Saturday, February 27, 2010

To Get Nice Muscle Tone And Build An Attractive Muscular Body

To Get Nice Muscle Tone And Build An Attractive Muscular Body

Most people know that they need to lift weight build muscles. However many just want to have nice muscle tone and an attractive but not too muscular body as they do not want big muscles. So they just lift light weights with high repetitions. Well, it is not going to work. To have nice muscle tone, you will have to build some muscles right? So you will have to lift heavy to force your muscles to grow. Once you are satisfied with the size of your muscles, you will then need to cut your body fats for your muscles to show up well and that means nice muscle tone.

You need to have a solid commitment and knowledge to get nice muscle tone and build an attractive muscular body. Here are some muscle building tips. Before you commence weight training, remember to warm up and as well as doing some stretching exercises.

•Train Muscle With Free Weights
Machines will have its uses, but for a start, concentrate on free weights. That means work almost exclusively with barbells and dumb bells. Free weights recruit many stabilizing muscles for balance and control. That means you will work a lot more muscle parts other than the intended ones. That will give rise to little bumps, striations and definitions all over your body instead of one huge lump of muscle on your intended muscle. Because of the extra stimulant created, your muscles grow faster too. Why else do you think all professional
body builders almost exclusively use free weights?

•Train With Compound Exercises
Incorporate as many compound exercises as possible to your routines. Compound exercises are exercises that involve 2 or more joint movements. Because they utilize more joints, which means greater muscle mass are involved. Greater muscle mass means heavier weights. Heavier weights mean encouragement of greater muscle growth. More muscle growth means more tone to your muscles.
Some excellent compound exercises are the Squat, Deadlift, Chin ups, Dips, Bench press, Barbell Press, Lunges, Bent-Over Barbell Row...etc.

•Train Intensively But Do Not Over train
You must train intensively for your muscle to grow. Try to do more reps or add more weight than the previous session or else your muscles will think (actually muscles don't think, they adapt), "Ah... we've done that. Nothing new, so no need to grow bigger and stronger." That being the case, you will wreck your chances of attaining an attractive muscular body.
Because of this, it is important that every time you train hard, you give your body time to recover as it has suffered strains and actually sustained many small scarring. Contrary to popular belief, your muscles grow when you rest, especially when you sleep and not in the gym. So sleep at least 8 hours a day. Also, do not train everyday or work the same muscle group more than once or twice a week. If your training was vigorous enough, do no more than an hour per session.
Try not to do cardio work on the same day as your weight lifting work. In fact, during the muscle building phase, you should do less cardio work as aerobic exercises burn muscles. You can increase your cardio work at cutting body fat phase, so as to
lose body fat in order for your muscle tone to show up nicely.

•Technique And Form
This is the most neglected fundamental of bodybuilding. Everywhere, everyday, you will see people using wrong forms and techniques. This not only compromises your growth, it will also make you susceptible to injuries... sometimes even permanently putting you out of the gym.
Wrong form occurs usually when people try to lift weights that are too heavy, whether out of vanity or ignorance. As a guide, always lift with strict focus on the muscle you intend to build for that
exercise. Feel it contract and extend. Lift the weights deliberately and slowly. Never ever swing your weights up especially when doing bicep curls or the military press.

•To Build Muscles Fast You Must Perform Lower Body Exercises!
This is what most people don't realize. Your lower body makes up 60-70% of your musculature. If you don't train them, not only will you look spider-legged, your entire body will not grow as quickly and as large. Don't think that you can hide those skinny limbs in pants! Most people do not train their legs because squats, dead lifts and lunges can be very grueling exercises. But it is precisely because of such intensity that you will produce more
growth hormones when you sleep and overall muscular development is stimulated. Your body shape will also be more balanced and therefore more attractive.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


There are many factors to consider when you want to know how long it does it take for you to lose weight and lose body fat. Questions like what and when you are eating, are you exercising correctly and regularly and do you have the genes for quick weight and fat loss need to be addressed.

In this article, we shall discuss whether you have the genetic make up to lose weight and lose body fats quickly. Don't despair if you don't because this is only one of the several factors that determine how long it takes for you to lose weight and ugly fat.

It is certainly helpful to know your body type when you want to reduce weight. By knowing your own body type, you can then plan your nutritional and exercise program to suit your specific body type to encourage weight and fat loss.

We shall discuss the 3 common body types and their characteristics here.

• Endomorph: You have natural big body frame and usually have a round face, wide hips, big bones and slow metabolism. You are the type that gain weight and body fat easily. You will need much more greater effort than others to lose weight and body fat from your huge frame.
You will take a longer time and need extra effort to reduce weight. Although it can be done, it is a constant battle for you because you are fighting what nature has given you.

• Mesomorph: You are blessed with a naturally muscular body and have wide shoulders, small waist, athletic body frame structure, average to low body fat with a somewhat high metabolism.
You are the type that will not take a long time to see your body fat melt away even when you are overweight. When you train, eat and rest correctly you will visibly see your body fats melt away week after week right before your eyes.

• Ectomorph: You are the skinny type with small muscles, very very high metabolism, narrow shoulders, hips and waist. You are the type that must gain weight instead of reducing weight. However, your type is also known to slowly gain weight when you age because your metabolism starts to slow down and thus burning less calories.

Most people fall in between the three types. For example, a person can be a mixture of Mesomorph and Endomorph or Mesomorph and Ectomorphs.

