow.Twists such as Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja's Twist) and Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana (Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose) can be beneficial, because they allow the abdominal area to be in an open position. As fibroids grow, one's yoga practice should be changed to accommodate them. Women with large, heavy fibroids should approach yoga as if they were pregnant. For them, supported poses like Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose), Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose), and Salamba Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Supported Bridge Pose) can be of great benefit.

Sit in Vajrasana. Slide partly off your heels to the left so that your left buttock is on the floor and your right buttock is on your left foot. Let the top of your left foot rest on the arch of your right foot. Place your left hand on the floor to the side and a little behind your left hip. Place your right and on the outside of your left thigh.

Inhale and lengthen your spine upward. Exhale and twist to the left, keeping the extension of your spine. Repeat the actions with another inhalation and exhalation.

Throughout the pose, keep your shoulders down and relaxed. Keep your eyes, jaw, throat, and neck
relaxed. Breathe comfortably through your nose. Repeat to the right side.

Thursday, March 25, 2010



Knowing your personal muscle fiber make-up can be an invaluable aid when it comes to properly targeting your training program. If you're working your muscles in the wrong way, you'll be cheating yourself out of hard-earned results.

Every muscle in your body is made up of a bundle of small fibers. In each bundle, you have two main types of fibers: slow twitch and fast twitch. I will explain exactly what these are in a moment. The percentages of these different fiber types that your muscles are made of can help you determine exactly how you should train each particular muscle group in your body.
Slow Twitch: These are also known as Type I or red muscle fibers. They are responsible for long-duration, low intensity activity such as walking or any other aerobic activity.

Fast Twitch: These are known as Type 2 or white muscle fibers (divided further into A and B). They are responsible for short-duration, high intensity activity. Type 2B fibers are built for explosive, very short-duration activity such as Olympic lifts. Type 2A fibers are designed for short-to-moderate duration, moderate-to-high intensity work, as is seen in most weight training activities.

By looking at elite athletes in different sports, you can see extreme examples of each make-up of muscle fiber. At the slow twitch end is the endurance athlete, such as the marathon runner. These athletes can have up to 80% or more of slow twitch muscle fibers in their bodies, making them extremely efficient over long distances.

At the fast twitch end is the sprinter. World-class sprinters can have up to 80% or more of fast twitch muscle fibers in their body, making them extremely fast, strong and powerful but with limited endurance.

Saturday, March 20, 2010



Exercises should be a part of everyone"s daily schedule. And yet it is not always possible to set aside the time for a healthy workout everyday. Most of us are either too busy with their professional targets and necessities, or they are too lazy to go for the regular sessions of exercising to stay fit.

And there can be a host of other reasons for not being able to devote that 15 to 20 minutes towards proper exercising to stay fit. But let us look at some of the benefits of exercises and see what a good workout (doesn"t need to be a long one taking you an hour or so) can do for your health.FitnessExercises will definitely let you stay fitter.

In other words, you will find your body to perform more than it can at the moment. And this will cause you no strain. So if you find it a big task to walk uphill today, exercises can make it as easy as driving your car on a smooth road!

Better Body SystemsBecause of exercises, you can hope to see better body systems. Your circulatory system, digestive system, skeletal system, nervous system, and all the other vital body systems become much more efficient. This lets you live a better life with lesser problems and medicines.Weight LossIf you feel that you are somehow adding those extra kilograms to your weight, it is time to think about exercises. And this doesn"t need to be intense workouts either. Simply brisk walking for around 20 minutes, jogging, cycling, aerobics, etc can help you get rid of your fats quite easily! Add a good diet to your exercises, and see even better results with weight loss.

Mental HealthExercising is another way of ensuring that you stay focused on the more vital aspects of your life than the negativity that often builds up within our minds. Even if you are going through a very happy phase in your life, an empty mind (the devil"s place) can result in unhappy thoughts creeping up. Exercises are seen to keep you fresh, active and full of energy. This ensures that you stay more positive, and the active energy lets you strive towards the happier things in life! Exercising can act as a great antidepressant as well!