Now that you have identified your body type, you can then write down your goals, objectives and the methodology you wish to lose weight and body fats.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Weight Training Fat Loss

Weight Training Fat Loss

You will not get toned muscles only by lifting weights! Weight training fat loss is the thing which comes only after the time till you are eating lots of calories (and generally excess of calories).

And even then the average women (for example) are not predisposed to have physically large toned muscles. Today in this generation many body-builders are using much type of steroids, supplements, and pills. And many female bodybuilders take large units of male hormone. It is not true that you will get nice body from a typical steroids and pills you have to go for proper weight training and fat loss program.

Change your dietWhen you decide to take weight loss training you choose to lose weight, many people only change their diet. Maybe some will know that with diet they should also go with good aerobic exercise. But too many people don't know is that weight training also useful to fat loss. Muscle tissue burns fat, and the process of increasing muscle, large the rate at which the body can metabolize energy, and finally burn fat. It is 100% true that just lifting a few weights by themselves will not give fat loss - but the combination of the right diet, exercise and weight training will give you the fantastic chance of getting your weight loss target .by proper weight training and fat loss programSimple exercises will do!

Weight lifting and fat loss does not mean you have to go and join a gym! You need to understand what is nice and works for you. Weight lifting and fat loss can be done just by buying a few barbells and dumbbells and a bench. So simple it is no huge expenses of gym. There are, of course, gym machines there which will let you to perform another range of exercises.You should aim to do your weight training and fat loss program 2-3 times per week. More than this is not suggested for beginners.

There are a many types of books in market describing various weight routines - including tom venuto's excellent e-book burn the fat. His program is all about diet and exercise for fat loss.Tv- gives you lot of informationI'm sure each and everyone have seen that adds shown on tv exciting infomercials selling the latest abs machine. With a single machine, it shown that we can turn into a muscle-bound hunk (if you're a man), or have a wonderfully sculpted and tanned body (if you're a women). It feels like wonderful your dream come true. Well it is. Abdominal exercisesBut doing abdominal exercises will strengthen your stomach muscles, and can even build some small muscles. But if it is covered with fat, who will see that fabulous six-pack? So weight training fat loss program is necessary.

Abdominal machines cannot strengthen your thighs, give you big biceps, or burn all your excess tummy fat. However, increased lean muscle mass - leading to a fat-burning metabolism, healthy eating, aerobic exercise, and a variety of weight training fat loss - will help you lose.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


All around us we see different protein supplement advertisements. I feel so bad to see huge amounts of false conceptions about the protein supplementation. If you've been trying to get in shape and build muscles for a while, you surely realized that all protein sources are not the same in terms of enhancing muscle mass growth..The point I'm making here is simple. If you are after the best possible results, you will be pleased to learn than no other protein supplement is shown in research to provide more benefits to athletes than whey isolate. The latest research on whey reveals why whey isolate provides incredible edge for optimizing results from training. Best results are coming from using best muscle building materials.

Recent research showed that formulation of whey isolate protein is tailor-made to speed the muscle growth process during training but in same time to promote healthy immune function during this period of metabolic stress. High levels of amino acids stimulate massive increases in muscle protein synthesis rates as results of intense resistance training. Increasing muscle protein synthesis rates is the key to greater strength and bigger muscles. However, the dose and composition of the amino acids determine the degree of muscle growth stimulation.And here comes something what you will be pleased to learn. Hydrolyzed whey isolates possess the absorption kinetics and the amino acid profile that is considered by scientists to be best for muscle growth stimulation. 8 amino acids are effective for stimulating muscle growth.

However, the branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) are considered the most powerful. Particularly, leucine is now understood to be of tremendous importance for increasing lean muscle mass. Leucine plays a key role in igniting the pathways that accelerate protein synthesis and muscle growth. A rich supply of leucine to muscle after training provides greater stimulation of protein synthesis, thus promoting faster recovery and speeding the actual muscle growth process.Digestion and absorption of a protein are critical to producing high levels of amino acids in the blood to stimulate the muscle growth process. Hydrolyzed, short chain (oligopeptides) whey isolates are shown to be absorbed faster and in greater amounts compared to other proteins. I hope you know that dieting and intense exercise cause an undesirable competition between muscle and the immune system for a limited amount of glutathione. Low glutathione levels correlate with poor exercise performance.

Supplementation with hydrolyzed whey isolate provides a rich source of cysteine that boosts glutathione concentrations and helps you obtain better results from exercise. So whatever protein supplement you are using I think the best would be if you check on this few points. If you start using any whey isolate protein and you apply proven muscle building nutrition and system, you will advance very, very fast. I have my own experience but also so many testimonials of other people reconfirming this.

What about the fat loss? This is generally unknown but may be of great use too. A high protein intake is most important for effective fat loss results. While protein is the most satiating macronutrient, recent research shows that whey may be the most effective form of protein to consume during periods of calorie restriction. Supplementation with whey provides a powerful appetite-suppressive effect. Clinical trials reveal that people who consume whey before a meal are more satisfied from consuming less food. For people that are restricting their calorie intake to lose body fat, whey isolate supplementation curbs the appetite and satisfies hunger while consuming fewer calories. Supplementation with whey isolate will help control appetite and make dieting much easier.

It is clear from research that no other protein supplement is shown to provide more benefits to athletes than whey isolate. In bodybuilders, whey isolate is shown in research to build slabs of healthy, strong, lean muscle.