Fight a Number of AilmentsRegular workouts can let you stay away from a number of ailments and diseases like heart problems, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, cholesterol problems, blood pressure issues, and even digestive and hormonal disorders.Sleep BetterIf you set aside some time for exercises regularly, even if that is 20 minutes, you are more likely to get a better night"s sleep than otherwise.

All these reasons make exercising an important part of our daily lives. Plan on your daily workouts to get the best out of your life.

Monday, March 15, 2010



In order to lose weight, you need to get workout for at least 5-6 days a week at 60-70% of heart rate for 30-45 min. Start slow and work your way up but, if you're in good condition and have no restrictions, challenging yourself with harder workouts is the best way to burn more calories. Introduce interval training in order to burn calories even after you've stopped exercising.
We are always being told to exercise more in order to lose weight, after all the more regular we workout the more calories and fat we burn. So it may seem weird to discuss the importance of gaining plenty of rest between exercise sessions.

When we exercise our muscles breakdown, tiny fragments of
protein within the muscle cells shatter. The more we exercise during a workout the greater the muscle catabolism (degradation); it’s one of the reasons why we actually become weaker as we progress through a particular routine. How quickly muscles degrade also depends on the strength of the individual and the intensity of the exercise. Obviously the stronger and fitter the person the slower the rate of breakdown, also the more effort we put into an exercise the faster the rate of muscle catabolism, it’s the reason why we can all walk a hell of a lot further than we can run!

This may seem obvious, but unless you're tracking your
calories each day, you may be eating more than you think. High-fat, high-sugar foods light up the brain’s dopamine pathway just like cocaine does, making us slaves to overwhelming cravings.

If you're really serious about
losing weight, you need to get serious about you're eating. Start by keeping a detailed food journal for one week, without changing any of your eating habits. Be as specific as possible, measuring when you can, looking up your calorie and nutrient content and adding up your calories for each day. You'll be surprised how those calories can sneak in when you're not keeping track.

Another thing you need to keep in mind is your
metabolism can drop as you get older if you don't preserve your muscle mass. Muscle mass declines about 4% each decade from age 25 to 50. If you're still eating the same number of calories as your metabolism drops, your weight may creep up over time. Start exercising and lifting weights now to keep your metabolism in check.

After any workout routine the muscles need to replace all elements lost, both proteins and energy stores need replacing for muscles to make a full recovery. But if muscles are not given enough time to recover fully before another workout is repeated then the muscles progressively become smaller. What this could mean for weight loss is a gradual decline in lean tissue, thus lowering the metabolism over the course of a few weeks.

In addition to your cardio workouts, you'll need to lift weights for all your muscle groups at least 2 non-consecutive days a week. And, by lifting weights, that means using enough weight that you can only complete the desired number of reps. For example, if you're doing 12 bicep curls, you need to use enough weight that you can only do 12 bicep curls and not one more.

Despite what you hear on the news or read in popular magazines, not all of us need to lose weight. In fact, many of us have unrealistic ideas of what a healthy weight and body shape is. We all have different shapes and, though we can make changes to our bodies, we can only improve on the bodies we have--not turn them into someone else's body.

Is your
BMI in an unhealthy range? Are you within your ideal weight range? If you're at risk, losing weight may be important for staying healthy. But, if you're very close to your goal and can't seem to get rid of those last few pounds, ask yourself if you really need to lose them. Would it be possible to be happy at your current weight?

Thursday, March 11, 2010



Everyone loves swimming if seen in view of sports but had you ever came to know about its benefits in our daily life. Alot of people may not be familiar with its benefits and enjoy swimming only as a sport but swimming is a great exercise for the whole body that provides lifetime health benefits.

Benefits of swimming :-
1. Swimming helps in removing dirt, bacteria and other micro-organisms from your skin pores thus preventing the origin of acne and pimples on your skin.

2. While doing stroke swimming breath is to be held for sometime which proves to be an excellent exercise for lungs as it increases lung capacity further helping in prevention of disease like asthma.

3. Swimming requires much more workout of the body muscles burning about 8 calories per minute of our body resulting in significant body weight loss.

4. Swimming is a great exercise for the whole body as it requires workout of each and every body muscle thus providing great strength to the cardiovascular system of your body.

5. Regular swimming prevents your body from joint pains in later stages of life.Moreover it provides relaxation to your mind and relief from stress.

6. Risk of any heart disease and stoke can be reduced by as it reduces the chorestrol levels and helps in lowering blood pressure of the body.

7. Swimming also helps an athlete to maintain his/her fitness level. When an athlete is injured, He/She is often told to swim because muscles have to work hard due to the resistance of the water without experiencing the pain being experienced on the land.

Instead of only health benefits, many people use swimming for developing other qualities like time management , sportsmanship, teamwork or team spirit, goal-setting etc. One should know that while swimming he/she should not consider the distance or the speed, it’s the time you spend on swimming that matters. So start swimming regularly to gain profit of the lifetime health benefits of swimming.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Lose Weight With Endometriosis

Lose Weight With Endometriosis

Oestrogen Dominance, Endometriosis and losing weight

Endometriosis thrives on high levels of oestrogen. Oestrogen interferes with other hormones that affect your metabolism (such as your thyroid gland) causing constant weight gain. Unfortunately it's not hard to become overloaded with oestrogen as our environment & food chain is loaded with it!

Oestrogen plays a major role in regulating fat deposition and energy metabolism. It causes fat to accumulate, especially around the hips, thighs and abdomen. This central obesity greatly increases the risk of diseases such as insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Oestrogen also causes weight gain by increasing your appetite making weight loss difficult.

Accumulated fat alters the metabolism of oestrogen, resulting in further weight gain - left untreated, it's a spiraling downhill slide to rapid weight gain and why it is so difficult to lose weight! This is why ordinary weight loss programs based on the simplistic notion of eat less and exercise more won't work for you.

Other oestrogen based conditions such as Endometriosis, Fibroids, PCOS and Cysts can also be at play, making weight loss even more difficult.

When you are trying to lose weight with endometriosis, you need to chose a natural weight loss program that addresses oestrogen clearance strategies. This way you will lose weight naturally and keep it off.

Thyroid imbalance and endometriosis makes losing weight difficult
Endometriosis causes excess production of estrogen and progesterone slows leaving estrogen as the dominant hormone.

This according to researchers is a key factor in decreased thyroid function with endometriosis due to its impact on lowering levels of T3 (a thyroid hormone). Lowered thyroid function directly slows your metabolism and leads to weight gain making losing weight with endometriosis seem impossible. Commencing a weight loss program that addresses this influence is crucial to your weight loss success.

Stress, cortisol and weight gain with endometriosis
There is a connection between endometriosis, thyroid and
stress. This is due to the affect of the hormone cortisol.
High cortisol (hypercortisolism) in the bloodstream can affect thyroid function by directly inhibiting the production of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) and also inhibiting the conversion of T4 to T3.

This is made worse with the presence of oestrogen dominance as found in women suffering from endometriosis. This makes natural weight loss a struggle but a tailored weight loss program can help to rebalance thyroid hormones, cortisol and oestrogen making weight loss easier.
Your Genes and Weight Gain with Endometriosis

Research indicates that weight loss is difficult in women with Endometriosis due the set of genes called "thrifty" genes. These genes mean you store calories easier.
Biochemical signaling disorder

In addition to numerous hormones such as insulin, there are dozens of other signaling proteins in your tissues and blood that communicate information to your cells. A number of studies have shown that the complex interplay of signaling proteins in Endometriosis is disrupted causing weight gain.

Leptin makes weight loss difficult with Endometriosis
Ghrelin makes weight loss difficult with Endometriosis
Cholecystokinin (CCK) makes weight loss difficult with Endometriosis
Glandular weakness makes weight loss difficult with Endometriosis
Insulin Imbalance and weight loss with endometriosis
diet and environmental pollution with weight loss
How do I know if I have endometriosis?

Period pain that becomes so debilitating it renders you unable to go about your normal routine, is not ordinary or typical!

Period Pain is your body's way of signaling that something is wrong. If you are suffering from painful periods, you may have endometriosis and should be diagnosed properly.